Sabat Series! It is the time of year to celebrate the return of the light and the beginning of a new cycle. It is a time of reflection, gratitude, and celebration. Today we explore the history, traditions, and folklore of Yule. We will also discuss how to celebrate Yule in a modern and meaningful way. Whether you are a seasoned Pagan or a curious newbie, join us as we journey into the heart of Yule!
Today we discuss the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass yeti incident! We'll be unearthing the facts surrounding the unexplained deaths of nine hikers in...
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Join us as we explore the history of Halloween on this episode of Lunatic Soup. From its ancient Celtic roots as Samhain...
On this episode Meg and Reyna dive into Lammas, also known as Lughnasad, or Lughnassadh, a pagan holiday and one of the eight Wiccan...