On October 30th, 1938, the Mercury Theater on Air, a CBS Radio Network, aired Orson Welles' adaptaion of H.G. Wells Novel "The War of the Worlds." This sparked panic, as some of the listeners thought there was ACTAULLY a Maritan Invasion taking place. Since this night, it has become a tradition to listen to the original broadcast. So enjoy this special episode on the 86th Anniversary of its original airing of Orson Welles "The War of the Worlds."
The United States has its fair share of haunted history. Theories abound of the most haunted locations being where the most sinister events have...
Join us for a dive into the depths of the infamous Waverly Hills Sanatorium on this episode of Lunatic Soup. Explore the dark history...
An island off the coast of NY has been the topic of discussion for decades. While they are supposed to be on the up...