Alien Pancake

Episode 8 June 08, 2023 00:58:11
Alien Pancake
Lunatic Soup
Alien Pancake

Jun 08 2023 | 00:58:11


Show Notes

Mid century America had an explosion of UFO sightings and experiences.  From Barney and Betty Hill, to Project Blue Book, there seemed to be many close encounters of the third kind.  Many questions surround UFO’s and extraterrestrials.  Does the government know? Do they come in peace? Are aliens good cooks?  This epidose we are discussing:  Alien Pancakes.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hey, Rena. Speaker 1 00:00:01 Hey, Meg. Speaker 0 00:00:02 How do aliens keep their trousers up? Speaker 1 00:00:05 <laugh>. How? Speaker 0 00:00:07 With an asteroid belt. <laugh>. I told you it was stupid. Speaker 1 00:00:12 I thought you were gonna say something like an intergalactic band. Intergalactic. I don't know, you guys, I'm just gonna start this episode off by saying Speaker 0 00:00:20 Truth. Speaker 1 00:00:22 I might be drunk. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:00:25 I'm not. Speaker 1 00:00:27 No. I went out with one of my very dearest friends, um, for a little brunchy brunch today. A lunch, a late lunch, if you will. And, uh, we like champagne. And we drank a copious amount of champagne. And then Meg's like, we're recording tonight, right? And I was like, yes, of course we are. So here we are there. Speaker 0 00:00:46 Here we are. Speaker 1 00:00:47 Her and, uh, Mr. Boo Boo are feeding me pizza. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> to sober me up a tad bit. Speaker 0 00:00:52 With ranch. Speaker 1 00:00:53 With ranch and stuffed crunch. That's the only way is with ranch. Speaker 0 00:00:57 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 1 00:00:57 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Anyways. How are you, Meg? Speaker 0 00:00:59 I'm good. Long day at work. How about you? Oh, wait, we already went over this <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:01:04 I am drunk. No, I'm not drunk. I have a great, as my mother would call it, it's a glow. Oh, you're glowing. My mom always says, she goes, she goes, I have a glow. So my fav, I think I'm glowing. Speaker 0 00:01:13 You're glow. Just like Speaker 1 00:01:14 Glowing pregnancy when you're glowing <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:01:16 Yeah. It's the same Speaker 1 00:01:17 Thing. Speaker 0 00:01:17 Different reasons. Speaker 1 00:01:18 Yeah. Mind just the alcohol going through my system, or a copious amounts of champagne Speaker 0 00:01:23 Or that. Yeah. It's fine. Hmm. Same thing. Keep it together, Reina. Keep it together. I am Speaker 1 00:01:32 Together. We're, Speaker 0 00:01:32 We're, we're doing a whole new subject today. I'm Speaker 1 00:01:36 So excited about the subject. Speaker 0 00:01:37 And we have a listener tale mm-hmm. <affirmative> at the end, which I'm so excited about. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It sounds like a real creepy story though, that actually impacted this anonymous writer a lot. It's gonna be great. Speaker 1 00:01:49 I also, this subject terrifies me, and I think this one Speaker 0 00:01:52 Does. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:01:52 Well, it doesn't terrify me. It, I think this subject is so close to being the reality of everyone who lives on planet Earth. Oh, Speaker 0 00:02:04 It's real. Speaker 1 00:02:06 Well, it is real. It's whether people acknowledge it is real or not. Yes. And so it's the people who are still in denial about it. Um, yeah. Yeah. So what are we talking about today? What Speaker 0 00:02:18 Are we talking about today? We are talking about aliens. Speaker 1 00:02:22 Oh, yes, we are. Speaker 0 00:02:23 Yes we are. Speaker 1 00:02:24 And I'm excited. It's gonna be good. Speaker 0 00:02:26 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we're your host Meg. Speaker 1 00:02:27 And I'm Rena ready to brew up. And Luna, take soup. Let's Speaker 0 00:02:31 Go. Hey. So I went to Target today, Speaker 1 00:03:13 Targe, if you will. Yep. Speaker 0 00:03:14 Yep, yep, yep. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they had two kinds of ciders. So they had the cosmic crisp. We had a cosmic crisp the last time we recorded Speaker 1 00:03:22 Yes. With passion fruit. Speaker 0 00:03:24 It was good. It Speaker 1 00:03:24 Was delightful. And this Speaker 0 00:03:25 Was a different flavor, but I'm like, let's try something different. Speaker 1 00:03:28 No. Yeah. Cause we like do a different one every episode. Speaker 0 00:03:30 Yes. So I have Seattle Cider. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 1 00:03:34 We have yet to have that Speaker 0 00:03:35 From Seattle, Washington. I've had Seattle cider before, but this one's dry. Okay. I've usually had like the semi suite. Okay. This one, I think it'll be good. 6.5% from Seattle, Washington. All right. Here we go. Ready? Speaker 1 00:03:52 Mi? Yep. Up. Ready. 1, 2, 10. Speaker 0 00:03:56 Oh God. In my eye. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:03:58 That's what she said. <laugh> Speaker 0 00:04:00 God. Speaker 1 00:04:03 And last time you told me, you're like, every millennial says that. And I was like, because I told you I have inappropriate jokes. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:04:09 It's true. Speaker 1 00:04:09 Also, I'm gonna call Meg out right now. Yeah. And then she's gonna tell me to delete it later. Because anytime I, I call her out like this, she's like, Speaker 0 00:04:16 Please taste it first. Speaker 1 00:04:17 No. She put a shot of Fireball in hers. Speaker 0 00:04:21 Okay. Listen. So, Speaker 1 00:04:24 So she's drinking an angry horse lot. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:04:27 You might want to explain yourself a little bit on this. Speaker 1 00:04:30 Well, because when you put a shot of fireball cider, it's an angry whore when you drink lime and a cider according to us as a sour slut. So she has lime and fireball in her cider. So what is it? Mig Speaker 0 00:04:42 An angry horse. Slut. Speaker 1 00:04:43 Uhhuh. Exactly. Okay. Anyways, continue. So you're cinnamon. So to be clear, you do not have a full on pallet for what the cider is because you have a shot of fireball in there. I'm just saying Speaker 0 00:04:56 It's true. But I wanted some cinnamon tonight. I'm just Speaker 1 00:04:58 Saying. Okay. Ooh, it's dry. Very dry. Whoa. I wasn't, wasn't expecting that. No. It's almost similar to a, um, it's a sour beer. If you ever drink a sour Speaker 0 00:05:12 Beer, we're like a, a Hy hyphen. Hyphen Speaker 1 00:05:17 Hyn. Speaker 0 00:05:17 That's the one. Speaker 1 00:05:19 Hyn. Are you German? Speaker 0 00:05:21 I wasn't born there. <laugh>. That's really good with the cinnamon too. Well, Speaker 1 00:05:25 Well, can I try Syd? Okay. All. I don't have germs. I swear Speaker 0 00:05:29 This point. I know. I'm with your kids all day at school. It's fine. I'm trying yours without, Speaker 1 00:05:34 Ooh. Yours is way better. Speaker 0 00:05:37 Intense. I hold you. Speaker 1 00:05:38 Put that Fireball. Speaker 0 00:05:39 <laugh>. I put it somewhere. Hang Speaker 1 00:05:40 On. Hold everybody. Speaker 0 00:05:41 So we are talking about aliens today. April 18th, 1961. Okay. I feel like the mid-century time in the United States, there was a lot of UFO activity, Speaker 1 00:05:55 Like the sixties. Is that what you were speaking of? Like Speaker 0 00:05:57 Forties, fifties, sixties. Speaker 1 00:05:58 Yeah. Yeah. Mid, mid Speaker 0 00:05:59 Century. You got, you got Betty and Barney Hill. You got lots of stuff going on. Our, um, listener tale takes place in the 1970s. Speaker 1 00:06:07 So I'm also still like, struggling with the fact you've never watched American Horse Story because they do touch on this in one of their episodes. I feel like my Speaker 0 00:06:15 Husband said it would scare me. He doesn't know me. I mean, he does me, Speaker 1 00:06:19 But Speaker 0 00:06:20 <laugh> are you Speaker 1 00:06:21 Outta your I am scared. What? Everything. And you can't watch American Horror Story. Speaker 0 00:06:26 Okay. Let's watch American Horror Story. Speaker 1 00:06:28 Are you kidding me? All right, back to aliens. Speaker 0 00:06:31 All right. How are we going? 61. Okay. Speaker 1 00:06:33 60 Speaker 0 00:06:34 Year old plumber named Joe Simonon. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> had a close encounter of the third kind. Okay. Also excellent movie Speaker 1 00:06:41 Love. Such bad anxiety because of that name. Is it third kind of fourth kind? It was the fourth kind. Speaker 0 00:06:49 The close encounter of the third kind with, uh, what's his fuzzy dreyfuss? Speaker 1 00:06:54 I don't know if I've seen that one. I just know the one that Mila, um, Speaker 0 00:06:59 Don't you dare, don't you dare say anything about the fifth element. Speaker 1 00:07:02 No, not that movie. No, no, no, no, Speaker 0 00:07:05 No. Was real. That Speaker 1 00:07:07 Was fourth kind. And it's a movie. She's in that one. I've Speaker 0 00:07:09 Never Oh, you've told me about this. I've never seen that. Well, and it, okay. So we're watching that. Speaker 1 00:07:13 They, they present it like a documentary. And the first time I saw it, I thought it was real. And I literally couldn't sleep for like two weeks until I Googled it and found out that it was not real. It was a fake movie. But then when, now I know it's probably fucking real. Anyways, continue. Okay. Speaker 0 00:07:26 So we're watching that. Speaker 1 00:07:27 No, we're not. Okay. We are. I dunno. We'll find out. Speaker 0 00:07:30 So Joe lived on the outskirts of a town in, on his farm in Eagle River, Wisconsin. Okay. Okay. So Eagle River, w Wisconsin, there's not a lot of people. Back in 1960, there was like 1,360 people. Okay. Okay. Now there's about 40 more people than that. So it's, it's teeny tiny. There's about 1400 people. Speaker 1 00:07:51 Sounds like <unk> Australia. Speaker 0 00:07:55 Is that where my daughter gets that? She's going around saying <unk> <unk> It's something about your daughter saying it. And I'm like, yes. That is, ah, that makes more sense Speaker 1 00:08:03 Because my husband is from Chuga Australia. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:08:07 But then go Google it. Then my husband says, Speaker 1 00:08:09 Changa mate. That's what they say. <unk>. Well, Speaker 0 00:08:12 I asked my daughter and I'm like, which do, Speaker 1 00:08:14 Wait, which one are you speaking of? Which, like, gimme, gimme in the lineup. I No, you don't wanna say number Speaker 0 00:08:18 Three. Yeah. Who is the same person as your number two? They look alike. They talk alike. They act alike people. Them mixed up. And Speaker 1 00:08:23 They also Yeah. At school, they get confused for sisters. Or the same person. Speaker 0 00:08:28 Or the same person. Speaker 1 00:08:29 It's actually confused. The same person. They want, they, Speaker 0 00:08:31 They're at a birthday party or your, one of your kids' birthday parties. And one of your friends came up and hugged my daughter. Yes. Thinking it was your daughter. Speaker 1 00:08:38 And at school, our neighbor went up to one of your daughters and was like, said something. Or not one of the daughter, and was like, she's my neighbor. And you're like, that's not your neighbor. Speaker 0 00:08:47 And sh and this kid goes, yeah, her mom is friends with my mom. I'm like, I don't know your mom. <laugh>. And that's Speaker 1 00:08:53 My kid. So anyways, we accidentally birthed twins Speaker 0 00:08:57 Somehow. Speaker 1 00:08:58 Yeah. They're very cute together. And they love each other. They're best friends. Speaker 0 00:09:00 They, they love each other. But anyway, Speaker 1 00:09:02 Themselves a joint nickname. Yes. Yes. Speaker 0 00:09:05 But anyway, my daughter keeps saying <unk>. Yeah, that's because of your daughter. Cause Speaker 1 00:09:10 It's called Changa. But, but it's as a nickname. They, they say <unk>. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:09:15 And so here's the story, Doug. I go, Doug, what's a chk? And he goes, I know who Big Chuga is. Speaker 1 00:09:22 No, it's us. It's a Speaker 0 00:09:23 Fat bugs bunny. Speaker 1 00:09:24 You at school saying Changa mate. Chk. Speaker 0 00:09:28 Yeah. Oh yeah. That's big chk. Oh, Speaker 1 00:09:30 That's what it is. It's <unk>. No, just still Come here. Come here. Changa Chung. <unk> Speaker 0 00:09:38 Soga. But I didn't know what that was. And so my husband says, you mean big <unk> <unk> And I looked it up and it's a fat buds bunny <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:09:47 Is that what it's No, it's just a name that mean, can we use all chk? Let's go. Alright. Ch get outta here. Bye. Speaker 0 00:09:55 Bye. Okay. Small town. Speaker 1 00:09:59 Okay. Small town. We're going back. Speaker 0 00:10:00 Joe. Simonson lives in a reel Speaker 1 00:10:02 It in. Reel it in all. Reel it in. Reel it in. All right, we're going back. Okay. Speaker 0 00:10:06 So his rural farm was real rundown. Yeah. Single story. Like it's kind of giving you a picture of his environment, all that stuff. Right. Okay. His house was in a clearing of the woods. Okay. Okay. He did live with a wife. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But she was out of town during this, this, uh, event. Speaker 1 00:10:25 Incident. Speaker 0 00:10:25 Okay. Yes. So it was 11:00 AM on a Tuesday morning. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Joe was doing the dishes when he heard quote something like a squeak of automobile wheels as they go too fast around a corner. Speaker 1 00:10:39 Okay. Speaker 0 00:10:40 I'm sorry. The, the southern accent might come out. He's from Wisconsin. There should not be a southern accent. I Speaker 1 00:10:46 Was just about to say the southern accent isn't Wisconsin. It's not Wisconsin. But don't most people get abducted from the south? Speaker 0 00:10:53 I mean, sometimes Speaker 1 00:10:54 I have a theory on that. Anybody Speaker 0 00:10:56 Named Marty? Who, or in New Hampshire, this story that was written in was from New Hampshire. Speaker 1 00:11:01 Okay. Speaker 0 00:11:03 Okay. Joe looked up out the window as he's doing the dishes. Yes. And he saw a large shiny metallic object quote coming straight down like an elevator. Speaker 1 00:11:14 Good lord. Jaice, Speaker 0 00:11:16 At first he thought it was the, like the roof fell off of his house. Yeah. I mean, he's standing there, but, you know, whatever. And then he's like, well, Speaker 1 00:11:24 But you're just trying when if stepping up. Right, right, right. Big proportion is coming. You're trying to like logically find a reason. What could it be? Why there's like a big, big metal thing coming at you. So I feel like that makes Speaker 0 00:11:33 Sense. Yeah. Okay. And he's like, he's like, Speaker 1 00:11:34 But you're in a panic mode. You're like, what the hell is that? This is the roof. Speaker 0 00:11:37 But he's like, no, my roof is green. See it? This is silver. Speaker 1 00:11:41 Oh, no. Speaker 0 00:11:42 So he goes, what the heck is it? So he ran out to see what it was Speaker 1 00:11:46 And what was it? <laugh>? It was a spaceship. It was an alien. Speaker 0 00:11:51 Oh. I said spaceship. Speaker 1 00:11:52 Oh, that's what I meant. It was a u f o Speaker 0 00:11:55 An unidentified Speaker 1 00:11:56 Flying flying object. Speaker 0 00:11:59 The craft was said to be about four meters high. Which is what, like 12 feet? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right. A meter's a little bit over. Speaker 1 00:12:04 Yeah. That's like, I, I, knowing your little bit more, a little bit more Speaker 0 00:12:07 Than that. Speaker 1 00:12:08 We, I think we made it clear on the K crys episode. I don't know. A meter. No, that's a lot. Metrics. Also, to be clear, I lived in Australia, so I had to learn that shit. But, you know, tell I have brain capacity of a donut, so who knows. Speaker 0 00:12:21 So let's say, let's say 12 to 15 feet high and 10 meters in diameter. So 10. So let's say 30, 40 feet. Speaker 1 00:12:28 It Speaker 0 00:12:29 Was big. Speaker 1 00:12:30 She a big bitch. Yes. Speaker 0 00:12:31 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And he said it looked like two plates or bowls on top of each other. So your typical, Speaker 1 00:12:35 So it looks like a spaceship. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:12:37 He said it didn't touch the ground, it just hovered above Speaker 1 00:12:40 It. Okay. Speaker 0 00:12:40 Okay. And there was a hatch that looked like the trunk of a car. Speaker 1 00:12:43 Okay. Okay. Speaker 0 00:12:45 At this point it was closed. Speaker 1 00:12:46 So like the hatch. Oh Speaker 0 00:12:47 Yeah. It was closed at this point. Okay. You could just see the outline of it. Okay. And then as Joe came out, it started to open. Speaker 1 00:12:54 Okay. Okay. And Speaker 0 00:12:55 A humanoid creature came walking out. Okay. This creature was dark-skinned hairless face. He didn't know if he had hair on his head because he had a tight cap on. Okay. Real tight fitting clothing. Said to be around 120 pounds. I mean, that's pretty specific. Speaker 1 00:13:17 That's very little. Speaker 0 00:13:18 It's very little. Speaker 1 00:13:19 But also like, but he has a specific, Speaker 0 00:13:21 It's very specific. Okay. He, Joe was quoted as saying this looked like a quote, swarthy Italian. Speaker 1 00:13:31 A a swarthy Italian That is awfully specific. Speaker 0 00:13:38 Okay. Name. So the, the alien, we're just gonna call him the alien from this point on. Okay. The B Speaker 1 00:13:42 He was Italian who was Speaker 0 00:13:44 Apparently a swarthy Italian. Speaker 1 00:13:46 A swarthy, Italian alien. I think Speaker 0 00:13:48 Of like a mob boss. When I hear swarthy Italian. Well, Speaker 1 00:13:51 Same. I don't think of like Speaker 0 00:13:52 Marvin Brando. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:13:53 I don't think of like a skinny little, like Speaker 0 00:13:57 120 pound short thing. Speaker 1 00:13:59 No, I think of like a mob boss. Speaker 0 00:14:01 Yeah. Yeah. That's what I hear when, when I think of Swarth. The Italian. Speaker 1 00:14:04 Yeah. What do I know? What do I know? What do we know? Speaker 0 00:14:07 So the, the alien comes walking out. He's carrying a metal container, like a jug or a bull. Okay. And he motioned to Joe at this point. And how he motioned to him is he, he tipped his head back and he put his hand up like he needed a drink. Speaker 1 00:14:24 He wanted a, some lunatic soup. Speaker 0 00:14:26 Apparently. Speaker 1 00:14:27 Well, shit. Should have landed our backyard. There Speaker 0 00:14:30 You go. We have, just Speaker 1 00:14:31 Kidding. I don't want any aliens. Just kidding. I'm not asking for it. I don't want it. Take it back. Speaker 0 00:14:36 So Joe's reaction to this was, well, he's thirsty. I mean, clearly he's probably been on a long journey. Speaker 1 00:14:43 It's been a very long journey. Speaker 0 00:14:45 And he just needs, he needs something to drink. He Speaker 1 00:14:47 Needed some booze, Speaker 0 00:14:48 So, well, Joe didn't think like that. Speaker 1 00:14:52 Oh, maybe some Coca-Cola. Speaker 0 00:14:54 Joe just went in and filled the bucket with water. So he took the container into the house, filled it with water, brought it back out. Okay. He brought back, he gave it to the alien, and as he did, he leaned against making himself nice and cozy, like one arm up against the spacecraft. Okay. Which is, that's hovering above the ground. Speaker 1 00:15:11 That seems awfully comfortable for Right. Someone seeing an alien in a spacecraft. Right. He Speaker 0 00:15:16 Seems pretty calm here. He seems Speaker 1 00:15:18 To lean against it. Speaker 0 00:15:19 Yeah. Just like, Hey, Speaker 1 00:15:21 Okay, what's up? I'm listening. So he Speaker 0 00:15:23 Looks inside the spacecraft at this point, and he sees two other beings. Okay. One looks like he has a seatbelt on and he's, you know, got a bunch of controllers killing. Yeah. Maybe navigating. Okay. Okay. The other one he thought, he, he's like, well, what are you doing? He was flipping something on a metal surface that looked very hot because smoke was coming off of it. Okay. So Joe goes, well, I think he's cooking <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:15:50 What was he cooking? Some methamphetamines. Speaker 0 00:15:53 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:15:57 I don't know where that came from. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:15:59 They're in Wisconsin. There Speaker 1 00:16:02 Might be methamphetamines there. Speaker 0 00:16:04 The accent I'm, I'm getting, oh, I'm getting at the accent. Wisconsin. I mean, I can't do Speaker 1 00:16:10 Like, wait, wait, what? Speaker 0 00:16:11 Isn't it more like, don't, you know, don't, like, don't, you know? Yeah, Speaker 1 00:16:13 Yeah. Like from the movie, the, the movie with the girl that she was a, she was in the beauty pageant and then her, there was an explosion. She, she had her, oh my God. You don't know the movie. I don't know what you're talking about. Drop dead. Gorgeous. Never seen it Anyways. But they're from Minnesota, Speaker 0 00:16:28 Minnesota, Minnesota. I mean, that's next to Speaker 1 00:16:30 Wisconsin. It is. I feel like Speaker 0 00:16:32 Maybe cheese. There's glass of cheese in Wisconsin. Speaker 1 00:16:35 Anyways, there's an explosion at the trailer park, and her mom gets her hand melted into a beer can. Oh God. Speaker 0 00:16:41 This Speaker 1 00:16:42 Is a solid movie. 10 outta 10. Uh, Speaker 0 00:16:45 I just remember I have family in Michigan and I would go there in the summertime to visit. Right. Well, Speaker 1 00:16:51 I have never been so, I don't know <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:16:53 Well, I, there was, there was some kids there, and I would go out and play and they said, you have a funny accent. I'm like, me like, yeah. The way you say rocks, they're like, you say it like you're British rocks. And I'm like, okay. And they say racks. Speaker 1 00:17:07 Racks rat. Speaker 0 00:17:09 All right. So Joe thought this, this alien, you know, he must be cooking. Yeah. Right? Yep. Okay. So this alien was flipping something on a metal surface. This is how Joe described it. It was a flat metal surface that looked very hot. I'm like, so you, so you're talking about a griddle. Speaker 1 00:17:25 He's, he's making hamburgers. Speaker 0 00:17:27 I don't think it was hamburgers, Speaker 1 00:17:28 People burgers, Speaker 0 00:17:29 Uh, would be, have you seen that episode of Twilight Zone? Like every New Year's we watched the Twilight Zone. Mm-hmm. That's, that's just, I've Speaker 1 00:17:37 Never watched Zon Alyssa on the Tower of Tara in Disneyland back in the day. Speaker 0 00:17:41 Oh, I love the toilet Speaker 1 00:17:42 Zone. Yeah. No, I've never seen the Speaker 0 00:17:45 Show. So there's this one where these aliens come to earth and they're like, they're great, and they're feeding everyone and they're providing everyone, and they're like, we're here to serve you. Right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And this person finds a, a book that says How to Serve Man, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And he starts reading it and it's a cookbook. <laugh>, how'd Speaker 1 00:18:05 You serve, man? Speaker 0 00:18:06 How do serve man me fatten 'em up and cook 'em right up Speaker 1 00:18:10 And set 'em out for the masses? Yep. Speaker 0 00:18:13 Yep. So he's looking at this, this, this alien cooking. And he, he looks back because at this point he hasn't made eye contact. Right. I don't know how you don't make eye contact when you're getting, Speaker 1 00:18:22 That's one's a little suspicious. Some water, but that's fine. Okay. But this is Speaker 0 00:18:25 What he said. So he made eye contact with the, the water alien. Right. And Joe described the alien stare as his word penetrating. Speaker 1 00:18:36 Okay. Okay. Speaker 0 00:18:37 And felt as though this alien could see right through him and read his mind. Speaker 1 00:18:42 Which I have heard that from a number of like alien things that I've read Speaker 0 00:18:47 Your mind. Well, okay. Speaker 1 00:18:48 Yeah. That they can, they like will go into your brain and can, Speaker 0 00:18:51 But Okay, let's break that down. Let's break that down for a minute. We're going more into the, the witchy things, the energy things. Oh, everything has energy, right? Thousand percent. So Albert Einstein, everything has energy. Yes. That was his, his claim. Everything has energy. Well, Speaker 1 00:19:04 That, that, I mean, it is, it is. Let's, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I was gonna say not this is reality. This is not like a perception or it's everything has energy. Speaker 0 00:19:12 If everything has energy, then thoughts have energy. Correct? Speaker 1 00:19:15 Yes. A thousand Speaker 0 00:19:15 Percent. So if thoughts have energy, if you found a way to read that energy, couldn't you read thoughts? Speaker 1 00:19:20 Well, a thousand percent. Boom. And some people can Speaker 0 00:19:23 Boom. I can't, Speaker 1 00:19:25 Neither Speaker 0 00:19:25 Wish I could. Nope. All right. So Joe, after, you know, being like, oh, you can read my mind. Joe looked back inside and this is what he said. He goes, I looked at the alien who was cooking up something and I looked at him longingly. Okay, Speaker 1 00:19:42 What does longingly mean? Like that he wants to Speaker 0 00:19:45 No, he put his hand to his mouth in an eating motion. So he, he wants a snack. Joe wants a snack. Speaker 1 00:19:52 He told the alien he wants a snack. He put his, Speaker 0 00:19:55 I mean, maybe he was trying to start a conversation like, what are you eating? Speaker 1 00:20:00 The fact that this man from Wisconsin is so fearless, is disturbing. Speaker 0 00:20:06 Right? Like, there's no fear. This is just so nonchalant. Speaker 1 00:20:09 I think this is the only thing that makes this story like somewhat non believable, is that like, Speaker 0 00:20:15 He's just going, he's just going with it. Speaker 1 00:20:18 He's leaning against the spaceship with one arm. Like, right. Hey guys, oh, Speaker 0 00:20:21 You want some water? You want some water? You want some Speaker 1 00:20:23 Water? Okay. Speaker 0 00:20:24 What are you cooking up over there? Speaker 1 00:20:25 I'll do a snack. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:20:27 You want little snack? Little snack. So without saying a word, the aliens scooped up what he was cooking. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. He gave it to Joe. Speaker 1 00:20:34 People brains. Speaker 0 00:20:35 What did he give them? Speaker 1 00:20:37 That was people brains. He Speaker 0 00:20:38 Gave 'em pancakes. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:20:41 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:20:45 Was not expecting that. Alien pancakes. Okay. Speaker 0 00:20:48 Alien pancakes. Like Speaker 1 00:20:50 Straight up pancakes. Speaker 0 00:20:51 Straight up pancakes. Okay. Joe described them as hot and greasy and he took a bite out of politeness. Speaker 1 00:20:57 Best. Well, but he told him he wanted them. He wanted it. So how dare asked for Speaker 0 00:21:01 It. Then Speaker 1 00:21:03 Also, if, if you are meeting aliens and you ask for a pancake and then you don't Speaker 0 00:21:10 Eat it, I think that would be considered rude in most cultures. Speaker 1 00:21:14 But also, like, why are you asking for food from aliens? Wouldn't you just be like, hi, what do you need? Okay. See you later. Like, you're not sitting here, like you're not having conversation. But if Speaker 0 00:21:22 Apparently everything seems real chill, you Speaker 1 00:21:24 Guys, I haven't met Alien, so I'm out. So yeah. Speaker 0 00:21:26 Real, real chill here. Speaker 1 00:21:28 Okay, Speaker 0 00:21:29 Continue. So he described them as hot and greasy. Took a bite in a later interview, Joe was recorded stating, Hmm, if this was their food, God helped them because it tasted like a piece of cardboard. He further went on to say that if this is what they lived on, no wonder they're so small. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:21:54 Sounds like a guy from Wisconsin. Speaker 0 00:21:56 Oh man, this is so good. So after aliens gave Joe the pancakes, the one that was outside that he gave the water to saluted him. Like a, okay, Speaker 1 00:22:07 Look at, see you later. I'll get Speaker 0 00:22:09 It. Saluted him. So Joe saluted back because he quote said, what else was I supposed to do? Right? Like, you salute, salute. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:22:19 I guess so. He, I don't, I Speaker 0 00:22:21 He stopped leaning on the air. The spaceship gave a salute Speaker 1 00:22:26 And went on his merry way. Speaker 0 00:22:28 Uh, the aliens went back inside, the hatch closed, and he said that the spaceship went straight up and then gone at a 45 degree angle. Okay. Like, zoomed away, zoomed away. Joe has reported saying after this that, well, dare, I stood in the driveway with a handful of greasy pancakes and my mouth open, wondering what the heck I just saw what had happened. I mean, you ate the pancakes, you literally ate Speaker 1 00:22:53 Pancakes. You also asked aliens, you pancake, Speaker 0 00:22:55 You asked them for pancakes, sir, like if I'm looking at you, if you're eating a a if you're eating a plate of french fries and I'm looking over and just like, Hmm hmm. Speaker 1 00:23:04 He literally said, Speaker 0 00:23:04 You're gonna gimme a french fries. Speaker 1 00:23:05 He put hand to mouth and was like, food. Speaker 0 00:23:08 Eat. Like when my little ones did the sign language at first. Yes. Speaker 1 00:23:11 Yeah. Yeah. We did that too. Yeah. Eat. I used to be fluent in sign language. Speaker 0 00:23:14 Me too. Are you serious? Speaker 1 00:23:16 No. I went to like, I did it in college. Yeah. All the way through. Speaker 0 00:23:19 I, I didn't do it in college, but I took lessons. Oh, Speaker 1 00:23:21 No, no, no, no. I went all the way through college. My best friend growing up, his parents were deaf. And I actually used to have deaf friends. We'd go out to the bar with, which let me tell you, doing sign language sober in class with your deaf friends, little different versus drunk at a bar Speaker 0 00:23:39 Different. Speaker 1 00:23:40 Slightly different little bit. But it was a great time. I, they would come out with me and my sorority sisters and I'd be like, sighing in a bar. And I love it. They meet up, up with us, sign language slurs as much as voices do. Speaker 0 00:23:50 There you go. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I loved it. I loved being, being able to sign. Yeah. I can't do it anymore. Well, Speaker 1 00:23:56 So I was literally fluent, like fluent, fluent. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Like I took all the way all the way through. Um, college I <affirmative> was anyways, but it's gone now. Cause I never, isn't Speaker 0 00:24:07 It weird how that one can just go away? Speaker 1 00:24:08 It just went, it was a bye bye. I mean, obviously I remember a lot of things and if I, I just took family photos from my friends family and his parents were deaf and I was able to communicate with them. But, so that's Speaker 0 00:24:18 Interesting. That's something I didn't know about you. I know. Speaker 1 00:24:20 Yeah. Fucking bag of tricks over here. I got Mary Poppin's bag behind my back. You never know what I'm gonna pull out. Speaker 0 00:24:26 Never know what you're gonna get. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:24:27 <laugh>, it's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. God, we're sick. Name the movie. Hey, Speaker 0 00:24:33 There's a Speaker 1 00:24:34 Kitty cat. What movie, babe? Oh, wait, wait Speaker 0 00:24:35 For my french fries. Uh, uh, uh, Tom Hanks. Speaker 1 00:24:39 That's not a movie. Speaker 0 00:24:40 No, I know. That's not, uh, forests Gump. I must said Ferris Bueller. That would've been Ron. Speaker 1 00:24:45 Ron Forests. Ron Tittles get outside. Speaker 0 00:24:48 Tittles is her cat, by the way, who just tried to eat my french fries. Speaker 1 00:24:52 She the best cat my little sister gave her to me. And she's the best. Oh, house. House. Speaker 0 00:24:59 Back to it. Back Speaker 1 00:25:00 To it. Speaker 0 00:25:01 So neighbors reported seeing a flying saucer flying towards Joe's farm, and they immediately called the Air Force. Which question? Speaker 1 00:25:08 Towards his farm or what? Speaker 0 00:25:09 Towards his farm. Okay. Okay. How do I just call the Air Force? Speaker 1 00:25:13 Oh, great question because I, so this is pre-Google, right? Just have the Air Force force on, like, Speaker 0 00:25:18 Do you just, do you have to look it up in like the phone book? Like is it under a for Air force? Speaker 1 00:25:22 How do they, how would you just call the how do you Speaker 0 00:25:24 Air force? They called the Air Force. So what Speaker 1 00:25:26 You just like bring the Pentagon and be like, boo boo boo boo boo boo boo. I saw an alien help us. Speaker 0 00:25:35 I have family that works in the government. Not saying where, when, who, any of that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But I have asked numerous time, are aliens real blink twice if aliens are real? Speaker 1 00:25:49 They've already said UFOs are real. Speaker 0 00:25:51 No, we're gonna, okay. That is different. UFOs are weird. What is a ufo? Did you Speaker 1 00:25:57 See me? Speaker 0 00:25:59 Unidentified flying object. Those dang balloons that have been going around. Those are unidentified flying the Speaker 1 00:26:04 Ding dang Speaker 0 00:26:04 Balloons. The ding dang balloons. Speaker 1 00:26:06 But anybody who's like paying attention, we realize there's something out there. Speaker 0 00:26:09 Okay. So the neighbors reported a flying sauce are heading towards Joe's farm and called the Air Force. Okay. No idea how the Air Force sent out. Project Blue Book. Do you know what Project Blue Book is? Speaker 1 00:26:20 Uh, no. Speaker 0 00:26:21 Great TV show. So Project Blue Book was the code name for a systematic study of unidentified flying objects. UFOs, right? Yep. By the United States Air Force. Okay. Um, oh, pause, Mr. Boo. Boo. Speaker 1 00:26:37 Hi, Mr. Boo. Boo. It's a perfect time. You coming in? Speaker 0 00:26:40 Ladies and gentlemen, Speaker 1 00:26:41 We have Mr. Boo Boo in the house, Mr. Speaker 0 00:26:43 Boo. Boo. So let's, Mr. Boo Speaker 1 00:26:45 Has graced us with his presence. Speaker 0 00:26:47 Let's give a slight synopsis, Joe. Speaker 1 00:26:50 Oh, I thought we were doing applause. Oh, what's a synopsis? Synopsis? It means a, Speaker 4 00:26:53 A recount. I know what it means. Speaker 1 00:26:54 Oh. Oh, Speaker 4 00:26:54 Okay. Trying to be a smart as, oh, Speaker 1 00:26:56 Well, Jesus, Speaker 0 00:26:57 Joe Man, Wisconsin aliens came down. They asked for water. He filled up a bucket of water. He looked in, wait, Speaker 1 00:27:03 Wait, wait, wait. Filled a bucket, bucket of water while leaning against the spaceship. Chilling. Hey guys, say that again. Joe. Joe. Hi. Last name. My name was Joe. Speaker 0 00:27:11 Uh, summer. You said Joey. Man. No, Joe. His name was, uh, Simonon. Joe. Speaker 1 00:27:16 Mama. Speaker 0 00:27:17 Joe Mama leaning to mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:27:18 <affirmative>. I knew it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 0 00:27:20 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So he looked inside, he looked inside the spacecraft. There was someone cooking up some on a griddle. Spacecraft. Spacecraft that he just leans against. It looks inside. Someone's cooking something up. He, he looks at him longingly in gestures. How's Speaker 4 00:27:33 This? What kind of spice Craft toilet. Speaker 0 00:27:35 It looked like two plates on top of each other. Like Speaker 1 00:27:38 A Speaker 0 00:27:39 So you'll understand that. You'll understand this. It was four meters high <laugh>. Speaker 4 00:27:43 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:27:45 Whatever that be odds. Jesus. He looked in Jesus Christ longingly at the griddle and gestured griddled. Apparently it was a griddle. There Speaker 1 00:27:52 Was alien inside cooking on a griddle. Apparently A griddle. This is what, this is what's we're hearing. What's Speaker 4 00:27:57 The difference between a griddle and a grill? Speaker 0 00:27:59 A griddle is a flat surface. What's grill? A grill has like Speaker 4 00:28:02 What's a griddle? Speaker 1 00:28:03 Griddle is flat. Speaker 0 00:28:04 Flat. What's a flat pipe? Like a flat cooktop? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:28:07 Like in the hibachi, Speaker 0 00:28:08 He wants to eat. Okay. Yeah. So the alien scoops up what he's cooking and gives it to him. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:28:13 Did you put on a bread? No, Speaker 0 00:28:14 He just gives it to him. What do you think he gave him? Speaker 4 00:28:17 What did he put it on? Speaker 0 00:28:18 Nothing. He just gave it to him in his hands. Did he put it in his hands? He put it in his hands. They were hot and greasy. No utensils. They were hot and greasy. No utensils. I guess aliens don't need utensils. Speaker 1 00:28:27 It was fucking pancakes. It was pancakes. I just get get to the point. Speaker 0 00:28:30 Pancakes. Yeah. Took the pan. He took a bite and he said, he said if this was their food, God help them because it tasted like a piece of cardboard. So it went away. They called the Air Force, which we're trying to figure out how do you just call the Air Force in 1961? Speaker 1 00:28:44 Like back in the sixties? How do you, how do you think you called the Air Force? Speaker 0 00:28:47 Do you just look it up in the phone? Book nine one one nine one one didn't come about until the nineties. There's Speaker 4 00:28:51 A switchboard probably. Speaker 0 00:28:53 So you just call and you say, call Switchboard and say hello. How may I direct your call? Oh, they need to call the Pentagon. Speaker 4 00:29:00 Why? Speaker 0 00:29:01 That's the Air Force. Speaker 4 00:29:02 No, it's Speaker 0 00:29:02 Not. Will you go through the Pentagon to get to the Air Force? Were you, Speaker 4 00:29:05 You don't have to. I Speaker 0 00:29:06 Don't know. Speaker 4 00:29:07 There someone on the base Speaker 0 00:29:09 Text <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:29:10 You guys, he was born in 1982. Speaker 0 00:29:12 Heaths. He's old. Speaker 4 00:29:15 How did, how did the aliens land in the first place? Did he not hear 'em land? Speaker 0 00:29:18 No, he was doing he the dishes. Speaker 1 00:29:19 He met them and Speaker 0 00:29:20 He was doing the dishes and he heard something that sounded like screeching wheels. Okay. And they came down, he's like, oh, what's that? Is that the roof house? Speaker 4 00:29:27 He went over and leaned Speaker 0 00:29:28 In. Yeah. Yeah. Pancake. Yeah. Very nonchalant. And Speaker 4 00:29:32 Then the Air Force rocked up, but you no Speaker 0 00:29:33 Project Blue Book came up. Do you know what project Blue Book is? Speaker 1 00:29:36 It's like Men in Black. Speaker 0 00:29:37 It's a systemic study of unidentified flying objects. Speaker 1 00:29:40 It's man black. Speaker 0 00:29:42 Sure. Well, hi Kitty. Speaker 4 00:29:43 Do they wear blue gloves? I Speaker 0 00:29:45 Don't Speaker 1 00:29:45 Know. Teds, Speaker 0 00:29:46 So they started in 1952 and they were terminated in 1969. There's a great TV show about Project Blue Book. And basically it's like the X files from the 1960s. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Okay. Great, great, great, great, great stuff. Speaker 4 00:29:58 The company unit. Oh, I wish. Speaker 0 00:30:00 So, while the authorities believed that Joe was a credible witness, they said that they believed he had quote, gone stir crazy on the farm, made the whole story up. Speaker 1 00:30:10 He was like, Edward, was there any Edward from Man Black? Speaker 4 00:30:13 Was there any Speaker 0 00:30:15 Evidence? Evidence? Yes. And I, I sent you the pictures. I sent you the pictures of Jill. Speaker 1 00:30:19 Did you Speaker 0 00:30:19 Hang? No, I sent them, I shared the document, but don't look 'em up yet. Don't look it up yet. Speaker 1 00:30:24 Okay. I'm sorry. Speaker 0 00:30:25 Over the coming weeks, Joe Joe's story spread, like news crews came by. He had to tell it over and over again. But Joe kind of got made fun of for this, Speaker 1 00:30:33 Obviously. Right. Peoples Craig. Right. Speaker 0 00:30:36 So he was already kind of on the outskirts and now he kind of retreated even more. Right. He said it ruined his life. He couldn't get the plumbing jobs like he once did it kind of, who was a plumber? He was a plumber. Joe the plumber. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:30:52 The whole league against the side of a U ufo. Just Speaker 0 00:30:56 Yeah. How you doing? Yeah, exactly. Hanging, hanging out. Exactly. Speaker 1 00:30:59 I know. That would be the part that might get me. Well, well Speaker 4 00:31:02 What happened to you guys? What, what Speaker 0 00:31:04 Did you do today? I mean, it was just, he hang out, hang Speaker 1 00:31:06 Out with the ufo. They just Speaker 0 00:31:07 Wanted to hang out Speaker 4 00:31:08 With his rig per girl from uh, Speaker 0 00:31:10 Exactly. Speaker 4 00:31:11 She looks like a real Butte. Speaker 1 00:31:13 She's a Butte Clark. Anywho, Speaker 0 00:31:17 Go move on. Uh, Joe was having a conversation with someone from town named Judge Franklin. Carter. Carter was a U f O enthusiast. Okay. He had had experiences in his own life. Not at this point in time. Okay. Groups come later. Speaker 4 00:31:30 So he just was having, he Speaker 0 00:31:31 Just, he just, he had experiences of his own and he wanted to talk to Joe about the experience. Okay. Speaker 4 00:31:38 Judge Ken. Speaker 0 00:31:40 Sure. Joe still had the pancakes at this point. Speaker 1 00:31:44 Okay. He had eaten them. Speaker 0 00:31:45 He, well, he took a bite, said kissed like cardboard. Yeah. So he Speaker 1 00:31:49 Saved him cuz they were alien. Speaker 0 00:31:50 He saved them. They Speaker 1 00:31:52 Were alien pancakes. You're not gonna throw 'em away. Speaker 0 00:31:54 Right. So he handed Judge Carter the pancakes. Carter was quoted saying the greasiness and smell reminded him of the goose grease his mother used to rub on his chest when he was a child. <laugh>, what Speaker 1 00:32:17 Made, you're not really selling this. Speaker 4 00:32:19 Did she? Did she cook him up? Speaker 0 00:32:21 I don't know what's going on. All I could think of, like, you know when your kids have a cold? Speaker 4 00:32:24 Why, why did he, why did he, Speaker 0 00:32:27 When your kids have a cold, you put the, the mentally stuff. I Speaker 1 00:32:30 Just wanna be clear on their chest. I don't believe in alien aliens. I don't know who this story is selling me right now. 10 10. Not selling me. Wait, Speaker 4 00:32:37 Wait. We're still gone. Gotta finish the story. Speaker 0 00:32:41 So, so I don't know what that could be like. Why would you put goose grease on your chest? <laugh>? I don't know. Maybe it helped him with the sniffles. I Speaker 1 00:32:49 Know. If you're, if you're an old bat, Speaker 0 00:32:50 Just let us know. Let us know. Maybe that was the thing. An Speaker 1 00:32:53 Old bitty like the last episode. Speaker 0 00:32:55 Like Hannah cran. Hannah Speaker 1 00:32:56 Cran. That old probably. Oh, Speaker 4 00:32:58 The old hand. You from Kraner. I remember that. Speaker 0 00:33:03 Do Speaker 4 00:33:04 You? Yes. <laugh>. You, you, you listener. You may not have hurt me cuz they'll block everything I said. Speaker 0 00:33:10 Do we? Speaker 4 00:33:11 You will. Speaker 0 00:33:11 Okay. Speaker 4 00:33:12 Because I said the word what? Bu bu Speaker 0 00:33:16 The pancakes themselves were said to be about three inches around and covered in holes. So that's great. Don't switch. Chase that. That's great for my tripophobia. Do you have tripophobia? I have tripophobia. What is that? Holes? You can't handle them. Like re repeated patterns of holes. Okay. Google Tripophobia. How do you, okay. A lot of people have Tripophobia. T R Y P, trip, t o P H, phobia. Speaker 4 00:33:45 <laugh>. I've got phobia from spelling it. T Speaker 1 00:33:48 R Y P, Speaker 0 00:33:50 Trip to Okay. Phobia. Okay. The Speaker 1 00:33:54 Extreme. Speaker 0 00:33:55 Oh, God. Conversion. Speaker 1 00:33:57 What? Speaker 0 00:33:57 It just showed the pictures. What Speaker 1 00:33:59 Pictures of small holes or bumps? Show me Speaker 0 00:34:02 Pictures. So look at the, look at the pictures that come, come with it. Speaker 1 00:34:06 Well, Speaker 0 00:34:07 Oh my god. When they're Speaker 1 00:34:08 On hands. Oh my Speaker 0 00:34:09 God. Fuck God. Dude, they can't, Speaker 1 00:34:11 That fucks me up too for that. Speaker 0 00:34:13 It just gives me the heebie-jeebies. Speaker 1 00:34:16 Okay. That is not, that's not real Speaker 0 00:34:18 Because, no. Okay. Story time. That one Speaker 1 00:34:22 That fucks me. Speaker 0 00:34:24 No. I'll tell you. Crut, I will tell you a story. Cru, Speaker 1 00:34:27 It's like a crut. You a Speaker 0 00:34:28 Crump is when I was little crumping. I know what a crumpet is. Speaker 1 00:34:31 Okay. Do you Yes. No. Do you actually Speaker 0 00:34:34 Yeah. It's, it's like a British, like, it's like a English muffin, but not, it's not cut in half. It's like a Carter. Judge Carter gave the pancakes to the Air Force. Oh God. And major Donald Keyhole of the National Investigation Committee, an aerial phenomenon, sent it to the Food and Drug Administration. Okay. Okay. They came back saying that the pancakes were pure buckwheat. Speaker 4 00:35:02 What's buck? Buck Speaker 1 00:35:04 Wets? Speaker 0 00:35:04 Like a, a Speaker 1 00:35:05 Wheat. That's like a Midwest Wisconsin. That's where they're from. I, we, we did Speaker 4 00:35:10 The, so no, no liquid in Speaker 1 00:35:12 It, babe. We were doing the no milk that dropped dead gorgeous. Like, don't you know, don't, Speaker 0 00:35:17 Don't, you know. Speaker 4 00:35:18 Yeah, it's good. Don't Speaker 1 00:35:19 Wisconsin, Wisconsin about the lady who got the beer, beer can stuck in her hand. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:35:24 She Speaker 1 00:35:25 Knowing Speaker 4 00:35:25 Fire. Speaker 1 00:35:27 And then the guy he got and she ended out with hooks and the suspend, the suspend stuck in the car. Dad, help, help, help. Speaker 4 00:35:33 Dad. Speaker 0 00:35:34 I have no idea what's happening. Speaker 4 00:35:36 All right. I am. It's inappropriate. Sorry, I have to, I'm gonna, Speaker 1 00:35:39 He wants boo Speaker 4 00:35:40 Boos. Gotta go. Boo booo. Speaker 0 00:35:42 Yeah. So Keyhole went on to write a number of books. This is, this is the major that we talked about. Major Donald Keyhole. He went on to write a number of books about U F O sightings. And he stated many times that he believes the government should release the U F O reports. Which Speaker 1 00:35:56 They have. Speaker 0 00:35:57 They have. But this is where, this is where we disagree. Speaker 1 00:36:02 Okay. Speaker 0 00:36:02 This is where we disagree. So in 2022, the Pentagon released a, a study about the proof of USOs, right? Yeah. Like that? Yes. They are there. Correct? Correct. So the National Investigation Committee on Aerial phenomenon released the report on UFOs. There was 510 total unidentified objects in this report. Okay. Speaker 0 00:36:25 Okay. Um, 366 had been newly identified as, you know, creations like they knew what they were. Right, right. 26 were characterized as aircraft systems, Uhhuh, <affirmative> or drones. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> 163 were attributed to balloons or balloon like entities, which we've had a lot of balloon stuff this year. Right. Okay. Yeah. Six were found to be clutter. Whatever that means. Such as, you know, oh, it says it right there. Ha ha. Birds or plastic shopping bags. So there were 171 reports of unidentified flying objects, sightings that remain, quote, uncharacterized and unattributed, meaning some of these uncharacterized UFOs appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performances that require further analysis. Speaker 1 00:37:17 This is from the Pentagon. Speaker 0 00:37:18 This is from the Pentagon. Meaning they have no freaking idea what they are. Okay. Speaker 1 00:37:23 Which is, in my opinion, bullshit. They know what aliens are and they know they're Speaker 0 00:37:28 Real. Oh, we're not saying this is aliens, but, Speaker 1 00:37:31 Okay. Speaker 0 00:37:32 This is aliens. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:37:35 <affirmative>. Okay. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 0 00:37:36 Um, so they're basically saying that UFOs, so yes, there is the proof of UFOs. Correct. They're not saying that there is a proof of aliens. Right. There is a proof of unidentified flying objects. Take that as you will. After Joe's encounter with the so-called aliens, all 23 of his chickens died. Speaker 1 00:38:01 They did, they did. Harry P. Speaker 0 00:38:02 So he's saying that maybe this was related, but there's obviously, Speaker 1 00:38:06 I had a story from a last episode that I wanted to share. And I feel like this is the episode of what, one time I hit a chicken. Oh Speaker 0 00:38:14 God. That's terrible. You Speaker 1 00:38:16 Guys. I was in Australia. Speaker 0 00:38:19 You didn't hit a kangaroo. Speaker 1 00:38:20 And I was driving to a photo shoot and I was on a back country road and it was very windy and there was a chicken. I went around the corner and the chicken was there and I hit it and it went up at a ball of poof. Literal feathers everywhere. But it killed me because I knew it was probably someone's Yeah. Like chicken. But I also didn't stop because I was murderer chicken. So I didn't know, you know, it was a chicken. Speaker 0 00:38:45 It was a chicken. I hid a chipmunk once and I cried the rest of the day. Oh, Speaker 1 00:38:49 The chicken's probably one of the only things. No, I hid a deer one time too. <affirmative> Speaker 0 00:38:54 Weren't koalas. And Speaker 1 00:38:55 I actually get kangaroos. <laugh>, no koalas, Speaker 0 00:39:00 But weren't koalas on the side of the road like roadkill. Yeah. That's terrible. Yeah. I hate it. Speaker 1 00:39:05 It's, it's life. I hate it in Australia. Anyways, continue. Any Speaker 0 00:39:10 Who? So Joe went on to live his life. He was kind of ostracized from society at that point because people just didn't believe him. He kind of lost his work and he just lived out the rest of his days. But he always had the story of his encounter with aliens and they just had a little pancake breakfast. What Speaker 1 00:39:30 Am I allowed to look at the things you said? Look them up now. No, I saw it ish. Speaker 0 00:39:36 So in these photos that I sent, this is Joe, actual Joe with the pancakes. And then there's like a dis like there's a, okay. Speaker 1 00:39:44 To be clear, you made me Google that word and that was fucked up. Speaker 0 00:39:47 Tripophobia. It Speaker 1 00:39:49 Looks like a honeycomb from a bee is essentially what the pancake. Speaker 0 00:39:52 But it's, it's like the repeated pattern of holes is creepy. And it makes me have the shivers. Speaker 1 00:40:00 I mean, yeah, they don't, it's not, they don't look so they look like pancakes when they do get the holes in the bottom, but they're not like, we'll Speaker 0 00:40:07 Post these on the interwebs. Speaker 1 00:40:10 Yeah. We'll put 'em in the, um, when we post things on Speaker 0 00:40:13 For this Speaker 1 00:40:14 Episode, Instagram and whatever, we'll Speaker 0 00:40:15 Post you. And then there's kind of like an artistic depiction of the alien coming out of the spacecraft with his Speaker 1 00:40:21 G Looks like a teletubby. Speaker 0 00:40:24 Oh, he does. He's in like a tight suit. Speaker 1 00:40:27 No, he looks like a man in a tight suit, but also like, Speaker 0 00:40:30 Maybe he's about to go for a swim. Speaker 1 00:40:32 Remini cold water. No. Yeah. That's what he looks like. He's a, he's in a scuba suit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Or a tejay. I'm gonna Speaker 0 00:40:38 Taha, Speaker 1 00:40:39 I also, this is where I struggle with this. Like, I don't know anybody who's gonna lean against spaceship and just Speaker 0 00:40:44 Like, right. Like I feel like, like I'm, I'm pretty into this stuff, but if I saw a spaceship, I'd be flipping shit. Speaker 1 00:40:51 I'm not saying that he's lying. I'm just saying that maybe Speaker 0 00:40:55 His perception Speaker 1 00:40:57 A little Craig Cray. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But that's a personal thing. Speaker 0 00:41:00 But other people saw a reported seeing a spacecraft heading towards his farm and alerted the authorities. Speaker 1 00:41:08 Right. Which is why I'm saying, I'm not saying he's lying because I actually believe in aliens. I believe in all of that. But like the whole leaning against the side of it being like suck. Oh, you're cooking a pancake. Uhhuh <affirmative>. Let me have something. And maybe Speaker 0 00:41:19 That was him just trying to cover up his, but Speaker 1 00:41:22 That you are that cool, calm and collected. Speaker 0 00:41:25 Nami nami. Speaker 1 00:41:27 I don't know that anybody would be. That's wild. Speaker 0 00:41:30 Yeah. Do we wanna go into our listener tale about aliens at this point? I mean, we're kind of running a little long, but let's, Speaker 1 00:41:36 No, I think we do. Speaker 0 00:41:37 This one's pretty good. Okay. Speaker 1 00:41:39 This is the listener tale guys. We got one sent in about aliens, which is why we decided to do this episode. Speaker 0 00:41:44 So this was an anonymous write-in. Okay. Thank you. Anonymous Speaker 1 00:41:49 <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:41:50 Okay, here we go. I'm gonna do my best. Reading this. It was nothing that I asked for or anything I wish would wish upon anyone. It was the night that stole my 18 year old youthful innocence. And we, citizens of earth were in control of our world. I can tell you now, we are not. And the fact, and the fact no one was even paying attention to the matter disturbed me the most. Newport, New Hampshire fall 1974, or if you will, Newport, New Hampshire. Speaker 1 00:42:20 This is back in the day. Speaker 0 00:42:21 Let's just go to New Hampshire. Not Speaker 1 00:42:23 Current time, y'all Speaker 0 00:42:23 Right here. 1974. My 22 year old boyfriend and myself were bored but in good spirits at my parents' house sitting on the couch. My father, who was an avid ci citizen band radio user, came crashing through the front door so hard. His keys were clanging noise on his belt and he had a surprise look of astonishment on his face. He said the news on the CB radio was that people were calling in UFO sightings report all around Newport and you can Google this. Yeah. This is like, this happened at this time in this In Newport. Newport. New Hampshire. Speaker 1 00:42:57 New Hampshire. Speaker 0 00:42:58 New Hampshire. At the time, my boyfriend and myself, we saw UFOs as being a source of entertainment and nothing more serious than that. So we went bubbling out the door, laughing and on a mission to spot a U F O. We found ourselves in South Newport at the far end of town, sitting in an apple orchard in hers hopes to watch the skies without notice by anyone sitting on the ground. From mere seconds we heard some nearby dogs starting to bark for what seemed endless. For what seemed endlessly from every direction. So dogs started barking. Yeah. Animals started making noise it sounds like Speaker 1 00:43:32 Freaking out. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:43:34 We departed and searched for a new location. I want to know at the time, while looking for a new location, it was at this time and only in my life that I heard a female voice whisper clearly in my head. Quote, if he asks you to go to the lodge, don't go. Speaker 1 00:43:51 That's what I was saying earlier is that they communicate you telepathically Speaker 0 00:43:55 Or was it, is she saying that a spirit or something was warning? Well, but also Speaker 1 00:43:58 Something. Yes. Something warning. Okay. Speaker 0 00:44:01 I have no idea why I acknowledged this voice without question and non-verbally asked back what lodge the voice replied in North Newport. I knew then exactly where I was. He was caretaker at a remote lodge. I'm assuming she means the boyfriend at this point. Yes. Was a caretaker at a remote lodge and I was just instructed by somebody not to go there. This was the beginning of where things began to go wrong. I responded to the voice. Okay. Within 20 seconds of that voice, my boyfriend asked me if I wanted to go to the lodge. Oof. I quickly dismissed the voice I heard in my head thinking that it was silly. What's with that voice anyway? I want to go have fun. Okay. I mean, and you're 18, I get, I get Speaker 1 00:44:49 That. You're like, what the hell? Yeah. Speaker 0 00:44:50 Yeah. To this day, I don't know why I didn't find it more remarkable. That remarkable that I heard a voice and why I so quickly dismissed the warning that now I see as a gift and how I EAs I how I so easily brushed it away. I have never heard the voice again and believed because I rudely promised it one thing and did another. Within mere seconds is the reason why. Ooh. Speaker 1 00:45:13 She went to the lodge. Oof. Oh no. Ooh. Speaker 0 00:45:17 We drove to the opposite end of town to rear remote back road in North Newport. When we got to the entrance to an offshoot road, there was a metal gate to unlock and another one after that, nobody else was able to get in or out of the, without a special key at the lodge. So this guy must have had a special key cuz he worked at the lodge. Our boyfriend. Yeah. That's what it, that's what I'm getting from this. Yeah. At the lodge there was a picnic table and fields all around and woods in the back. Okay. We sat at the end of the picnic table and looked out over the horizon in which, in the far off distance you could just barely see the Newport. The Newport town lights. I've been to Newport, New Hampshire, actually, it's lovely. Speaker 0 00:45:57 As I sat perched on the edge, something quickly caught my eye as I watched a glow from a far rise and lower, he saw my expression, my, I'm assuming his boyfriend saw my expression. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and asked why I looked so weird. I said nothing. Instead he looked in the same direction and once again the lights rose and lowered. But even greater. But even greater. This time, I'm assuming it was like brighter this time. Yeah. He became mesmerized as well. We wondered if the town lights could somehow do this, but within seconds it did a third time and came up over through the field, straight at us and landed about 200 feet in front of us. Dang. 200 feet is not far. Speaker 1 00:46:35 Not far at all. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:46:37 We were paralyzed with fear and couldn't move due to disbelief. Disbelief of what was happening. It was approximately 35 feet wide oval and made no sound whatsoever. And white light was so bright, clear and crisp and self-contained. Not like a flashlight where light would spread out. Okay. Wow. Interesting. Speaker 1 00:46:55 So it's like a big orb essentially. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:46:57 That's what it sounds like. Because the light, light usually Speaker 1 00:47:00 Disperses. No. Yeah. But if it's an, if it doesn't disperse, it's an like an orb. Speaker 0 00:47:04 Yeah. Interesting. Mm-hmm. Animal sounds were coming from nearby woods and I don't know what that was about, but they were loud and highly odd and disturbing Speaker 1 00:47:12 Sounds. Well I feel like animals detect. Speaker 0 00:47:14 They know everything. They Speaker 1 00:47:15 Know everything. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:47:16 My boyfriend asked if I wanted to go inside the lodge and all I could think of was getting trapped in a box. So I declined and we ran to the car. In the car. I saw his knees knocking together like something out of a cartoon you would see. He started the car and the headlights came on. I cried. What are you doing? He said he wanted to see if the car would start just as in the movies where you would see the car won't start. Yeah. And God knows, this felt like one of those movies. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:47:40 Like getting the hell out of there and then the car won't start and you're like, this is, no, this is Speaker 0 00:47:46 Quite the story. Uh, tears were now running down our faces and shaking from fear as the craft craft rose up slightly and down twice more without moving forward. I was sobbing to myself and thoughts were that of my parents would not know where to find my dead body, much less Speaker 1 00:48:03 My car. God, Speaker 0 00:48:04 Nobody would be here until hunting season had started. I guess they were that remote. I wondered how we went from being two bumbling kids, laughing and joking just an hour ago to being worried about my family as I was sure we were about to be abducted or killed in some way. The craft lit up again and moved forward to a field beyond the house and finally crossed over to one road. To the one road we needed to get out. We watched it intently as we moved slowly across the field and in the blink of an eye similar to that of a road run runner in Wiley Coyote cartoons took off at an unimaginable speed to the hills beyond, and I could not fathom how it could hug the hills so closely and go so fast without crashing into something. Speaker 1 00:48:47 So it followed them. Speaker 0 00:48:49 Apparently. That's what it sounds like. This is terrifying. We began to drive out of the bo the driveway and make, make it to the gates. At this point, my boyfriend stated he wasn't going to get out and unlock the gates. I briefly found this funny, even in my traumatized state as I thought so you're going to leave me to do it <laugh>? Speaker 1 00:49:08 Yeah. Like you got outta the car, open the gate. Speaker 0 00:49:10 You do it. You do It. Sounds Speaker 1 00:49:11 About Damn right. Right. Speaker 0 00:49:13 We eventually decided I would slide over and drive the car as he got out and unlocked the gate and he wasn't going to take the time to lock them back. This is how much it affected us that even after we watched the craft leave, we were still fo so effect. Okay. So the craft left. At this point, we were still so affected that we have a difficult, we had a difficult time believing we were safe anymore. This is terrifying. Yeah. We drove away and ended up on a Newport Road a little different route than we took to get there. It's now late and know that several cards oddly pulled over on the side of the road, which was strange, and then realized the craft must have flown over this road and it now made sense in the direction that we went, that it had flown that way. So cards were pulled over on the side of the road because this and watching thing. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:49:58 They were like freaking out too. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:49:59 Yeah. I wanted to go to the police station to report what happened, but my boyfriend refused because his brother worked with the squad and he didn't want the stigma of being the gossip as the two weirdos in Speaker 1 00:50:09 Town. Yeah, that makes Speaker 0 00:50:09 Sense. I get that. Yeah. I mean that's like Joe, he kind of, you know, lost our reputation. Yep. We arrived at my parents' house, returned to the couch and began crying. This woke my parents up and it took us a bit to get our story out. As usual. My mother tried to calm us down and my father wanted to go. Where it happened, there was no going back for either of us. For me it would, I would never go back. Looking back, I now recognize that P T s D, it caused as when any white lights would flash, especially out the side of my eyes. I would have a rush fear run through my body and freeze To this day. It still does. We aren't alone. And from what I feel, maybe never were, this was not manmade and it was not a swamp gas, as some people said. It was, was it was a real, it, it was as real as you and I and it knew we were there. Speaker 1 00:51:01 Oof. Damn. Speaker 0 00:51:03 I'm surprised to this day. I, I was not abducted still. It forever changed my life. I felt deeply saddened for years concerned for our world and how vulnerable we are. I no longer felt safe. I felt we were screwed. <laugh>. I mean Speaker 1 00:51:17 Oh, that's understandable. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:51:19 When I turn on the TV and listen to politicians squabble over what now seemed ridiculous stuff that was so in insignificant. Right. They must be missing what was happening on the largest scale possible. And I wondered if when the crap hits the fan, if our world leaders slash countries would ever unite or if it was even possible to save the human race. Oof this event stole my youthful, bright eyed innocence. Speaker 1 00:51:44 This is terrifying. Right. This Speaker 0 00:51:46 Event stole my youthful, bright eye innocence. I wished it never had happened. That is a story. Good god, Speaker 1 00:51:54 Y'all. Speaker 0 00:51:55 So when I hear about alien abductions, I never get that fear associated with it. Okay. Speaker 1 00:51:59 So also, let me just be clear. When we were talking about, like, tell us your stories. I don't think I was ready. I don't think you ready, Speaker 0 00:52:06 That's No, but this is what I wanna hear. What I, I wanna hear this, but that was, that was quite Speaker 1 00:52:11 The story. Speaker 0 00:52:13 So you and I talk about Yeah, we wanna see an alien. We wanna see a species. No, no, no, Speaker 1 00:52:16 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm sorry you got a mouse in your pocket. I never say we, I wanna do that. No, I do not want That Speaker 0 00:52:24 Sounds terrifying. Yeah. This experience, this personal experience sounds terrifying. Now I know what else I Speaker 1 00:52:29 Also, the fact that this person obviously is older than us. Speaker 0 00:52:33 Yes. They were 18 years old in the early seventies, Speaker 1 00:52:36 So, so I feel like that's even, Speaker 0 00:52:39 And it, it seems like it's terrifying still stays with them to this day. Well, Speaker 1 00:52:43 Clearly because clearly they felt the need, not the need, but they, they gave us their story they, Speaker 0 00:52:48 Which thank you so much for giving us your story. Holy crap. That's a story. Speaker 1 00:52:53 Obviously your identity is hidden. Well, we got an email with unknown. So, Speaker 0 00:52:58 Yeah. Anonymous, anonymous story. Speaker 1 00:53:01 But I'm interesting. That messed me up, Speaker 0 00:53:04 <laugh>. That's quite the story. You good? Speaker 1 00:53:06 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You good? No, Speaker 0 00:53:08 That was a big story. Speaker 1 00:53:09 That was a big story. You're like, that should have been the story we told on the podcast. Speaker 0 00:53:15 Seriously. Speaker 1 00:53:16 My God. Screw the, Speaker 0 00:53:16 The pancakes we need that Speaker 1 00:53:18 This manning goddamn alien pancakes is nothing. That was a real story to me. Speaker 0 00:53:23 It's just interesting because the spacecraft didn't actually do anything, but the fear that it instilled in this writer Speaker 1 00:53:30 Obviously did. Geez. But no, Speaker 0 00:53:36 That's a lot. Speaker 1 00:53:37 I have so many thoughts on it. Speaker 0 00:53:38 So many thoughts. That's Speaker 1 00:53:39 Why I feel like that should have been like half the podcast. It Speaker 0 00:53:42 Probably will be once you edit this. Speaker 1 00:53:43 Yeah. It might be <laugh> <laugh>, but it's like them seeing it and then it following them. Speaker 0 00:53:51 Yeah. That's terrifying. So it was aware, it was aware that they were there. Yeah. It was aware that they were watching and it made their presence very known. Speaker 1 00:54:02 I have anxiety thinking about it. That's Speaker 0 00:54:04 Scary. Speaker 1 00:54:05 I think that's one of those things that doing this podcast, Speaker 0 00:54:09 All the anxiety involved bothered Speaker 1 00:54:11 Me. Yeah. Is that the reality of all these unknown things? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> kind of becomes more reality. Speaker 0 00:54:19 Yeah. Yeah. Be, but that's what we wanted. Speaker 1 00:54:25 Is it <laugh>? I mean, it is, but holy shit. It's like all those really scary things that you try and be like, that's not real. And then you're like, right. Or Speaker 0 00:54:37 You, you somehow like justify or, you know, reason away. When I was a kid, I lived in the middle of the woods in Vermont. There were no, you know, transformer like, like power transformers or anything like that. And I remember one night I was, we had these big bay windows and it overlooked the mountain. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It was beautiful. I lived on 40 acres, right? There were no neighbors, nothing like that. And one night it was, it was dark, and I was walking down the hall and the power went out and everything flashed green. Like, like light up the room. Green aliens. I looked out onto our view of the mountain, and there were these three giant balls above the mountain, just circular, spinning balls of light. They were too big to be flares, right? Because flares like, yeah, flares will do that. But Speaker 1 00:55:28 They be small. They're, they're small, they're not big. These were Speaker 0 00:55:30 Huge in comparison to the mountain itself. Right. They were these perspective, Speaker 1 00:55:35 But also like, right. The, the perspective would have to be, it doesn't make, that doesn't add up, Speaker 0 00:55:40 Right? No, the, it doesn't add up. And to this day, I have no idea what it was, but it stuck with me all these years. I was probably 10 years old when it happened. Speaker 1 00:55:48 Well, I guess that's it. Speaker 0 00:55:50 That's our show on, I don't know that. Speaker 1 00:55:52 That's it. But that is, Speaker 0 00:55:53 No, I mean, we'll do more, we'll do more audio. Speaker 1 00:55:56 Oh my God, you guys aliens. So Speaker 0 00:55:58 Please write in, tell us your Speaker 1 00:56:00 Story. Do you story, because damn, you have to undo that alien story. But also, like, don't outdo it. Please. Dear God. That was a, you're gonna sleep tonight. That was a, Speaker 0 00:56:08 That one was big alien story. Oof. Speaker 1 00:56:10 Um, but let us know, do you have an alien story? Yeah. Do you have a Bigfoot story? Do you have a sleep paralysis story? Do you have a Speaker 0 00:56:15 Haunting story? Speaker 1 00:56:17 Any of the things we will take? Do you have a cider? We'll take cider recommendation. We'll Speaker 0 00:56:21 Take cider. You can send us a cider. Send Speaker 1 00:56:23 Us a Speaker 0 00:56:23 Cider. We'll feature it. Speaker 1 00:56:25 I actually think we're gonna get sponsored soon by a cider company that I did toot say. But we're in the process. Speaker 0 00:56:29 Yes. Very exciting. Very exciting. We have Speaker 1 00:56:32 A few, uh, upcoming stories from listeners, which is also exciting, which means that people think we're fun. Apparently not. Speaker 0 00:56:40 Somebody out there. Well, Speaker 1 00:56:41 I think we're fun, so it's fine. Speaker 0 00:56:42 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:56:44 A little. Um, anyways, but thank you guys for listening. Yeah. And, uh, participating. And I think that, uh, it's about time for you to go get some Luc Soup. Speaker 0 00:56:52 Probably write us in at, uh, lunatic Soup [email protected]. Follow us on, uh, Instagram or TikTok TikTok YouTube lunatic podcast. Speaker 1 00:57:03 Lunatic Soup Podcast. Speaker 0 00:57:05 Lunatic Soup podcast. The soup, the soup part, it makes. So lunatic soup podcast Can't forget the soup. Speaker 1 00:57:14 The Speaker 0 00:57:14 Soup. The Speaker 1 00:57:15 Soup. Anyways, all right. Thanks for participating. Speaker 0 00:57:19 We'll see you next week. I'm not gonna say what, we've done these so out of order. I'm not even gonna say what we're gonna talk about next week, cause I don't know where we are in the process. Dear God. Oh Lord, Speaker 1 00:57:27 I'm slurring my words at this point. Good night. Good night. Bye. Speaker 0 00:57:30 Bye.

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