Sleep Paralysis

Episode 4 May 18, 2023 00:46:08
Sleep Paralysis
Lunatic Soup
Sleep Paralysis

May 18 2023 | 00:46:08


Show Notes

Imagine waking up in the middle of the night unable to move or speak, the feeling of being held down by something, often the feeling of being choked or having extreme pressure on your chest. You lay there being fully conscious trying to scream or move, but you can’t. You see shadows, possibly a figure lurking over you and then all of a sudden you breathe and you’re back to normal.That is called sleep paralysis. This episode dives into exactly what this is, what the medical field thinks, and whether we think it is something darker.

 Kass Huff Medium-


WEB MD-,or%20a%20sense%20of%20choking.

Sylvia Browne- Phenomenon 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hey, Meg. Speaker 1 00:00:01 Hey, Rayna. Speaker 0 00:00:03 How do you put a baby alien to sleep? Speaker 1 00:00:07 I have no idea. Speaker 0 00:00:08 You rock it. Speaker 1 00:00:09 <laugh>. Okay. That was a good one. Oh, so good. That was a good one. Okay. That was a good Speaker 0 00:00:17 One. Um, how are you doing? I'm good. Speaker 1 00:00:18 How are you? Speaker 0 00:00:19 Oh, you know, alive? Yes. Alert, awake, enthusiastic. I think it, Speaker 1 00:00:23 It's been a week. Speaker 0 00:00:24 It's been a week. I tell you what, Speaker 1 00:00:26 I'm uh, I think I'm ready for summer break. Speaker 0 00:00:29 Um, I think so too, but except for, no, I'm not. Cause then my kids are home all the time and I'm not ready for that. See? Speaker 1 00:00:33 But then I don't have to work, so. Speaker 0 00:00:35 Hmm. See, I still have to work and, but I am sending two of my kids away for a whole month, month's summer camp, so, you know, that'll be nice. Ooh. Speaker 1 00:00:40 We're gonna record and record and record. Speaker 0 00:00:43 No, but I still have a tiny human who just won't leave me alone. Oh, that's third. So it's not like we actually get that third. Yes, there is a third one. This's the third one. And she's the craziest. So, you know, I Speaker 1 00:00:52 Forgot, Speaker 0 00:00:52 What are you typing? Speaker 1 00:00:54 What am I typing? Yeah, I'm looking up, uh, what order we need to do things in. Oh, Speaker 0 00:00:58 Perfect. Because we don't know what we're doing yet. Speaker 1 00:01:01 What are we talking about today, Rena? Speaker 0 00:01:03 Um, we are talking about sleep paralysis. So imagine waking up in the middle of the night, unable to move or speak, the feeling of being held down and something is even sitting on your chest. I don't like it. Or possibly being choked. You're wide awake, you're looking around the room. You can see lights, you can see shadows. You're fully conscious, but you cannot move. You cannot scream. You can't do anything. And then all of a sudden you're back to normal. That is called sleep paralysis. No, thank you. And it is something that many people experience and do not know why. And there are theories on whether it is, obviously medical has a theory, but also the spiritual world has a theory. And that's what we're gonna dive into today. Speaker 1 00:01:45 I'm actually kind of excited about this. Yeah, yeah. Well, I'm your host, Meg, Speaker 0 00:01:50 And I am Rena. And Speaker 1 00:01:51 Welcome to Luna. Take soup. You Speaker 0 00:01:52 Ready to brew up some soup? Speaker 1 00:01:54 I am. Let's Speaker 0 00:01:54 Go. Let's go. All right. So we're gonna switch things up this week. I am going to be the, um, main, like the storyteller, I guess. The Speaker 1 00:02:42 Storyteller. I like that. Speaker 0 00:02:43 The storyteller. So we are occasionally going to switch it up like this. Meg is definitely the one with the whole writing background and she researches stuff and whatever. And I, this is not my forte, but I do like the social media and the editing and the behind the scenes stuff. We work Speaker 1 00:02:56 Well together because we really divvied this up. Yeah. Like we seriously divvied this up. Speaker 0 00:03:00 Yeah. But we decided that it'd be fun for me to like, every couple episodes do one that I do es especially because like our interests are slightly different. Like you really love, like the cryptids and the creepy, the creepy and all that. Where I'm more like into like, we both like the hauntings and the ghosts. You like more historical stuff while I like, you know, witchy stuff and like more modern day spiritualist kind of thing. I guess Speaker 1 00:03:23 We are your all around podcast. We fit all your needs, Speaker 0 00:03:27 All of the needs, all of the hot mess express. So, um, without further ado, here is sleep paralysis. So what about Speaker 1 00:03:34 Our cider? Oh Speaker 0 00:03:35 Shit. Taki mushrooms. That's what I, yep. Uh, today we were drinking the tart cherry by incline. Speaker 1 00:03:41 I think it's like an 8.1 or something. 8.1 A B Speaker 0 00:03:46 V. And it is delightful. Speaker 1 00:03:48 It is one of my absolute favorites. It Speaker 0 00:03:50 Is tart and yummy. Perfect. Speaker 1 00:03:52 With a lime and sour Speaker 0 00:03:53 Slut as we Speaker 1 00:03:53 Always do. Speaker 0 00:03:54 Yes. As we do. So, uh, we're enjoying this and neither of us have had any wine before this. Nope. We also have our friend Carrie, who's listening in today. Hi Carrie. She's sitting here in the room with us, taking pictures of us. Hey. Say Speaker 1 00:04:05 Hi. Hi. <laugh>. So funny story. Not really funny. Yes. But it is. But interesting. Like, that's how we all met. Yes. Because Raina's daughter and my daughter were put in Carrie's kindergarten class. Speaker 0 00:04:18 Yes. And she is one of the girls from last week. And our other friend Jess that we were talking about, that we all went away to the hotel when the lady tried to Speaker 1 00:04:25 Yes, yes. Harm herself. Speaker 0 00:04:26 Yes, yes. Yeah. Um, but so we all met because of this lovely teacher over here who had our children in kindergarten and, and Speaker 1 00:04:34 Then she had your second. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:04:35 She had my second and Speaker 1 00:04:36 She had my third. Yep. And then she did, did us dirty and went to a different school. Speaker 0 00:04:41 So rude. She ditched out on my last kid. Speaker 1 00:04:43 Mine too. Rude. God damn it. But Speaker 0 00:04:46 Instead I kind Yeah. Instead we all became friends because we were, I we weren't, I wasn't like close friends with her when my kids were in her class. Speaker 1 00:04:52 And I wasn't until kind of the end of Covid. Yeah. Because my daughter went into kindergarten during Covid. And best experience we could have had because of Carrie over here. I'm not gonna say Speaker 0 00:05:02 Your last name. Hey. I started with her in Covid. Okay. I started halfway. Oh, Speaker 1 00:05:06 And then, yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:05:07 Then you finished. Speaker 1 00:05:08 Yep. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> because Speaker 0 00:05:09 They're at great. I appreciate the liquor supply. Yes. And we, we, both of us made Speaker 1 00:05:13 To our Speaker 0 00:05:13 Teachers. She had plenty of liquor. I would, I brought whiskey to her house once or Scotch. Scotch. Scotch to Speaker 1 00:05:17 Her drink. I did something. I don't remember what. Speaker 0 00:05:19 Oh. I also gave her a bottle of champagne during the, um, what was it? It was a parade of the teachers throughout the neighborhoods. And I ran up to a car and gave her a bottle of champagne from Om. Speaker 1 00:05:29 Okay. But this was really cute. Threw a bottle in Speaker 0 00:05:31 The window. Yeah. Threw, threw the window. I like threw a ye in a bottle of champagne through the window to my kid's kindergarten teacher, you guys. Speaker 1 00:05:37 So this was really cool. We just have to tell this real quick and then we'll get onto it. But during Covid, you know, everything was locked down and our teachers did an amazing job doing remote learning. And what our school decided to do was to have a parade of teachers through all the neighborhoods where the kids went to school. And so we got to stand outside on the road and the teachers came by in their cars and they had banners and they, it was so, it was special. It was Speaker 0 00:05:59 Special. Especially cuz I think we all know the kids like struggled the most in that where, you know, their life just got flipped upside down. Yes. They didn't have school and things, so it was, yeah. It was special. Speaker 1 00:06:08 They, they, they did. Good. Good job Carrie. Thank you. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:06:11 Yeah. You made me Speaker 1 00:06:12 Feel so good. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:06:14 Well you're amazing. Yes. On with the show back to sleep paralysis. So sleep paralysis, essentially where you wake up, you are fully conscious and a lot of the symptoms are the same for people. They are unable to speak to move, but they are fully alert. So your brain is fully turned on. You know that you're awake but you're unable to do anything a lot of times with it. There is also people sense a negative presence. Um, this is what, uh, medical people say as well. This is associated with it. Whether you're looking at it from like a medical side or a spirituality side side. So this Speaker 1 00:06:50 Is a proven point of it. This is Speaker 0 00:06:51 A proven point of it that, and there's three different kinds of, um, sleep paralysis. There is intruder hallucinations where someone believes that there's a dangerous present in the room. Okay. Presence in the room with them. There is, I'm gonna mess up the name of this guys, but it's vestibular, vestibular motor hallucinations where it's the feeling of being outside of your body and looking down on yourself. Speaker 1 00:07:14 Okay. So like an outer body experience. Speaker 0 00:07:15 It's kind of out of body experience. Okay. Speaker 1 00:07:17 We've heard of that a lot. Speaker 0 00:07:19 Yes. And then the chest pressure hallucinations, which is the feeling of suffocation, but from what I understand, the chest pressure hallucination and the intruder halluc hallucination will sometimes happen at the same time. So Speaker 1 00:07:31 We talked about this a little last week when I shared my experience, right? Yes. So what do you think that that could have Speaker 0 00:07:37 Been? I do, I honestly, cuz I was re-listening to that cause I was editing that episode today and I do think that you were having sleep paralysis and that's like possibly there is something else going on. But I, that doesn't mean that something else supernatural was not there with you and something else. But I do believe that you were probably having sleep paralysis. But you're saying you're screaming, but usually you, there is no, you're unable to scream. You tried, Speaker 1 00:08:00 But I woke up the house. Yeah. So it, so a little backstory. I was asleep, something came onto my chest was choking me. I screamed, my husband calmed me down saying You're just having a dream. The next morning though, I woke up and the blinds next to the bed were broken, but I hadn't thrown a pillow or Speaker 0 00:08:14 Anything. Yeah. And so that is like a standard if people who experience sleep paralysis say they experience someone sitting on their chest. So that is like probably one of the number one things. So, um, this subject is, I would not say near and dear to my heart, but I've experienced it most of my life on and off. Speaker 1 00:08:31 That sounds absolutely terrifying. It is. Speaker 0 00:08:34 So, uh, my first experience with sleep paralysis was when I was about 14 years old. And so when I experienced it, I felt, you know, woke up, was wide awake. And I felt the, the feeling of, I don't know that I necessarily felt that someone was choking me, but I felt the presence of someone in the room and pressure on my chest. And then I also remember hearing noises that to me sounded like chains. And so Ooh, Speaker 1 00:09:00 Like, like, Speaker 0 00:09:00 Like, like someone was literally chaining me to my bed is what I remember feeling like, like Speaker 1 00:09:06 A Christmas carol when Yes. Yeah, exactly like that chain. Yes. Speaker 0 00:09:09 And then next to my bed was this little terrifying looking old lady. And so obviously at like 14, 15 years old, it scared the ever loving shit outta me. I think I know Speaker 1 00:09:20 Who Speaker 0 00:09:20 This is. We do know who this is. And um, it was one of the scariest experiences of my life. And luckily my mom was super supportive in this whole thing and got me a book by one of my favorite psychic mediums of all time. Her name is Sylvia Brown. Have you heard of her? Speaker 1 00:09:36 So one of my very best friends, Emily mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I believe she saw her daughter Emily, if I'm getting this wrong, I am so sorry. But she saw a psychic last year. It was either Is Sylvia Brown dead? Yeah, she, Speaker 0 00:09:50 I think she passed Speaker 1 00:09:51 Away recently. I think it was maybe her dog. Speaker 0 00:09:54 Interesting. I'd be, Speaker 1 00:09:55 Yes. Speaker 0 00:09:56 Well she just was one of those mediums who just, she put out a ton of books and when I started going, I know she's, yeah. I started seeing things at a young age and my mom, instead of like making me think I was crazy fully and she goes, she's always believed in this kind of stuff, fully like embraced it and got me all these books by Sylvia Brown. And in one of the books it talks about what we are calling sleep paralysis. Speaker 1 00:10:16 Interesting. Speaker 0 00:10:17 But it's called, or she calls it in her book phenomenon, um, astral catay. So you're essentially doing Astra travel into another dimension. So when you go to sleep, like to a human, your body goes to sleep. Your soul, your spirit, whatever is inside of you doesn't sleep and travel and it travels to another dimension. And then while your soul is in this other dimension, your body is obviously asleep. And so they say sleep paralysis happens when your soul doesn't make it back in time and your body wakes up. Speaker 1 00:10:48 Okay. I have experienced something like that twice. Not in a scary way. No, not in a weird way. Yeah. There's one time I went and there was somebody there that I knew very, very well and it was like I was at this lakeside and there was a hammock and we sat there and it was the most peace I think I've ever felt in my entire life. Yeah. And then the second I thought that was just a dream. Yeah. But then it happened again when my dog died, like after my dog died. Oh. Burrito. Burrito. Who I had burrito for 15 years. I literally got him when I was 18 and he died last year. And I was in the same place on the bank of the water and here comes burrito trotting up to me. And it felt real, it felt just as I'm sitting here talking to you. Yeah. That's what it felt. So after that experience, I'm like, ooh, maybe this is a real place. Speaker 0 00:11:37 Yeah. And I think it is. And so this is something that in the medical world, what they say is happening. First of all, doctors are still, they don't fully understand it. Right. Which to me, they don't understand Speaker 1 00:11:50 A lot of things. Well and to me Speaker 0 00:11:51 Real, it just screams that this is something that, that is happening like the spiritual side of this. This is like, cuz they can't understand, they can't medically say what's going on. So it makes more sense that you, this is actually what like Sylvia Brown is saying, where you are asked for traveling. Um, I like it. I'm gonna go with Speaker 1 00:12:05 It. Can I go somewhere I really want to go? Can I choose where I want to go? Speaker 0 00:12:08 That's a great question. Who's not? I'm, I'm not, that's not for me. I don't know. Speaker 1 00:12:14 Where do I wanna go? Where if you could go anywhere, where would you wanna go? Speaker 0 00:12:18 But, well, I don't know. I just go to where your soul is like back with all the, your soul family, like the people who you were, this is, this'll bring on a whole nother conversation about reincarnation and all things. I Speaker 1 00:12:29 Could go anywhere. I'd wanna go like, like somewhere in history. Some famous Speaker 0 00:12:34 Point in this history. No, but so what? The thing is I don't, well and I don't know this for a fact, but I think what it's saying is that you're not going to, like, your soul is not going to like another place on earth. You're going to Speaker 1 00:12:44 Somewhere else. Speaker 0 00:12:44 Yes. Yeah. From what I understand. But I also don't know that for sure that it's above my pay grade. Okay. I don't really know. Speaker 1 00:12:51 Why don't you know? Speaker 0 00:12:52 Because I don't. Cause I'm just, you know, don't know. I'll let you know the next time I do it cuz I haven't, I've done it. I've had sleep paralysis probably like 10 times in my life. Most recently last year when I was going through my spiritual awakening. That sounds terrifying though. Which they do say like, I went to see a medium, say medium that you saw cast puff. Speaker 1 00:13:07 This is a different Speaker 0 00:13:08 Story. Yep. And Cass told me she used like, you've experienced a lot of sleep paralysis. I was like, yes. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And she said that's because when you're going through spiritual awakening, a lot of times that happens. She, and then she was also like, this happened to you when you're 14 and you saw a lady called the old hag. And I was like, Ooh. I did see a lady called the old hag. And then she Speaker 1 00:13:26 Interesting. Speaker 0 00:13:26 And then she says to me, it's funny cuz I've had, I had someone come in in 2017 who also had been seeing the old hag and I haven't seen it up until now. I see you. And I was like, that's weird because my friend Meg, who referred me to you, saw her, that's me in 2017. And she told her that she was seeing the old hag. Speaker 1 00:13:45 So I went and I remember it was 2017 because I literally went on my husband's 30th birthday. My mother-in-law was in town for his birthday. And we went to a psychic fair and we sat down with Cass because she was the person that my mother-in-law had researched. And we went and saw her. And she's a wonderful lady. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, really incredible abilities. Speaker 0 00:14:09 She, we will put her in show notes or something because I've seen, I I actually know a bunch of people who have seen her. I, a bunch of people I went to high school with had seen her. And then you had referred me to her and then my therapist actually also had seen her and referred me to her. Me not realizing it was all the same medium that everyone was referring me to. Speaker 1 00:14:27 Carrie, wasn't that your therapist? <laugh>? Speaker 0 00:14:30 Yes. Carrie and I share, yes, we share the same therapist. <laugh>. Well I am no longer in the therapy anymore, but, um, it was Speaker 1 00:14:36 All connected Speaker 0 00:14:37 And she's amazing. She also is going to come on and do, um, an episode with us about your Speaker 1 00:14:41 Therapist. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:14:42 About um, therapy and tarot because she, which Speaker 1 00:14:44 I'm really excited Speaker 0 00:14:44 For. Yeah. And she's some, she's really cool and has some fun ideas. Yeah. Um, Speaker 1 00:14:48 So anyway, back Yeah. Back in 2017 I went Yes. And she told me about wait, she, she stopped and she goes, oh, you saw the old tag when you were really little. And I just, I started crying cause I'm, I remember this experience very vividly. An old woman next to my bed scared the shit out of me. And Cas said, she apologizes for scaring you. She didn't mean to scare you. She wanted you to know that you have the abilities and you don't need to be scared. Speaker 0 00:15:17 Yes. So the old hag herself is someone who actually commonly comes up and sleep paralysis stories. So, and a lot of times people describe her as like sitting on their chest. Um, and she, Speaker 1 00:15:27 She was next to my bed. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:15:29 And for me too. She was next to my bed. She wasn't like on top of me. Um, but she's terrifying. And it's terrifying. So in my research in this it, there is, there's different theories on like whether she is someone who's bringing good or bad. Right. And I think it depends on who you're talking to, what perspective they're coming from. But when I had cast tell me about her, it was all from a positive light. And then, so when I researched it and I researched like old hag with spiritual awakening or essentially is when you're coming into your abilities as like a medium or which is like what both of us mm-hmm. <affirmative> have the abilities in clear voy, clear cognizant, something like that. Um, she's basically helping to guide you mm-hmm. <affirmative>, she's there when you're, she's trying to like help you through it. And she presents as terrifying, which is, Speaker 1 00:16:12 And I think she presents as terrifying. So that if you can get used to her, you won't get scared of the other things that are out there. Right. That's what I took Speaker 0 00:16:20 From her. I mean that's, I I never thought of it that way, but that's a great perspective cuz she is, it was one of the scariest things in my life. I didn't sleep for a while after that. Speaker 1 00:16:27 My daughter has seen them. She has. Yeah. My, my oldest, um, has seen the old ha she was, this was just a couple months ago, she said she was dreaming and she was in a car and all of a sudden this really old, really horrifying, scary woman popped up in front of the car. Speaker 0 00:16:43 Interesting. Speaker 1 00:16:44 And I told her, you know, did she look like this? And she said, yeah. I said, well that means that you have abilities just like I do. Yeah. I've seen the old hag when I was probably close to your age. Rena has seen the old ha mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But she was close to your age. So it's, she's nothing to be afraid of. If you can, if you can get used to her, you can handle what's coming. Speaker 0 00:17:03 No, definitely. And it's like she is just commonly associated with sleep paralysis. And so I do think that a lot of people who experience sleep paralysis are going through some kind of spiritual awakening that they don't mm-hmm. <affirmative> know and understand mm-hmm. <affirmative> and not everyone ends up with having abilities of like being a medium or like No. Or even things that they're conscious of their abilities, but most people have abilities. They just don't know how to tap into them. Speaker 1 00:17:24 I, I think the majority of people do have abilities. I Speaker 0 00:17:26 Think everyone does it just Speaker 1 00:17:26 Whether you Speaker 0 00:17:28 Figure out how to or want to or Yes. Speaker 1 00:17:30 Yeah. Because I was one of those people that was, you know, I had to really shut it down. Yeah. And that's for another day. But yeah. Speaker 0 00:17:36 And I did too. It scared me so badly and that was, Cass told me that she's like, you know, you shut it down because when you were younger cuz it scared you. And I was like, that is accurate. Cuz I, all the way through college, like I would've things that I would acknowledge, but I also was like, you know, people start to think you're crazy when you tell them they do about, they literally think you're insane. And it was like I was in a sorority. I wasn't gonna go around being like, I see ghosts and I talk to dead people Speaker 1 00:17:57 And I was in a, I was brought up in a very religious household mm-hmm. <affirmative> and with a very religious community. I couldn't because I was literally told it was the devil. Speaker 0 00:18:04 Yeah. And so I actually was raised in a religious, not my parents, but my grandma. I would go to church with her and my whole dad's side of the family. And you know, I think the biggest fear of us discussing this kind of thing mm-hmm. <affirmative>, is any of them hearing this and thinking that like, I've have something with the devil even though I don't. Right. Speaker 1 00:18:21 And believe that's true. That's not to say that all religion is counter No, Speaker 0 00:18:25 Not at all. But just the ones that I grew up in. Correct. Is and you. And it's, you know what, it's and you Carrie and Carrie, yeah. <laugh>. She was just telling us downstairs that back. Do you care if I tell the story because it was so funny back in the day, um, I got these drinks from my kids called clearly Canadian. So if anybody remembers those, there's these delightful like bubbly like sparkling waters that are so good. And there was another one that was a different brand, but it was still a sparkling water. And because it looked like it was alcohol, her church says she couldn't drink it. So this rebel over here, Speaker 1 00:18:53 This looks like a duck. Yeah. Oh that's like a duck. It's a, it's a Speaker 0 00:18:56 Crackling. A duck. It's a duck. So this rebel over here was telling us she'd sit in a church parking lot drinking the sparkling water that looked like crazy. So rebellious <laugh>. But it was though That is rebellious Speaker 1 00:19:09 Was that was what it was. Yeah. For sure. Speaker 0 00:19:11 That's insane. Anyways, okay, so before we fully get into the other things, I just wanna say what the medical world says that this is because Okay. Obviously if you are not a person who believes in the spiritual side of things, you might be like, these bitches are crazy. Speaker 1 00:19:25 And I think with anything we have to go, I mean we are, but with anything we have to, like when you go into a haunted house, you have to say, okay, what is a logical explanation for this? Right? Is the wiring off? Is there carbon monoxide? You have to rule that out first. Speaker 0 00:19:38 Anytime something weird happens in our houses, we look at that too. Yes. Like try and figure out, okay, what could this be something or is it something else? Anyways, so according to Web MD and a few other sources that I looked at, essentially what doctors say, it's just when you are coming in and out of your REM cycles. So your rapid eye movement cycles is when this happens and it happens to people with sleep apnea and narcolepsy. Speaker 1 00:20:02 Interesting. Speaker 0 00:20:03 To me that doesn't add up because the amount of people who experience this don't Speaker 1 00:20:07 Have sleep ap and Speaker 0 00:20:08 Especially such a young, I didn't have sleep apnea at fif 14 years old. Yeah. So, and I don't have narcolepsy. Um, are you sure? Uh, no, but my husband's uh, aunt does <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:20:19 Oh. Should we be laughing about that? Speaker 0 00:20:21 Oh, it's just Aunt Susan. My, his little brother always triggers her and she like just Speaker 1 00:20:27 No, no. Speaker 0 00:20:28 Except the shitty thing is I've never seen it. I always just hear the stories like I'll be in the other room and it'll happen. I'll miss it. I mean the family kind of jokes about it. Aunt Susan, if you hear this, I'm not laughing at you. We love Speaker 1 00:20:38 You Aunt Susan. We're I have an Aunt Susan, we love you. But it is kind of colorful anyways. Speaker 0 00:20:43 Yes. Anyways, Speaker 1 00:20:44 <laugh> Speaker 0 00:20:44 Back to back to the show. So that is what the medical world kind of says, but it does say in a lot of things that they do not fully understand it. Um, and so, and especially the things that come along with it because of a it, there's a lot of consistency with what comes along with it to and that is the part that, you know, is what it is. And so with that, I will bring up the beings that people see. So we've already said the old hag. Speaker 1 00:21:11 Ooh, I know some of the Speaker 0 00:21:12 Beings and that's what I'm hoping that you have some input on this. So, um, the old hag gremlins. Speaker 1 00:21:19 Oh, Speaker 0 00:21:20 Lots of hands. Which quickly side note before I I get into the other one. Um, they say that Freddie Krueger was actually based off of someone's sleep paralysis. Speaker 1 00:21:28 I could totally see that Speaker 0 00:21:29 Because the hands that go around the door and they're saying that, so sometimes people see like multiple hands on a door or something like that, which is wild. I wonder and Speaker 1 00:21:36 Terrifying these things all signify something. Do you think they signify something that's happening in life? They could. Speaker 0 00:21:42 Uh, cuz that's another thing where interesting, it's, you never know. But then the last one, which is, I know we talked, um, in the last episode about shadow figures, like how I see shadow figures a lot. Yeah. Um, but a very common shadow figure that is seen when this happens is called the Hat Man. The Speaker 1 00:21:57 Hat man. That's what I was thinking. Yes. That's what I was thinking. So the Hat man is like a demonn entity Speaker 0 00:22:04 Supposedly Speaker 1 00:22:05 From my understanding. And there's lots and lots and lots and lots of reports of people with sleep paralysis who see a shadowy entity dressed in an old top hat or like a fedora type hat. Yes. And he acts like a ghost almost always seen in like a doorway of some sort. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And he doesn't seem to have a reaction to people. No. And some people see eyes, some people don't. Some people just see the shadow figure. But he always has a Speaker 0 00:22:33 Hat and he's always like, or not always, but he's also seen in the background of photos from people like near death and stuff like that. So he is something that is around, I also, you guys, TikTok is basically news for me. Okay. It's where I learn a lot of my information. Um, and I actually went down the rabbit hole of the Hat Man. And a lot of them were saying that, uh, Benadryl induces people seeing the hat. Man, Speaker 1 00:22:52 I heard Speaker 0 00:22:52 That Yeahinteresting, which is wild. So taking Benadryl. So I'm no longer taking Benadryl to sleep ever. It also supposedly, um, induces Alzheimer's and dementia Benadryl. Yeah. To like, if you take it to sleep. Speaker 1 00:23:02 Oh, I didn't know that. Speaker 0 00:23:03 Yeah. It's supposed to like Oopsy days mess with your brain. Yeah. So don't do that. That's why, that's why I take my edibles, you know, it's just, it's from planet Earth. We Speaker 1 00:23:12 Should put, um, we should put pictures of the Speaker 0 00:23:14 Hat man. We will. We'll put pictures of the hat man. And I have a few like sleep paralysis pictures. I actually have a TikTok. I gotta see what the relevance of it is now because I saved it to show Meg. Um, because I was like, damn, that's scary. Um, Speaker 1 00:23:27 But something that's interesting about the hat man is he has, he has like subs substance, like people have touched him or have been touched Speaker 0 00:23:34 By him. There's, if you research hat man, there is, he is not just associated with sleep paraic. He could do Speaker 1 00:23:38 A whole episode probably on Speaker 0 00:23:39 Him, just on Speaker 1 00:23:40 The hat Speaker 0 00:23:40 Man. Yeah. But yeah, he, and he seems terrifying. He's, Speaker 1 00:23:44 But then I've heard people where he's not terrified. Like there's a podcast that I listen to where the, the host had an experience with the Hat man and he just kind of was wandering around the house and it wasn't scary or anything like that. But I think for the majority it is a scary situation. Speaker 0 00:23:58 Well and I think it's also what would be the same with the old hag where it's terrifying because you're asleep and in the sleep paralysis state, like that is the most terrifying thing because you cannot move or scream, but you're conscious. And so no matter what you see during that time, that's fucking scary Speaker 1 00:24:14 If you can't move. Yeah. My, my second daughter actually had an experience with sleep paralysis. She told me about this probably a year, maybe a year and a half ago. Speaker 0 00:24:22 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:24:23 She was awake, like she said, she was awake in her bed and there was a little girl in her room mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And the little girl was coming closer and closer, but she couldn't move. She could just watch her and the little girl just came up and gave her a Speaker 0 00:24:33 Hug. So that, Speaker 1 00:24:34 And then vanished. So if Speaker 0 00:24:35 She do, I'm guessing that was sleep paralysis because that is like very much, cuz every time I have it, there's usually some sort of like spirit or someone Yeah. Around. Sometimes there's not. But I always have like, um, kind of louder noises. Okay. And the, like, it's the terror of like being awake and not being able to talk, move, scream, all the things wild. So that is it keeping it on a like lighter level. Okay. There is obviously some darkness to this where peop there are theories that, you know, this, there are demons involved and da da da. See Speaker 1 00:25:08 I feel like the hat man is pretty demonic. Speaker 0 00:25:10 Demonic. But, and I do, like I said, I feel like, and so the old hag is described also as Speaker 1 00:25:16 Demonic. Speaker 0 00:25:16 Demonic can be, but you know, I think it's whatever. So I did find this video on TikTok. Oh no. Do Speaker 1 00:25:22 I have Speaker 0 00:25:22 To watch it? Uhhuh <affirmative>. Oh shoot. And so I'll probably do what watching it and then repost it on our Instagram and TikTok for everybody to see. So Speaker 1 00:25:28 We're gonna do edit it right now? Um, Speaker 0 00:25:30 Yeah, we may as well. Should I do it right now? Let's do Speaker 1 00:25:32 It. Let's do it. Speaker 0 00:25:33 Oh wait, hang on. Okay, so let me pause. Okay. So we're going to watch this. So it's a thermal ca uh, camera who's, it's asleep in there. Yeah. There's someone asleep and there's a thermal camera capturing it. It takes a while to get into it. Okay. It is 5.5 million views. It's a what? This is obviously somebody who's had sleep paralysis and set up a camera Yeah. Who's experienced it regularly or something. So you can see the orbs kind of going through. Yeah. Now look, see the thermal camera. Oh Lord. And see him like, oh my God, look at that. There's like a creature Speaker 1 00:26:14 Creeping. Speaker 3 00:26:15 Oh my Speaker 0 00:26:16 God. Speaker 3 00:26:17 He's like coming up on top Speaker 1 00:26:19 Of him. Oh my God, Speaker 0 00:26:20 I can't handle this. And like strangling him. So like again, right now during this clip, it's just showing the camera, it's not showing what's happening behind. So that makes me, you know, that gives your invest skepticism. Um, and so like this says, is this undeniable thing that demons are associated with like sleep paralysis events? I think no. Um, I think no. But it is something to entertain because that is another theory on like sleep paralysis and that dark entities are involved. Speaker 1 00:26:48 But what it showed there when it showed the thermal imaging of somebody on top of somebody on their chest choking them, that is what I felt. Speaker 0 00:26:56 Yeah. And that's why I felt that is what feel like it would have been something. And, and I never want to say something is fully good and not evil because we don't know. We don't know know. And we don't know the things that are out there. This is all like based off of experiences and what we think. But like in watching that, Carrie, what did you think of that? Speaker 4 00:27:16 Um, that was pretty Speaker 0 00:27:17 Creepy. Isn't that terrifying? That is really creepy. Speaker 1 00:27:19 But, and again, you couldn't see the imaging of the camera in the bed. You just saw the thermal imaging. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:27:26 And so it's one of those things where it's like you have to take it with a grain of salt, but at the same time, like that's a big grain of salt. That's Speaker 1 00:27:33 So, but it depicts what everybody has. Yeah. Experienced. Speaker 0 00:27:37 And like I've said, having experienced it multiple times, it is terrifying. And you do feel like there is something evil involved no matter what. And that is also what medically they say is that you experience something evil involved. Yeah. Like that's what you, your perception no matter what and who goes through it, is that they feel like there is something dark and it makes people think they're getting possessed. It makes something like, so it has like a serious psychological effect on people when it happened. Speaker 1 00:28:01 Yeah, I can imagine. And Speaker 0 00:28:02 So then people start to question things and go. And then they'll go to their doctor and they're like, oh no means you're overtired. Or you might have narcolepsy, you might have sleep apnea. And they'll give you those things and probably give you sleep medicine and knock you the fuck out. And then the hat man comes to see you. Do Speaker 1 00:28:14 You remember when you were super sick and the ER told you that you were just an exhausted mom? Oh Speaker 0 00:28:20 Yeah. That was really fun. That was a great time. That was a great time. I was like sick and dying and my mom finally made me go to the ER and he goes, I just think that you're a tired, exhausted mom. And then I went to another doctor and they're like, we think you have leukemia. And I was like, awesome. Whoa. Good news guys. It wasn't either. It was a wild, they still dunno what Speaker 1 00:28:36 It's, wasn't it mono or something? Speaker 0 00:28:37 It was mono. Well they think yeah, it was mono and something else, but yeah. No, they just told me I was exhausted. Mom with three kids, Speaker 1 00:28:42 You're just too tired. And Speaker 0 00:28:43 I was like, bitch, my kids sleep through the night. Actually it was a man. So it was even fucking worse. And I was like, I, my kids sleep through the night and I lo like, yes. Are they a lot and exhausting? Yeah. Like I, I have been through exhaustion. This was, this was not it. You Speaker 1 00:28:56 Don't have newborns? Speaker 0 00:28:57 No. Oh. Speaker 1 00:28:58 That's Speaker 4 00:28:59 A whole nother conversation of that is sexism that is built into Speaker 0 00:29:02 Oracle. Oh, it's, I I like to throw in the sexist comments. Every now and again, Meg, Meg always looks at me, but I always, I always make 'em because I'm like, I love my husband, but men are just idiots sometimes. I mean, and if you're a man listening to this, I apologize, but like you have to know it. Speaker 1 00:29:17 <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:29:19 No, Speaker 1 00:29:20 No. Yes. I love, I guess not all of them realize this. I love men. The ones in my life. Yeah. But men together in a group, Speaker 0 00:29:30 They're rather stupid. Yes. Has anybody, well, do you guys remember Mary Poppins, the original? Oh yeah. What was she? We're Mary Lee soldiers and petty coats. Dauntless crusaders of women's votes. I sing this to my girls all the time. Beautiful. Speaker 1 00:29:46 Keep going. Keep going though. Speaker 0 00:29:48 We adore men individually. We agree that as a whole they're ra Speaker 1 00:29:54 They're stupid. Speaker 0 00:29:56 And so my girls will sing that with me all the time. And my mom used to sing it to me. And it's like, so we, because I have three daughters and we run around the house singing that and Yep. My husband just takes it and is like, yes, I know. It's fine. I'm gonna Speaker 1 00:30:06 Just throw this in. I think we need to invest in a thermal camera. Speaker 0 00:30:10 I, Speaker 1 00:30:10 Ooh, we need a thermal camera. I think. Okay. I the cho we feel it. You Speaker 0 00:30:14 In the dark. Okay. So if, if you can't fully hear what Carrie just said in case she said we need to invest in a thermal camera. Now after listening to our multiple episodes, everyone will know that Speaker 1 00:30:24 Reina says no. Speaker 0 00:30:25 Reina says no because Reina's like, I don't wanna fuck with it. Speaker 1 00:30:28 I wanna fuck with Speaker 0 00:30:29 Fine. Speaker 1 00:30:29 I wanna touch it. Speaker 0 00:30:30 Do you you wanna touch it? Speaker 1 00:30:34 I literally just texted mother Speaker 0 00:30:36 Said Bigfoots dick <laugh> Speaker 1 00:30:38 <laugh>. I have family that listens to this. Okay. Speaker 0 00:30:43 That's their problem. Not mine. Truth. Just kidding. Sorry. Sorry. It'll probably get cut. <laugh> we'll find out. Sends out how Sassy I'm filling out edit. No, we Speaker 1 00:30:50 Need, we need to get all the equipment that we can because we gotta go on some adventures in the woods, in hotels. Speaker 0 00:30:56 Okay. What were you gonna say about your mother-in-law? And I'll keep it clean. Oh Speaker 1 00:30:59 No, she just sent me um, some info on a good recorder for getting like entity voices. Speaker 0 00:31:09 Hmm. Speaker 1 00:31:10 Evp. Yeah, that great because I was asking her and she's like, get this one, don't get this one, this one doesn't work. She's been doing this for years. Speaker 0 00:31:18 Yeah. I have what? There's this girl on TikTok that I follow. Weird. I keep going back to that. Um, and she has an app on your phone that like, I downloaded and I downloaded it when we were at the men race, like Castle Uhhuh. <affirmative>. And it was one of the ones that we were messing with. Do you remember? I had one on my phone and it didn't get a lot cuz we didn't get a lot. But I mean, I like have been wanting to do it here with Pickle Rick that goes to my closet. Oh, Speaker 1 00:31:37 I've got, I've got some, I've got some good stuff we could use with that. She, Speaker 0 00:31:40 But I still feel like we gotta start there and then go from there. But start with Pickle Rick. Yeah. I feel like start with Pickle Rick. Okay. Like maybe we can all just like come and sit in my closet, like bring Carrie and Jess and we'll just go it <laugh> sit in my closet and Speaker 1 00:31:51 Get in that closet. Get in it Speaker 0 00:31:53 <laugh> talk to talk to the Ghosties <laugh>. Anyway. Speaker 1 00:31:56 Why not? Speaker 0 00:31:57 Oh God. All right. So Speaker 1 00:31:58 Moving on and Speaker 0 00:31:59 Back, back to sleep paralysis. Um, so I mean that's basically the whole thing. It like I've gone through all of it. Yeah. For the most part. So it's something that you have to kind of decide like where you think, what you think it is. And I, if you haven't experienced it, it's hard to like know. It's Speaker 1 00:32:18 Hard to describe. And I don't know if I fully experienced it, but I think I get the gist of it from what I have experienced. There was a couple years ago, I think it was during Covid, I had just had a baby and it could have been explained with, um, sleep deprivation, exhaust. Speaker 0 00:32:31 You were exhausted, tired mom Speaker 1 00:32:33 Exhaustion. Yeah. Going through a pandemic, having all my kids at home, trying to school them or help with school with them and teach and all these different things. And I woke up in the middle of the night and there was a full blown old woman. Not the old hag, just a different mm-hmm. <affirmative> woman mm-hmm. <affirmative> standing next to my bed. And at this point in my life I was accepting. Right. And I literally remember looking at her and saying, I'm too tired for this shit and going back to bed Speaker 0 00:33:04 <laugh>. But I do feel like if you have encounters with the other side that sometimes you do hit that point. Like if you have ghosties in your house with spirits Yeah. Then you do, all of a sudden you're like, oh, I'm too tired for this shit. Like I'm just, I'm done. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:33:18 There's times from when I look out my, my door and I see beans going back and forth from the door, from the laundry room to the hallway. Yeah. Back and forth. And I just literally verbally Speaker 0 00:33:29 See mine go like basically laundry room into there. Yeah. Yeah. Always. Speaker 1 00:33:32 And I literally will verbally say, just stop. I can't tonight. No, Speaker 0 00:33:36 I, that's what I'll say to you one time, um, we were in Sausalito, California. I was photographing a wedding with, um, my sister and my best friend and we were staying in this beautiful hotel. But it was definitely like Is this Speaker 1 00:33:48 When you met that, that uh, actress last year? Speaker 0 00:33:50 Oh, I met Jennifer Garner. Speaker 1 00:33:52 Jennifer Garner. She sat Speaker 0 00:33:53 Next to us at dinner and God, you guys, she's just as pretty prettier in person. So freaking nice and just, I Speaker 1 00:33:59 Was living through you at that time. Cause I was in bed with Covid at that time. Yeah. You were sending me videos. Speaker 0 00:34:03 It was very cool. And I like, we, she sat next to us at dinner when she got up to leave. We were like, we talked to her and got a picture with her and she was so nice. And she's like, I'm just sorry you guys had to watch me shovel pasta in my face. I need, I want Speaker 1 00:34:14 A friend who will shovel pasta in their face. Speaker 0 00:34:16 Good. But she was there filming her new show. If anybody like, see it's on, I think it's on Apple TV or something. But she just came out with a new show that's filmed in Sausalito, California. Oh cool. If you, if you know Jennifer Garner, follow her. Whatever. I'm gonna watch the show because I met her while she was there. Let's, cool. Let's do it. Anyway, so is that this hotel? That's a very old hotel and it's in like the gold mining area of like where things would've been happening in San Francisco back in the day. Speaker 1 00:34:37 Never been to San Francisco. Speaker 0 00:34:38 It's wonderful. They Speaker 1 00:34:39 Need to go. It's beautiful. Like many things. Yes. Speaker 0 00:34:42 But when we got to this hotel, it's like built on a hillside. It's all stairs, there's like no elevators. It was like a shit show. We were in this beautiful room, beautiful view. But the second I got there, I was like, this place is, there is a lot of energy here. Like a shit ton of energy. Oh, are Speaker 1 00:34:55 You texting me and telling me this? Yes. There's a, Speaker 0 00:34:56 A lot of energy. And so we had finished shooting the wedding and we're sitting on our bed drinking wine and there's another room. And in the other room we had the light on and you like the master bedroom open to it. And all of a sudden the light turned off and we were like, what the hell? And I get up and there's this like old gold mining looking dude just like standing in the entryway that, I mean obviously I saw no one else could really see him. And he like literally is like, I just wanna hang out with the pretty girls. And I was like, <laugh>, that is so kind of you, but please could you go away? Could you kindly be gone? Thank you sir. I was like, thank you. We appreciate the compliment, but please get out of our room. Goodbye. And turn the light because, but I made my sister go see why the light turned off first. Cause I knew, I knew it. You knew it. I knew it. I was like, go check the lights. And she's like, I it, I don't know why it's off it. We like, it just turned off. And I was like, yep. Speaker 1 00:35:41 And I think that's something that once you find people that experience the same things Yeah. You feel very valid because I've always experienced things like that. Yeah. But I grew up in an environment where you, you can't No. You cannot experience things like that. Yeah. If you do, that's something really, really bad. You couldn't talk about it. You couldn't nothing. Speaker 0 00:35:59 Yep. Speaker 1 00:36:00 So once you find people that get it, that's a huge Speaker 0 00:36:03 Deal. It is. And it makes you feel like more like accepted and not such a lunatic pariah. Lunatic. Lunatic. We are a lunatic. Speaker 1 00:36:11 Lunatic Speaker 0 00:36:12 And here we are. And then you find a friend who, and then you all become lunatics together. Then we're Speaker 1 00:36:16 Just, and then we make a podcast and it becomes really popular and all of a sudden you're touring. Right. Speaker 0 00:36:20 <laugh>. And we're just a group of lunatics. So if anybody wants to be lunatics with us, Speaker 1 00:36:24 That's gonna be our group. Yeah. The lunatics. Speaker 0 00:36:26 Yeah, that's the lunatics. Follow Speaker 1 00:36:27 Us on Patreon. We don't have one yet, but we will. Speaker 0 00:36:29 We will eventually. But it also brings us back to what we say at the end of every show that if you have an experience Yes. Tell us. We want to know like Speaker 1 00:36:37 Everything, I think we've had, we, this is our fourth episode. Yeah. We've had different variety of episodes. We are casting a wide net because this is all the things that we love. Yeah. We don't wanna stick to just one thing. Yeah. We want a variety of things. If you fall into those categories or if you like those things or if you've experienced those things, we wanna know. Speaker 0 00:36:59 Yeah. And it's, we would love to like do an end of episode. Like read your story out loud, do whatever. We've recorded so many in the last like week and a half just trying to get episodes out that Yeah. You know, I'm, I feel like we're gonna get some in soon and I'm super excited. So excited. I especially wanna know like, have you had sleep paralysis? Are you a person who does not believe in the supernatural but you've experienced sleep paralysis and then left you questioning like, what the hell just happened to me? Because Speaker 1 00:37:23 Yeah. And I, I don't think I was old enough to really ex know that that was sleep paralysis that I've experienced. Yeah. So I would like to hear from somebody like you. Right. You, you remember it, you understand what that feels like. I wanna hear from some people. Speaker 0 00:37:35 Yeah. And the only reason I knew is cuz my mom, like I said, she like got me the books and found it and it was like just, it was a very validating experience at that age to be like, okay, that's what it was. I'm not losing my ever, ever-loving mind because then you tell your friends and they all think you're crazy at 14 years old that you see ghosts and they're like, oh yeah, you see ghosts. Yeah. <laugh>. And then you're like, no, I don't. I'm just crazy. Speaker 1 00:37:58 We're not cra we're lunatics. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:38:00 We keep Speaker 1 00:38:00 Going back to this and I wanna be a lunatic. I Speaker 0 00:38:02 I just wanna be a lunatic as much. I wanna be a lunatic. It's much more fun to be a lunatic than it is be normal. Speaker 1 00:38:06 And you know what? The way that I grew up and how I had to hide everything and not understand it, I have made a point to make sure my daughters know differently. Speaker 0 00:38:14 Yeah. And mine too. And mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 1 00:38:16 That's why my kids aren't afraid of ghosts because they know they're just people that have passed on that love you. Yep. Speaker 0 00:38:20 And that's what I try and instill that in my kids too. Although my middle one, if we start talking about it, she, she can't handle it. She's like, stop talking. I can't listen. I can't listen. Like she won't sleep. So we're working on baby steps Speaker 1 00:38:29 Eventually, eventually. Mine are all pretty good. Yeah. Especially my two older ones. My second one. Holy Speaker 0 00:38:34 Crap. But yours is something you've probably been talking about with yours for a while. Yeah. Mine has been in the last like year and a half my everything has started re coming up for me. And so it's been a very new thing. Speaker 1 00:38:42 Their grandmother has literally been featured in books. Right, right. Speaker 0 00:38:45 You know, very different. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:38:48 Where, so I'm very fortunate to have that family lineage. You do. Speaker 0 00:38:53 That's so cool. I wish that, I mean, most people who are going through it had that like someone behind them being like, yeah, this is real. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:39:00 Yeah. And it goes back centuries in my husband's family. Although he'll deny it. Well up and down. Speaker 0 00:39:07 That's men for you. But Speaker 1 00:39:08 Then you talk to his mother, <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:39:11 Oh man. All right, well I think that wraps up this episode. Well we Speaker 1 00:39:15 Need to give, we are on at lunatic Yes. Podcast Yep. And we're at Lunatic Soup podcast on Instagram and on Tick Talk. Speaker 0 00:39:24 And again, we might read Speaker 1 00:39:26 This weekend Speaker 0 00:39:27 Facebook and Twitter, which, you know, I'll get there. Shut Speaker 1 00:39:30 Up. Speaker 0 00:39:31 Instagram's just as bad as Facebook. But also like Speaker 1 00:39:34 It's the same company. Speaker 0 00:39:35 I just won't repost everything. But Speaker 1 00:39:36 We're gonna, we're gonna start really ramping up the tickety talk now that, that hasn't been great because I love everything that's been put out, but we just haven't had time to get together. Y'all. Speaker 0 00:39:43 Were we busy? We both have full-time jobs. Seven Speaker 1 00:39:46 Children, mothers, Speaker 0 00:39:47 Seven Speaker 1 00:39:47 Children between us and the laundry itself. Speaker 0 00:39:52 I know I spent literally an hour today doing laundry, but I did it while I watched Vander Pump Roll, which your, I don't think, do you watch Vanderpump? Speaker 1 00:39:58 No, but I actually listened to the podcast that, uh, what's her name is on that show. Which one? And I listened to her podcast on seven Deadly Sinners. I don't remember her name. What's her name, name at this point? Kristen. Speaker 0 00:40:08 I don't know. I don't remember all of the or what their podcasts are. Speaker 1 00:40:11 Hang on. Rachel O'Brien. Speaker 0 00:40:14 She see her face Speaker 1 00:40:15 Vandal Pump Vanderpump Rules in like one of the early episodes. Oh Speaker 0 00:40:18 Yeah. She doesn't count. Speaker 1 00:40:19 No, she does. Speaker 0 00:40:20 Okay. Don't Speaker 1 00:40:21 Discount her. I'm just kidding. Has an amazing Speaker 0 00:40:24 Okay. Podcast. What I'm saying, I I thought you were talking about she would was one of the main cast members. Oh, Speaker 1 00:40:29 I've never seen the show. Yeah, but I just know she's talked about it. Speaker 0 00:40:31 Well if you know anything about what's going on right now, they've had a whole, a whole thing where a relationship got broken up because this one, Speaker 1 00:40:39 Oh God, Speaker 0 00:40:40 This a sit nine year relationship got broken up cuz this one girl cheated or had an affair. It was like a whole thing. You shouldn't, that scanable everyone's up in arms about it Speaker 1 00:40:51 Also. This is a great podcast. It's called Seven Deadly Sinner. All right. With Rachel O'Brien. Speaker 0 00:40:55 But it does, it's like cult like, like that seems like it'd be cool. Speaker 1 00:40:57 I really love culty stuff, but I don't think that fits into our genre because that's more of the true Speaker 0 00:41:01 Crime. I do, I do find cult stuff interesting. But yeah, we're trying to stay away from like the true crime shit. Yeah. More Speaker 1 00:41:07 Like, because we want more of the supernatural, the paranormal, the spiritual, Speaker 0 00:41:10 The the unknown. The things that are not proven to be true. Yeah. But we have to question if they are or not. I've Speaker 1 00:41:15 Got some really good episodes coming up that I'm excited about. The next Full Moon is a strawberry moon. Speaker 0 00:41:19 When is that? Uh, Speaker 1 00:41:20 June 3rd. So probably around June 1st or second. We'll release that episode. I'm super excited about that one. I worked on that one yesterday and today I also have one on Lita, which is the Pagan holiday mid-summer. Okay. Summer solstice. Super excited about that one. So that just kind of gives you a glimpse into the all the different things we're gonna talk about. Yep. Bri, I have some witchy stuff I was about. Speaker 0 00:41:43 I say witch witchcraft is definitely one that's gonna come up because that's something that I want to talk about. Cause I feel like it's severely misunderstood. Speaker 1 00:41:50 Oh absolutely. Yes. And then we got cryptids and always Speaker 0 00:41:53 The crypt and Yep. So anyway, stick around with us, you know it's gonna be a good time. Like always. It'll be awesome. Get yourself some lunatic soup. Speaker 1 00:41:59 Lunatic soup. Not Speaker 0 00:42:00 If you're driving but Speaker 1 00:42:01 Home. You driving when you get home after a long day. Turn on the tv Vander Pump rules apparently Speaker 0 00:42:07 Get a sour slut for that because that's the girl in who? Silver sl. I'm just kidding. I don't call anyone a slut. That Speaker 1 00:42:12 Was wrong except ourselves. Rayna. She was tiffs. Speaker 0 00:42:16 She was she's real naughty though. If you, her name's Ra Raquel on the show. Real name's Rachel's fake name, not Rachel Abr. And then she broke up a nine year relationship like, and had an affair in in the show. She like fakes being friends. Everyone. She's a sociopaths. Speaker 1 00:42:29 You know what, I watch what sister wives. Speaker 0 00:42:32 I mean I do fucking love that too. <laugh>. I love Sister Wives. Speaker 1 00:42:35 I really hope they do a new marriage special with Christine. Speaker 0 00:42:37 I they have to. Speaker 1 00:42:38 They have to. Christine, if you hear this, we love Speaker 0 00:42:40 You. Did you see the post that she did where? Um, cuz Cody had said that he disgusted the shit out of her eating nacho. Like when she ate nachos one time and it was like the most repulsive thing. Oh yeah. Speaker 1 00:42:49 And she had like a whole nacho bar and Speaker 0 00:42:51 She posted a picture with her and her fiance eating nachos. Speaker 1 00:42:53 You go Speaker 0 00:42:54 Girl. Yep. Legit. Anyways, Speaker 1 00:42:55 We're a team Christine all the way. Speaker 0 00:42:57 And I'm team woman no matter what. Except for in this last one because these two people, the terrible humans. Do Speaker 1 00:43:02 I have to watch Vander Pump rules now? Speaker 0 00:43:03 I don't know. I never got into it. You like Real Housewives? So I feel like you'd like it. Speaker 1 00:43:06 I like Real Housewives with Salt Lake because Speaker 0 00:43:09 You like the Mormon. We Speaker 1 00:43:10 Haven't gone into this yet. Speaker 0 00:43:12 She's an ex Momo. Speaker 1 00:43:14 I'm an ex Mo Speaker 0 00:43:16 Momo. Speaker 1 00:43:17 Don't talk about Momo. I lived through that with my children. That was horrifying. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:43:23 Uh, one of the missionaries came to our door the other day. Swear, we're gonna wrap this up. And, um, <laugh> just gonna keep going. Um, and time. Okay. Speaker 1 00:43:32 No Speaker 0 00:43:33 Making, we're making minutes. This Speaker 1 00:43:34 Is what people wanna hear. I keep telling you. Yeah. People wanna hear this bullshit. It is, this Speaker 0 00:43:38 Is a good Speaker 1 00:43:38 Bullshit story. I literally put it in the script as bullshit hours. Yes. Speaker 0 00:43:41 So it was 8:45 PM and there's, that has Speaker 1 00:43:44 Happened to Speaker 0 00:43:44 Me. They ring the doorbell. My kids are all in bed and it's two Mormon missionaries. And I, instead of being an asshole to them, I've learned to just be like, be like, do you guys need anything? Do you need water? Do you need need to make a phone call? Did your Speaker 1 00:43:55 Husband offer them a drink? Speaker 0 00:43:56 So my husband goes to the door and they're, he, he's like, they're like, uh, can we give you like the words of Jesus Christ? And he goes, nah, I'm Australian. I don't believe in Jesus Christ. Or like something like that. And they're like, okay, well, um, and then I said, I came down and I was like, Hey guys, like this is a neighborhood with a lot of moms. If you go knocking on doors, you're gonna pr piss some people off. I know you guys probably have some big families so you can understand as a mother, like probably don't knock on people's doors. I was like, but can I get you a glass of water or something? And Tex is like, or a beer. And they're like, no, but can we offer you a picture of Jesus Christ? And Tex goes, nah, if I need one of those, I just look in the mirror <laugh>. And they both died laughing. Like, you know, they're 18 year old kids. All right, now we're really shutting up. All right. Um, we'll see you guys later. I hope you guys have a great rest of your week. Weekend. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:44:43 Yeah. We have a couple of really cool episodes coming up. We have witchcraft, we have spirituality, we have full moons, we have astrology, we have Speaker 0 00:44:50 Taro, Speaker 1 00:44:51 Pagan holidays, man. Speaker 0 00:44:52 Delightful. Speaker 1 00:44:55 They're called the Sabba series. Speaker 0 00:44:58 Yeah. I'm just gonna sit here and drink for those. I don't know what's happening. Speaker 1 00:45:01 It's fine. Okay. I'll let you know. Perfect. You did a great job. Re thanks. Speaker 0 00:45:05 Yeah. It was my first hosting. Love it. I mean, I didn't really hope, I mean, we're both hosting, but you know. Hey, you do my first storytelling. Speaker 1 00:45:10 I like it. Yeah. I wonder how much of this you're gonna cut out, to be quite honest. A Speaker 0 00:45:14 Lot. Just kidding. Not too much <laugh>. We'll find out anyways. All right. Speaker 1 00:45:18 All right. Uh, have a good time. Have some lunatic soup. Not if you're driving. We will. See you next week. Speaker 0 00:45:23 See you. Bye. Bye.

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