Strawberry Moon

Episode 6 June 01, 2023 01:04:23
Strawberry Moon
Lunatic Soup
Strawberry Moon

Jun 01 2023 | 01:04:23


Show Notes

This episode we disucss the Strawberry Moon, what it is, how we practice our rituals under a full moon and much more! 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hey, Rayna. Speaker 1 00:00:01 Hey Meg. Speaker 0 00:00:02 When is the moon at? Its heaviest Speaker 1 00:00:06 When it's full. Speaker 0 00:00:07 Ah, you got that. I did. Dang. Speaker 1 00:00:10 I feel proud of myself. This Speaker 0 00:00:11 Is a good one. Speaker 1 00:00:12 Oh man. Ooh. How are you feeling? Speaker 0 00:00:14 I'm feeling fine. How are you feeling? Tired. Tired. Why? I don't Speaker 1 00:00:18 Know, Meg, why? Speaker 0 00:00:19 You know, it took me this morning to realize that we've spent every night together doing things like I knew I was busy, but then I'm like, oh, those small things with you. Speaker 1 00:00:28 Yeah. Crazy. Geez. We've seen a lot of each other too much. I know. We gotta cut. Cut each other off after this. And then she was stalking me today at Target. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:00:36 Sure. Speaker 1 00:00:36 No, I was there with the kids of my small town. Speaker 0 00:00:39 Yeah. One Target Speaker 1 00:00:40 And, but how many times have we run into each other at Target? All the time. Yeah. But I was, we saw each other from across the thing, and I was like, you, Speaker 0 00:00:46 You? Speaker 1 00:00:47 And then she comes in and she goes, you know, I wasn't actually stalking you. I was like, Hey, Speaker 0 00:00:50 <laugh>. But then on Friday, at the end of the day at work, I got a text from the neighbor behind me. Yep. That said, Hey, it's a beautiful day after school. Bring the kids over. We wanna do like a water balloon fight. Yep. I'm like, yeah, sure. No problem. I get there. And who rolls up? Speaker 1 00:01:06 It was me. Speaker 0 00:01:07 It was you. Speaker 1 00:01:08 And I was invited to Speaker 0 00:01:09 Rude. I didn't know that. I Speaker 1 00:01:11 Didn't know you were invited. Speaker 0 00:01:12 We have mutual friends. Well, Speaker 1 00:01:13 Except I met her through you. So kind of assume you'd be invited to anyways. But yeah. So we've seen each other a lot. And then we went out on a ghost tour on Satur. Saturday night. Speaker 0 00:01:21 Saturday night. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:01:22 We did a ghost tour and then we hung out at your house. It's Memorial Day weekend. So like, it was a big, we did barbecue at your house with friends and then Yeah. And then we're like, we're recording today. But we're both, we're done. We're so tired. I'm so tired. We recorded two episodes last week and so, which meant we were together two days last week doing that. I'm sick Speaker 0 00:01:39 Of your face. I'm Speaker 1 00:01:40 Sick of your face. God, just Speaker 0 00:01:42 Kidding. There was, there was this really great moment last night though. There was like 20 people at my house. I was bringing food out onto the back deck and kids were running by and like, there was huddled people talking to each other. It was just a beautiful moment. Yeah. It really was something special. And Speaker 1 00:01:54 It was, it was a good night. Like the kids, all, everyone got along. Parents all got to sit and socialize. It was like a group that I haven't hung out with. Like Yeah. Altogether before. But it was still like, we had a really good time. Speaker 0 00:02:02 It was good. The kids had fun. There was s'mores, there was burgers. I think we went through like two packs of hot dogs brats. 15 burgers. Yep. We went through a lot of Speaker 1 00:02:11 Food. No, it was good though. And we sat and had some soup, some lunatic soup, some soup. And uh, yeah. It was, it was a good, good, good, good evening. Really good. But I'm ready for it to be the weekdays and, uh, to not Speaker 0 00:02:22 Right. Consume Speaker 1 00:02:24 Any more alcohol. Speaker 0 00:02:25 Wow. Speaker 1 00:02:25 Personally, Speaker 0 00:02:26 Speaking of <laugh>, today's cider is incline cider. Shocker. Speaker 1 00:02:33 One of our faves. Speaker 0 00:02:33 One of our faves. Blood orange. We may have done blood orange before. I'm not sure. Speaker 1 00:02:37 I don't think we have. Do you think we did? Speaker 0 00:02:40 I've drank blood orange. Speaker 1 00:02:41 I know, but I don't feel like we've done it on the show. Yeah. Might not have. Who knows it? Who knows? Speaker 0 00:02:44 This one's one. I mean, I see that about all of 'em. They're all one of my favorites. Yeah. But I do really like this one. If I am, if I ever have a orange flavor on tap, that's what I will go for. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:02:53 I like the blood orange. I, I'll say that. This isn't my favorite one though. This one's not your favorite. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> The tropical is my favorite. Oh. And then the Mary and Barry, we were drinking last night and you were like, oh, I could bring Mary and Barry. And I was like, mm, I'm Mary and buried out after last night. I had like three. Ugh, that's a lot. Anyways, but blood orange. All right. You gonna crack yours? Oh yeah. She got started already. I don't have a glass to pour into, so I'm just gonna it out of the can raw dog. It Speaker 2 00:03:20 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:03:23 Good god. Yeah. I like it. It's kind of a tart kind of sour. Nice orangey. Yeah. Or like an orange Rh flavor. It does have an orange Rh, which also this one, the smell on it does not taste like Jim socks. No, it doesn't. But it also smells like a straight up. It smells like an orange. I have extra lime in mind though. Cause I was doing behind the scenes, like for social media. Is that taking pictures? That's why there's all those limes. Well, there was a knife sitting on the banister and I kind of just brought it downstairs and put it in the sink. Oh yeah. That was me. That made me nervous. Yeah. But that was my adhd where I like, it's just set something and then just forget about it. Children, I haven't taken my medication today cuz I didn't. You don't need I, well I'm not doing anything that needs my, I don't need hyperfocus, so I try and give myself breaks without my <laugh> my meds. Speaker 1 00:04:04 So. So this might be unhinged guys. It's gonna be great. What's not unhinge? They're all unhinged. I was listening to an episode we did on Hannah Cran, which will air later. Yeah. That was completely unhinged that you got to listen to it after we did the editing too, so it was even worse. I'm gonna say we, I mean me. Yeah. It was worse. And I was like listening to it and I just kept texting you and I was like, dear God, because the amount of times we go off track and like, and then I had to like cut out so much shit. Oh. Anyways. It was a good time though. Yeah. But, um, was a good, well, welcome to Lunatic Soup, the podcast where we go into all things wild, weird and unknown. We're your host Meg. And I'm Rayna ready to bur up some lunatic soup. Let's go. Speaker 1 00:05:26 I realize, I think we did that in the opposite order. I know. Later. And then introduction. I realized that too. We didn't talk about what we were talking about yet though today. We didn't talk about what we're talking about. We, we were too busy on. We are. We got on the soup. So we know we had a fun weekend. We wanted to tell the people, the people fun weekend. Tell about the folks. Yes. Um, so what are we talking about today, Meg? So today, I feel like I say this, every episode today is a little bit different of an episode. Well I feel like every episode is different because we're not doing the same thing every time. Right. We're kind of casting a wide net and being that we're, you know, still kind of new. We're going through all the different topics Yeah. Speaker 0 00:05:56 That we've done. We've done monsters, we've done cryptids. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we've done witches, we've done hauntings. Yep. We've recorded an alien one. It has not gone out yet. Yes. Speaker 1 00:06:08 That will go. I need to edit that one. Speaker 0 00:06:09 Yeah. And then we've done sleep paralysis. Yep. Like things like that. Yeah. This one is more on the spiritual side of things. Yeah. This is about the full moon coming up. Yes. Speaker 1 00:06:19 Which, yes. I love a full moon. Yeah. I mean, so it works with our name Lun Lunatic. Yep. Lu Lu Speaker 0 00:06:25 Moon Luna is involved. Speaker 1 00:06:27 Anyways, continue. Okay. Speaker 0 00:06:28 So yeah. So the, the full moon coming up, the next one, we are at the end of May. Right now we've said it was Memorial weekend. So the next full moon is on June 3rd. So that is Saturday. Saturday. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it's the seventh, seventh full moon of 2023. It's the last full moon of spring. It'll peak in the Pacific Northwest at 8:43 PM Oh. So it'll be a bright and it's, we've had some really clear weather so it'll be fingers Speaker 1 00:06:53 Crossed. That would be amazing. Speaker 0 00:06:55 Yeah. We're not gonna get together cause we're sick of each other. But maybe we should get together on Speaker 1 00:07:00 The full moon. You could. I Speaker 0 00:07:02 Mean, we've got enough days between now and then, right? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:07:04 But that's, I'm not drinking until next Saturday for sure. Uhhuh. I need a, I'm, I know Speaker 0 00:07:08 <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:07:09 But that's so actually is a lie because I know I have family coming into town on Thursday and I know I'll go over to my mom's and have a glass of wine. Speaker 0 00:07:15 You sure will. Speaker 1 00:07:15 Well, I'm taking a break until then. Uhhuh <affirmative> Speaker 0 00:07:17 After this. So Monday, Tuesday, we, so you got three days. Three days. Three days. Speaker 1 00:07:21 Ugh. Speaker 0 00:07:23 So each full moon has a name attached to it. Yes. This one is called the strawberry moon. Yep. The name has nothing to do with the appearance of the moon. Okay. I know sometimes you think, oh, it's a strawberry moon. Maybe it's pink. Yeah. There's even the one called the pink moon, but it's not, not pink's, it's not pink. Yeah. I mean, all full moons. If the, oh, let's getting to some science here. Yep. When it comes up over the horizon, the way the light can refract, it can make it look pink. But that's, that's just the atmosphere. But Speaker 1 00:07:48 That is not the, but the, there's not a moon that comes up that is a pink moon. Yeah, yeah. Because of Yeah. Speaker 0 00:07:52 It's just light rays passing through layers of the atmosphere. Yep. Um, but this is because the names of the moon coincide with what's going on in the seasons. Yes. Okay. So there's a lot of old, um, native wor names for the moons, like based on the crops and things like that. Yeah. Some native tries referred to this moon as a strawberry moon to mark the time in June when all the strawberries were Speaker 1 00:08:15 Like, that's, that's what I read about it is like, it's basically like they have ones called the harvest moon and that's typically when people would start harvesting. Um, getting ready for winter. Yeah. Or Speaker 0 00:08:25 Like next month's the buck moon. Because at that point the deer have, you know Yep. Big racks. Speaker 1 00:08:30 Yeah. So they all <laugh>, you can't set me up or something like that. And then I Speaker 0 00:08:36 Did set you up for that though, because Speaker 1 00:08:37 I was about to comment and be like, like you, Speaker 0 00:08:40 But I did set you up for that one. You did? Speaker 1 00:08:43 I tried to go there too. And then I paused Speaker 0 00:08:46 <laugh>, the tinkle tribe referred to the full moon. That's a tribe in the Pacific Northwest. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, one of my very dear friends has tinkle ancestry. Nice. This is why I wanted to include it. Yep. So she has a little shout out. Yep. Um, and they refer to it as the birth moon. Okay. Because it was when like many animals started to give birth in Speaker 1 00:09:04 Spring. Like spring. Yeah. Wow. Makes sense. Mm-hmm. Speaker 0 00:09:07 <affirmative> Celtic. Um, and like old British referred to it as the honeymoon or the mead moon, cuz that's when they were start making those things. The meat. You never had meat. Yes. Speaker 1 00:09:14 I was gonna say the same thing to you with you. Speaker 0 00:09:16 No, it's like a honey wine, right? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:09:17 It's, so I had it at the, we have a huge medieval festival in our city. Um, it's like the no Speaker 0 00:09:23 More, they moved it, move it, they moved it up to Squame. Speaker 1 00:09:26 I'm not gonna lie, thank God. Because that it's Speaker 0 00:09:27 A Hammish County Swame. Speaker 1 00:09:29 It was such a shit show. You Speaker 0 00:09:30 Can't go anywhere on the weekends because there was literally tens of thousands of people Speaker 1 00:09:34 And there's one road mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it would block this whole road. But it, so we used to have the medieval festival mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And we went there a couple years ago, like pre covid and I tried need for the first time. And it, I personally found it to be disgusting. Really? It's like super, super sweet. Like, and you know, I don't do well as made anyway of honey. Yeah. But it also just like, but I, I've never had it. But it was high in alcohol and people were ugh. Speaker 0 00:09:58 Moving on. Yes. Um, this is typically the moon that's right before the summer solstice. Which the summer solstice is on June 21st, which is Lita. We're gonna do an episode on that. And this really in just, it's embodies the summer spirit. Speaker 1 00:10:10 I love it. Speaker 0 00:10:11 Yeah. So this year there's a bunch every year, the specific moons are in different seasons and like astron astrological. Yeah. Astrologically wise. Yes. Yes. Seasons. And they have different meanings, right? Yep. So there's a Philadelphia based astrologist named sfi. Speaker 1 00:10:30 That's Speaker 0 00:10:31 Cool. I don't want a name like that. Speaker 1 00:10:32 Sfi. Speaker 0 00:10:32 It's not that name Speaker 1 00:10:33 Reminds me of like old, like back in the day. Like this is a current person. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:10:38 Oh, it's not her real name. I mean, Speaker 1 00:10:41 How do you know that? You Speaker 0 00:10:44 Don't know. Not a visual medium. I just gave her the eye, I guess. Stink guy. The Speaker 1 00:10:48 Stink guy. <laugh>, Speaker 0 00:10:50 Come on. Nobody's really named Sarah Fe. I Speaker 1 00:10:52 Feel they're from somewhere else. And their parents like weird names. Like freaking no one's named Apple. Oh, there is someone named Apple Speaker 0 00:10:58 TROs kid in Yeah, Speaker 1 00:10:59 I know. But that's what I'm saying is like, you don't know. Speaker 0 00:11:01 Um, but she wrote a report on some specific things about this full moon. Okay. So based on this, how the stars are aligned, this moon is gonna bring about energy. Um, a lot of joy, high spirit, sexy energy. Ooh, I Speaker 1 00:11:15 Like it. Speaker 0 00:11:16 It's a great time to solidify relationships. Okay. Speaker 1 00:11:19 So this Speaker 0 00:11:19 Might be more your wheelhouse. I don't understand this as much, but the moon is in Sagittarius. Yes. And the sun is currently in Gemini. So while I'm I'm baby in all the astrology stuff. Yeah. Um, but what I read was Sagittarius is typically the energy of adventure and curiosity. Like, go get it. Yep. Go get it. Slugger and then Gemini's. Partnerships, connections, collaboration, communication. Yes. Speaker 1 00:11:44 So and so it's basically just saying like it, that's the kind of energy it will bring. And a lot of times, like the cycle of the moon can be more chaotic mm-hmm. <affirmative> because of the signs that it's in. So this is actually a really positive one. Um, where other times it can be like, it's like when people literally start to be crazy. It's a lot. It's where the placements are in the sky, which people don't realize that. Speaker 0 00:12:04 And, and what makes it that? Because we're gonna have people be like, oh, you're full of crap. What makes it that? Is it how the energy is pulling on the earth? Is it what makes it that energy go? Or is it just like, you know, what is that thing? Like spicy psychology and so stuff we just don't understand yet Speaker 1 00:12:21 Where you are born, what sign you are born under gives you certain traits. And that also like every, because every sign has those traits mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so I think it is, it's en energetically aligned with those specific traits in the sky. And so that's what, Speaker 0 00:12:33 It's just where the energy is at that time. Yeah. Okay. Pretty much. I'm tired. That's my energy. Speaker 1 00:12:38 I'm tired too. That's my energy. Speaker 0 00:12:40 So what does that mean? What? Well, that, Speaker 1 00:12:41 That has nothing to do. That has nothing to do with, uh, the planets currently. Speaker 0 00:12:47 Have you seen, I believe it's TikTok your favorite news source? Yes. Only news source seen. Whereas some, some guy goes, I need some white chick with a nose ring to tell me what planets are making me feel sad. And then the chick comes on and she goes, easy. It's earths <laugh>. <laugh>. That's so good though. That's good. That is so, Speaker 1 00:13:06 So good. Um, no, but I mean, so if, I don't know if people do know this, this is a little astrology correct Speaker 0 00:13:13 Us for everybody. We're we're baby astrologers. Well, yeah, but Speaker 1 00:13:15 I'm not an astrologer. No, I'm not an astrologer either. I just find it interesting. But, um, you know, the the star sign that you're born into or the sign that you're born into is actually not your like, personality as people kind of make it Speaker 0 00:13:31 Seem. Right? Because that comes, uh, with life. Well, Speaker 1 00:13:33 No, it comes with life, but also there you have three signs that you're born into. Okay. And so like, one is how you show people yourself. One is how you see yourself and one is how, like, I, I can look up all of them, but it's like your sun sign, your rising sign and your moon sign and your rising sign is actually the one that is like really affects you. So I would, I'm born in January with my whole life. Like I'm a Capricorn and that affects my how I work, my work ethic and all that. Which makes a lot of sense because a lot of times Capricorns own no. Their own business and like whatever, that's just like a trait of them. Um, okay. But I am actually, my rising sign is a Taurus, which I never realized until like a year ago. I had a reading done. And that actually is who I, how I portray myself to people around me. Speaker 0 00:14:18 Okay. So mine, my star sun sign son. Nope. Speaker 1 00:14:24 Uh, sun sign. Yeah. Is the Speaker 0 00:14:25 I'm a Pisces. You're Pisces. Yes. I'm a Pisces. Yep. My moon sign is a cancer. Yep. I believe my rising sign is Virgo. Yeah. What does that mean? So Speaker 1 00:14:33 Well that means just like when you're looking up astrology, it means that you should look at Virgo, not Pisces. Speaker 0 00:14:38 Really? Yep. And that, cause I've always looked at Pisces, Speaker 1 00:14:40 So, and that's what I thought it was too, until I found out it wasn't. Um, but yeah, my moon is in Aquarius, which that is like, but we are in the age of Aquarius right now. So that's, they got some shit going on. But if you go to and you put in your, um, birthday and time mm-hmm. <affirmative> and where you're born, it actually brings up so much shit and it is wildly accurate to who you are. Like when you read it, you're like, damn. It's really? Yes. It's very cool. Speaker 0 00:15:05 So this says if you're a Virgo rising, people who meet you may describe you as organized, put together and reliable. I don't know. Uh, Speaker 1 00:15:13 Yeah. You were all, you are all of those things. Yes. Speaker 0 00:15:15 You may give off the air of being a perfectionist. I am not a perfectionist. Speaker 1 00:15:18 Okay. But you skip off. I would say you Speaker 0 00:15:20 Give off that air, which they're intimidating at times. Am I intimidating? Speaker 1 00:15:23 Uh, yeah. You scared the shit outta me when I didn't know you. So just thought you just weren't very nice. Speaker 0 00:15:27 Quiet. Speaker 1 00:15:28 You are nice and quiet. I know you are quiet, but, but you don't know you Speaker 0 00:15:32 Doesn't like me. Speaker 1 00:15:33 I do. Oh yeah. I hate you. That's what it was. We forgot that part. We're doing this podcast and I hate you. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:15:37 We just hate each other. That's what Speaker 1 00:15:38 It is. We're just making it up just for bullshit. Speaker 0 00:15:40 Yep. We're good actors. Speaker 1 00:15:41 Um, but Aaron, where's mine? Taurus rising, let's see. Says in a perfect world, Torrens would spend all day bathing in a tub overflowing with essential oils. <laugh>, Speaker 0 00:15:51 You know, I think that's pretty accurate. No, I'm Speaker 1 00:15:53 Not, I'm not gonna lie. They are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and work hard and to earn big awards. They're ambitious, focused, resilient. And they feel most secure when steadily putting money into a savings account. Speaker 0 00:16:05 Oh, that is U two F t. Speaker 1 00:16:07 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:16:09 So why does everybody focus on their sun sign? I, Speaker 1 00:16:11 Because it's because it's the month that you were born in and I think it's just like what you're taught is so, so the sun represents your ego, your motivation. So that is the month that you're born. Speaker 0 00:16:21 I'm a floppy fish. You're Speaker 1 00:16:22 A floppy fish. And I'm a a hardheaded Capricorn. Um, yeah. Speaker 0 00:16:28 Olive's, no olive's. The s Sagittarius. Yeah. She's two weeks before you though. Speaker 1 00:16:31 What's her birthday? Speaker 0 00:16:32 Uh, December 18th. Yes. Speaker 1 00:16:33 She's right at the end. She's, yeah, she's where I'm like January 1st, I'm solid. Um, and then the moon sign governs, governs your emotional nature, which I feel like makes sense for me to Aquarius. Cuz I feel like that is very emotional and I can be very emotional. Um, and the ascendant, or your rising sign is to the energy of what you put into the world or put out. Speaker 0 00:16:54 Okay. So I'm a perfectionist bitch. Speaker 1 00:16:57 You said it not me. Speaker 0 00:16:58 <laugh> apparently. And Speaker 1 00:17:02 I, and I wanna bathe in a thing of Speaker 0 00:17:04 You just wanna, you just wanna chew in oils all day. Speaker 1 00:17:07 I about oils, but I, I love a bath and I love, love my cozy bed. Wait, Speaker 0 00:17:11 What's the moon sign? Represent. Speaker 1 00:17:13 That's your emotions. Speaker 0 00:17:14 So those born with the moon and cancer, heart and home matters are extremely important. Deeply loyal. They take their relationships seriously with others. They love to spend time with family and friends. I I would agree with that. I would totally Speaker 1 00:17:27 Agree with that. That that is you two A t so Speaker 0 00:17:29 I like that one. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:17:30 But that's, it's a super, if you go to, um, I think I said it, it is fun. You put it in there and you can read it and it is very accurate. And you know, I have had people say like, oh, astrology is just like, you just fit, you make it fit what you want it to. Like as far as when they describe people. But if someone were to tell me that I was a perfectionist who X, Y, and Z, like that is not me at all. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I also am not a homebody. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Like none of those things are me. And Speaker 0 00:17:59 You know what? Even if you don't believe it, who the heck care is? Well if it gives people energy in a positive way, then that's what matters. Speaker 1 00:18:05 And they say billionaires, uh, they run what they do in their businesses and everything off of astrology. Like all like almost all billionaires do. And uh, also, so does the crown everything really? Oh, if you, everything happens based on astrology. Yep. Everything they do really. So like, uh, the what, not inauguration, but whatever, it just went down with Prince Charles. What do you does Speaker 0 00:18:24 The inauguration, but is Speaker 1 00:18:24 That what it's Yeah. Um, no, Speaker 0 00:18:28 No. Inauguration is the Well that's Speaker 1 00:18:30 What I thought. That's why Speaker 0 00:18:31 Coronation Speaker 1 00:18:31 Coronation there. Speaker 0 00:18:32 I was thinking to Frozen. Yeah. I'm like, what does she say? It's coronation day. Coronation day. That's the line. Speaker 1 00:18:37 Don't, don't get me started. I'll start singing frozen <laugh>. Um, but yeah, so they do everything by the sun, or not by the sun, but by like the moon cycles and the cycles of the planets and all of that. The royal family actually does it like it's creepily how much it is to the point of like the day that Queen Elizabeth died, uh, correlates with, um, certain cycles. Really? And so it is something where you wonder like, do they announce it on that day? So that that is what, but also you can pull up someone's whole astrological chart and like say, okay, well you're probably gonna have health issues around this time in your life. You can do this. Like, it's crazy what people can tell from your, uh, astrological chart. Speaker 0 00:19:15 That is kind of what, Speaker 1 00:19:16 Which is what I really wanna get into it and like study it. I just haven't had the time. But that's like one of the things I wanna do in life is learn that. Speaker 0 00:19:23 Well we can. Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. Speaker 1 00:19:24 Well I just need, need to get time. One Speaker 0 00:19:26 Of the, one of the other things that I think is interesting is a lot of holidays are built around the, the stars. Uh, Easter for example is like so many days after the what number? Full moon. It's something like that. Don't put me on it, but you know what I mean. Speaker 1 00:19:40 So once you start to look into astrology, you start to realize how much of everything we do in life. Just like we say that a lot of the um, holidays, we celebrate the like traditions that we have do all stem from Paganism. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. A lot of what we do, almost everything is actually based off of the stars and from back. Because you think about I'll Speaker 0 00:20:02 Allow it, Speaker 1 00:20:03 You think about back in the day when mm-hmm. <affirmative>, all you have to guide you is the night sky. The night sky is how they based everything off of. And it, the, it's super interesting once you look into it because it's so much of what we do holidays, everything are a certain day for a certain reason. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and Speaker 0 00:20:20 I mean personally me, I'd rather follow the rhythm of the sky and the stars than the rhythm of some man-made things that Speaker 1 00:20:27 He was in person. I feel like, and you know, like we said in our first episode about the full moon and how it makes people be a little crazy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, well you think about your body is made up what? Of water? Yeah. 80% water. 90%. It's an outrageous amount. So we are all severely affected by the pole, the energetic pole of the moon when it is a full moon just because we are made up of water. And I Speaker 0 00:20:47 Think that's something that I need. I need some of that more scientific based thing. Yeah. Not that I can't believe certain things Oh yeah. Based on feeling. But if I'm explaining it to somebody else, I need to back myself up somehow. Well, Speaker 1 00:20:56 And I totally agree with that, which is why I want to get into it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> is so that I can feel like I can actually, like I know this stuff, but I want to be able to give people the exact reason and be like, I know that you think this is woowoo and crazy, but here's X, Y and Z and da da da and be able to you, they can't argue it because you're like, yeah, that actually makes a lot of sense. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:21:14 And even, and Speaker 1 00:21:14 I know that is a, it's a, like there is information about it like that Speaker 0 00:21:17 Even if it's just like the cycle of which I wanna live my life. Like hey, like there's um, moon gardening where you plant and harvest during the cycles of the moon. Yep. And that's supposed to be the best way to have a successful garden. Speaker 1 00:21:27 They also say women should like run their life off of moon cycles in some ways for like what they do creativity wise and what they do like with their own personal cycle and moon cycle together. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you combine like basing what you do on those two things, that's supposed to help you out a lot. Well even Speaker 0 00:21:42 Biologically, women's bodies run on the same day, like time cycle as moon. It might not match up with everything, but it's a 28 day cycle. Yep. So Yep. Roughly it Speaker 1 00:21:51 Is. Yeah. <laugh> depending on the person and the when, where, how. Speaker 0 00:21:55 So ums fis, this, um, astrologer based out of Philadelphia, she encourages people for this specific full noon to take the whole weekend. I can do that. Okay. As an opportunity to anno acknowledge the fruits of your labor thus far in the year. So I think what she's telling us is we need to celebrate the lunatic suit. Speaker 1 00:22:13 Yeah. Sounds good to me. Well no actually it doesn't cuz we'll die. Uh, no, we're fine. Um, but it full moons are also about letting go. Yeah. So I feel like, um, a new moon is about bringing in like new manifestations, calling in like new things that you want to achieve. Full moons are about letting things go. Yes. And so to Speaker 0 00:22:31 Hear letting know those things, anxieties and things like that. Speaker 1 00:22:33 Yeah. Letting go of fear of things letting go. So it's like, take a look back at the last, you know, however many months. Where are we at? God, it's almost June, almost six months. Yeah. Like since, yeah. So six months. And Speaker 0 00:22:43 That's the other thing that's kinda associated with this specific Full Moon is it's a halfway point of the year and it's a good time to just kind of reflect on the first half of 2023 Yep. And kind of get in your mind what you might want the second half of 2023 to look like. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:22:57 So Speaker 0 00:22:57 I know you said during the, the new moons is when you kind of make those manifestations. Right. But it's saying with this one right now, being that it's in Sagittarius, like we can start kind of thinking and I think that that goes with the rest of the year. Kind of think about how you want the rest of the year to go. Speaker 1 00:23:11 Yeah. Like you're halfway through, look at like what was not successful, what was mm-hmm. <affirmative> and re and get a game plan for the second half. Yeah. Cause that's how I take it. Speaker 0 00:23:19 Yeah. And this is a good time for journaling too. Yes. I think, which it's tough for me. I used to journal a lot, but I have it in a long time. Yeah. Which I like writing, so I don't know why I Speaker 1 00:23:27 I know. And that's why I told Meg about a form of like manifestation, which, you know, again, manifestation is basically like, that's your jam. Speaker 0 00:23:33 That Speaker 1 00:23:33 Is my jam. But it's how you, you bring about the things that you want in your life. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, what you focus on, you essentially make. And it's a lot more complicated to that. Yeah. But Speaker 0 00:23:42 You need to do an episode on manifestation. Speaker 1 00:23:44 We will. Yeah. I'm down to do it. I just, I'll just talk about like so much I could say about it. But, um, I had Meg do something called scripting mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so scripting is essentially where you write out a situation that you want to occur and you write it with the most insane detail. Like you write exactly how you feel about something. Exactly. Like, but you said Speaker 0 00:24:03 To write it as as in it's already happened Speaker 1 00:24:05 As in it's already happened. So you're, you're writing as in, I can't believe last night, November 7th, we had our first live show in New York City. Like basically like that. And you describe exactly how it went and all of that. And so when I was trying to book more weddings a while ago and I wanted like a certain kind <affirmative>, I would script exactly what I want like in a wedding for me to photograph mm-hmm. <affirmative> because you know, or if I was doing mini sessions and which are where I do a bunch of photo shoots all in a row and I could see the weather was showing like mm-hmm. <affirmative> not good. I would literally sit down and script. So I'd write out as if I had already had my mini sessions and I would write how well they went, how the kids all did an amazing job listening where I didn't have to likes of mirror. Speaker 1 00:24:45 Not a lot of tears. <laugh> there's not Yeah. Cuz those days are exhausting. It'd be like eight hours straight of me shooting like multiple families every like 20 or 30 minutes. It was, but, and it was with weather, I'd, you know, be like, uh, so lucky the rain held off the whole time or it came for a minute and sprinkled and then was gone. Yeah. You know, and it, like, it works extremely well. So if you're ever wanting to call is something in, and maybe this would be a good time to script something, I feel like Yeah. Maybe write out what you want the second half of 2023 to look like. Yeah. Which now maybe I think Speaker 0 00:25:11 We're, I'm gonna have to go ahead and do that this Speaker 1 00:25:13 Weekend. I'm gonna do that. And Speaker 0 00:25:14 It's like my, one of my best friends where mom always said, I said this before, what you think about you bring about. Yep. And that's, and maybe that's just weird psychology, who knows? But I like, Speaker 1 00:25:23 So it's actually proven by physics. Okay. This whole, the manifestation is Okay. So it's essentially like attracts like, okay. Um, but in the metaphysical world, look, this is gonna, there's a lot of science behind it that like, I can't just spew off the top of my head because I don't keep it in the noggin, but I've read about it and read in there, read about it. Like, not even just like watch talks about it. Like it's a thing. And so, yeah. Um, cuz I've been studying manifestation since I was like 20, I think. Oh Speaker 0 00:25:49 Wow. I didn't know it was, yeah. Speaker 1 00:25:50 That was I first, my first book on manifestation I picked up in the airport and it was called The Secret, which was like, when it first came out. And that was the very first, it was my very first thing and I, I remember reading the book, I was on a plane and I remember reading it and being like, holy shit, that makes so much sense. And so it's essentially is like attracts like, and so everything has an energetic match mm-hmm. <affirmative> and you have to be at an energetic match and that is like, everything is made out of energy. Right. And we know then that scientific is everything. Yeah. And so you, so essentially you're trying to be the energetic match to something that you want. Okay. Speaker 0 00:26:22 I never thought of it that way. Yeah. And Speaker 1 00:26:23 That's, that's essentially what it is. So I'll, if we, when we do an episode on it, I will get the actual scientific terms and everything and then pull all that stuff up so I can explain it. Because once you look at it from a scientific point of view, like, you're like, Speaker 0 00:26:38 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:26:38 Crazy. But I mean the fbi, the Pentagon, they all like, use, like, this is like Speaker 0 00:26:43 Yeah. Well I have heard, I've had, I've heard things like that. Yeah, for sure. Speaker 1 00:26:46 It's, it's used everywhere in science. It was like, uh, Albert Einstein mm-hmm. <affirmative> all, all about it. Speaker 0 00:26:51 Well he's the one, you know, with the energy, like everything's made up of energy Yep. And thoughts are made up of energy. Yep. So then when I say, you know, well you can read energy. Yep. Right. There's different ways to read energy. So if thoughts are made up of energy, is there a point in time where you can read mines? Speaker 1 00:27:04 Well yeah. A thousand Speaker 0 00:27:05 Percent. I mean, I don't know if I'm gonna understand what those little energy waves are, but, but Speaker 1 00:27:09 It, and it might not be reading as in what you perceive as reading. Speaker 0 00:27:12 Right. You're not gonna hear words or whatever. Well Speaker 1 00:27:14 It's kind of like you and I have like I see a ghostie mm-hmm. <affirmative> and my husband gonna be standing right next to me. He doesn't see it. So Speaker 0 00:27:21 You're more in tuned with that energy. Speaker 1 00:27:22 With that energy mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so, but you're an energetic match to that energy. Is that, oh, Speaker 0 00:27:26 Interesting. Speaker 1 00:27:27 So that, does that make sense? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Which is why, you know, they say everyone has some kind of psychic abilities. It's whether you like, can tune into it mm-hmm. <affirmative> and become like essentially an energetic match to it. And that's everything in life. Everything. Speaker 0 00:27:39 Yeah. Everything. I like it. Hmm, Speaker 1 00:27:41 Me too. Speaker 0 00:27:42 So some good exercises for this upcoming full moon. Um, it's a check-in and it's, it's writing out. Yep. So scripting and some prompts are, am I, that's what it's titled. Right? Okay. Am I clear on my intentions? Am I in alignment with my intentions? What have I been building in my life with the spring equinox in March? So back in March it was the spring equinox, if you follow this stuff. That was a time to like put good things out there. Yeah. And now it's time to reflect back on that in the last few months and see, see where you're at. Do you feel connected to yourself? If you're not in alignment, try meditating. Best to do it outside. Yeah. Always go outside. If I'm really struggling with something, if I just go put my feet on dirt, Speaker 1 00:28:22 I was just about to say, go ground. That's another thing. So grounding is a big in the spiritual world where essentially you go and you, you put your feet to the ground again. It's, that's energy. And you get the energy from the earth. Well, Speaker 0 00:28:33 We're all still natural beans. We all have, you know, a cycle with the earth and all of those things. Yeah. So we do need to connect with it just like animals, just like plants. Yep. It's all the same. Yep. You don't have to believe it, but if you try it, I think you will find that there is some positivity to it. Even if it's just that, even if it's just makes you feel a little bit better and you don't all of the sudden have, you know, money showering down on you. Which, Speaker 1 00:28:54 Which I mean I think that's everyone's goal is like, but to get your head to the place for that is way harder than you would think. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Cause like I've been trying to do it for years. Yeah. And it's ebbs and flows of like times when I feel like I'm really on my manifestation train. And then other times it's like, you kind of, it gets to be too much and I'll fall like off the train as my sister and I call it. And like, sometimes she'll be on the train of manifesting and sometimes I will be, Speaker 0 00:29:18 Well you wanted, at the beginning of the year you said, I wanna be in a magazine and then not a month later. Yeah. Like our local catalog magazine wanted to feature your family and then you've had your work in magazines. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:29:29 I just got, yeah. I just found out I'm gonna get published again in a, um, in two magazines for like local Cell Sound and 4 25, which I've been published there before. But I, I basically did a beginning of the year bingo card. Yeah. Whereas like everything I, I wanted to achieve this year, I put on a bingo card mm-hmm. <affirmative> and then as I get it, I mark off the bingos. Yeah. Um, and but those, that's like me putting out into the universe. This is what I would like to have this year and like see if I can manifest it by thinking about it, by making myself a match for it, by like getting my energy there. So, and Speaker 0 00:29:56 Even I, you know, just getting your energy there, that's a huge thing. If you're a negative about things all the time, you're not going to have the ooph to go out and do the things that you wanna do. Speaker 1 00:30:04 And all you do is spend your life complaining about things. Speaker 0 00:30:07 It's gonna suck. You're, you're, it's gonna suck. So Speaker 1 00:30:09 Like, if you're a person and you're like, nothing ever goes my way. All bad things always happen to me. Duh duh. That's Yeah, you're right. Because Speaker 0 00:30:15 You're manifesting that. And I think Speaker 1 00:30:17 The hardest part about manifestation is, is, and I said this before on another pod or another episode, is that once you realize that everything in your life is a result of you and your thoughts and your feelings mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like everything mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it, it fucks with your head because you're like, well I I didn't manifest this, but you did in a way that you don't realize. Speaker 0 00:30:36 And I think how, you know, uh, part of how I was, how my mind developed is a pretty negative person. Yeah. Like for myself, pretty negative. There's, yeah. And I think, you know, especially since meeting you, but in the last, you know, eight to nine years, I've really tried to switch that around and I still struggle with it. Yeah. I still struggle with those negative self, self-talk. But since becoming a parent you work, you, you recognize it more because you realize that if your children have negative self-talk, you're like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't worry that you're not gonna do do that. So if I don't want them to do that, why am I gonna do that? Right. Speaker 1 00:31:09 Uh, media mm-hmm. <affirmative> that a lot of it, like when you're watching a lot of shows where people are fighting all the time. Like I love all the real housewives, but sometimes I do feel like I have to stop because like the negative energy that I get, but it's also why I don't watch the news. Yeah. It's because I feel like I get nothing. But it makes me feel like low vibration is what it's called. Like you're, you can feel the vibrations and it gives it's low vibration that I just, I can't do it. I don't want, Speaker 0 00:31:33 Speaking of vibration, I once read this thing that's about, you know, when you're around somebody and you get kind of a bad feeling Yeah. It's because you're at different vibrations. Vibrations. Yep. And if they're a lower vibration than you are, you're gonna get that kind of Yep. Down sickly feeling. Yep. And, and it doesn't mean that they're negative ne necessarily a bad person. It just means that you're not vibing at the same level and Speaker 1 00:31:54 It's totally fine. Maybe Speaker 0 00:31:56 Separate. No, and Speaker 1 00:31:57 That's, yeah. Maybe don't spend your time with them. Or maybe they are, some people are energy suckers. Like they Yeah. Speaker 0 00:32:02 Energy vampires man. Speaker 1 00:32:03 Yeah. And they suck the literal like energy life out of you. And those are the kind of people where it's like, Speaker 0 00:32:08 I don't want that. No, I Speaker 1 00:32:09 Don't want that either. But I have friends, have had friends, I would say more have had, I don't really have any anymore, but like that it would get to the point where I'm like, I can't hang out with you because it's so exhausting. And then all I do you Speaker 0 00:32:19 Physically drain, especially Speaker 1 00:32:21 When you're with someone and all they do is complain. Yeah. Or they only complain about how horrible their life is and how, and then if you try and give them a solution and mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they're like, no. Well and make an excuse for like why or they Speaker 0 00:32:32 Don't take any responsibility for this situation at hand. Exactly. Like I'm a big believer, mine and my kids' shit stinks just as much as everybody else. Exactly. Yep. But when you start thinking about, oh, it's not my fault, it's not Yeah. Then you're not creating a good environment for anybody. Speaker 1 00:32:47 And that is like, you also have to have an open mind to fully acknowledge this. And you also have to have, I feel like mentally done some kind of like, healing on yourself or mentally be in a good place to acknowledge that your words are creating your life. Yeah. And so, and your thoughts are creating your life. So if you're gonna, and Speaker 0 00:33:03 It's a hard thing to get on board with if you are not used to it mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But once you start, you'll see those little things start to happen and start to come together. Yeah. And then once you see those little things, you do it a little bit more and then it's just Yep. Work living in this cycle. Yeah. It's crazy. Speaker 1 00:33:18 So a great way to do it, this is if you have kids and you wanna like show them or you wanna test it out yourself, is to get like two plants mm-hmm. <affirmative> and have them be exactly the same. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and one of them you speak kind words too. Tell it it's beautiful. Say you love it, do all the things. The other one you can neglect water them exactly the same. But you can also say to the other one, like, you're stupid, you're ugly. I don't like you watch how much these two plants differ in growth. Speaker 0 00:33:43 I'm gonna do that. It's, I'm totally, it's gonna do Speaker 1 00:33:45 That. Yeah. It's crazy. It's like the, it it is wild. But they also say that if you want to like help yourself out, that you're, you should speak into your water. Cuz water holds so much energy. Water is so powerful. And so, I Speaker 0 00:33:57 Mean, I'm already the crazy neighbor that's out in my garden talking to my plants. Yeah. Which is Speaker 1 00:34:01 Well that's why they're so Speaker 0 00:34:01 Beautiful. It's Speaker 1 00:34:02 Cause you tell them you love them and you take good care Speaker 0 00:34:04 Of them. Well our friend Carrie, who was a guest on a show Oh my god. Yeah. She sent us a picture. She planted two, I believe they were moms. She planted two moms, same light, same plant that she bought from the same place. Uh, same watering, same soil, all of that. One plant was big and beautiful and about ready to flower. The other plant was kind of real small. It didn't look like it had grown at all. Yeah. The difference is she was putting her crystals and sh seashells and stuff on the, in the plant pot. Yep. That was big and beautiful. Which Speaker 1 00:34:37 All those things have energy, Speaker 0 00:34:38 Energy crystal stray out Speaker 1 00:34:40 Of the earth and they all have energy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> that too. Once you start realizing that it's cool, like, so Speaker 0 00:34:45 Interesting. It is Speaker 1 00:34:46 Interesting. But also, so to that, going back to the full moon, one of the things that I like to do on every full moon is I like to make moon water. Speaker 0 00:34:53 Yes. You're really good at that Speaker 1 00:34:54 Too. And so, and I use moon water for many different things. People use it for all kinds of things. Okay. So moon water, some people use it, um, to like, they'll wipe down their doors with it for like protection. They'll use, um, like different things. Some people put it in a spray for like make Speaker 0 00:35:09 Their tea with wearing it. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:35:10 Their tea with it. Use it for a simmer pot. A simmer pot is a way of like cleansing your house for you put like different like herbs and fruits and stuff. I I Speaker 0 00:35:16 Love simmer pots. Yeah. They just make you feel good. Speaker 1 00:35:18 Oh they, and you just put one and it makes your house smell good. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> you put like fresh fruit and herbs in it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and it helps cleanse the energy and do whatever. Um, but a lot of my moon water, I like to like write intentions and have it sit on top of like, so the water sits in a clear glass. Yeah. On top of whatever intentions or whatever I want to like absorb I guess. Yeah. And then I leave it out in the moonlight. So whether you leave it outside or I'll just leave, leave it on my windows. I'll Speaker 0 00:35:43 Leave it on the window sill. Yeah. If Speaker 1 00:35:44 It's not raining, I'll put it outside. Okay. Um, but if it's an open cup, I'll leave it inside and Yeah. You know, but then I just drink my moon water the next day and like fully, you know, absorb what it is. But I have like tons of moon water in all of my like witchy stuff. Like I have different corked things and I have written on it like okay, this is from the super moon on this date. And like Yeah. And then if I wanna use it, I'll look at what that moon was kind of carrying the energy it was carrying and decide what I'm gonna use the moon water for based on that. Speaker 0 00:36:09 Yeah. I like that. And I'm, I'm going to be the pessimist in everything. Yeah. It's just, it's just how I am for if that creates positivity in your life, what does it matter? Well Speaker 1 00:36:21 It's a, if it's a placebo who, and that caress your argument that it's a cares placebo, that's fine. It's just cause Speaker 0 00:36:25 It's still working. Speaker 1 00:36:26 Right. When you are someone who's like seen spirits entities mm-hmm. Like experienced it, A lot of people think that you're nuts. Nuts and making it up or, and don't leave it. But you also know as a person when you've seen it and then you talk to other people who've seen it. Yeah. It's very hard for you to be like, you, you, you already feel insane but you're like, but I know what I saw. Speaker 0 00:36:44 Well my daughter the other day goes, mom, is Bigfoot real? I'm like Sure Bigfoot's real. Yeah. Well I've never seen Bigfoot. I say, have you ever seen a bear in the woods? Have Speaker 1 00:36:50 You ever seen a million dollars? Yeah. Speaker 0 00:36:51 Yeah. Just because Was it the Santa Claus? The Santa Clause with Tim Allen? Yeah. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not real. Speaker 1 00:36:58 Yeah. Yeah. That's it. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:37:00 Yep. So yes, big but is real. Speaker 1 00:37:03 We believe so strongly Speaker 0 00:37:04 We're gonna go find him. Okay. Uhhuh. <affirmative>. Speaker 1 00:37:08 I had to explain, cuz I always say maybe I'll just explain it to everyone on here too. Cause I always just said it is when you say we and I say, who you got a mouse in your pocket? Oh, Speaker 0 00:37:16 She had to explain that to me last week. Speaker 1 00:37:17 And it's something that my stepdad always says to us. But it basically just means like when you say we and you're like bringing me into it. I don't want to go bigfoot hunting. So I'm saying we as in like you and the mouse that you're keeping with you. Cuz those are the two that are going cuz I'm not doing it right. Is that, did that explain that right? Yeah, Speaker 0 00:37:32 That explained that. Right. Last weekend. Hey, let's go on the Tacoma Ghost tour. Yeah. And you went and we actually had an amazing time and we were went in contact with the owner of the company and we're gonna try to have him on the show. We are. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:37:46 And his, his stuff is like, like that was so interesting. It was, he Speaker 0 00:37:49 Was right up my alley. The history involved, the spooky stuff involved. I loved, I loved every second of it. It Speaker 1 00:37:56 Was so I think as someone who was born and raised in this area, I was born and raised within 20 minutes of Tacoma, Washington. And I had no idea the amount of shit that like has come out. Horrible stuff, horrible stuff. Horrific things. And the hauntings and the, all that kind of stuff. Like it was so for me it was insane to just sit there and listen to it. Cuz I was like, I've lived here my whole life basically. And I had no idea. I didn't know any of it. Um, but he has a really good TikTok. We'll, um, add the name of the ghost tour to the show notes. Yeah. It's pretty Speaker 0 00:38:30 Gritty tours. You can find them on TikTok. You can find them on Instagram. Yeah. Instagram you in the Pacific Northwest and can get to Tacoma. Highly recommended. It was just Speaker 1 00:38:38 A really tour. It was a really cool tour. Like of like whether you like haunted stuff or history or whatever. Like it was, it was super interesting and not everyone there was like believes in ghosts, but it was, it was, it was a very cool thing. And if, you know Mc Minis, which is this like six story bar, five star story bar. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:38:53 He's the old Elks Lodge. Yeah. Mc Minis is a company that takes old buildings, like old high schools and things like that and turns them into wild restaurant hotel type things. Speaker 1 00:39:01 Yeah. And so every level's like a different theme. And so they take you like through there and talk to you a little bit about it and show you some of the hidden bars. Speaker 0 00:39:08 Oh, did ask. Speaker 1 00:39:09 Oh it's of the energy when we walked to the speakeasy area area Speaker 0 00:39:13 Was it just slaps you in the face? Speaker 1 00:39:14 Yeah, I, it was actually making me physically nauseous and I don't know that I've ever had that happen before. Well there was Speaker 0 00:39:18 A little girl in the hallway. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:39:19 Yeah. You said that. Yeah. And I couldn't see her, but I could just, I just, all of a sudden I was like, not, I did not feel good. I was like, get me the fuck outta here and that I'm not, I don't get, I'm not claustrophobic it, I don't normally get like that. And it freaked me out that I, do Speaker 0 00:39:31 You remember agreeing to spend the night there? Speaker 1 00:39:34 To be clear, I don't know that I ever agreed to spend the night there. I'm Speaker 0 00:39:37 Pretty sure. Speaker 1 00:39:39 I'm pretty sure you and my husband both decided we're gonna, we're going to rent rooms and do a haunted night here. And I Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I don't think I ever said yes, but Speaker 0 00:39:47 He's your, your partner in life. He says it <laugh>. Anyway, Speaker 1 00:39:51 Point of the story is, is that we, the three of us go out and have a great time together and they fight like siblings half the time. Yeah. And I just like sit there and I'm, and cuz there's so much alike and I'll be like, what the fuck happened to my life? Just Speaker 0 00:40:04 You love every Speaker 1 00:40:05 Second. I'm very entertained. Very entertained. Here we are. Back to the moon. Speaker 0 00:40:09 Back to the moon. If you're not feeling in like you're in alignment given this halfway point in the year. And if you are doing anything, it's always good to check in. Right. So whether you're working on a project, whatever. So we're halfway through the year, let's check in if you're not in alignment, try meditating. Um, exercise. Yep. Exercise outside. Go for a hike, eat seasonal food. I'm checking with the positive. What's going well? What are you proud of? And that kind of goes back to that negative self-talk. Let's try positivity. Yeah. But it's good to, you know, enjoy the small simple things in life. And that's something that I've really tried to start working on. Like go outside in the garden with my daughter. Yeah. Let's water things like do the little things to kind of, this is also a good time to celebrate the fullness of the earth. Okay. The gardens are planted by now. Yep. You're looking forward to the first harvest with his, which is, um, August 1st is the first harvest. Okay. Holiday. I believe it's called Le Nua or llamas. Okay. Speaker 0 00:41:01 And so that's coming up at this point my garden's growing. Yeah. I haven't had any fruit yet, but it's getting there. Yeah. And that's kind of something else that signif that signifies this ki time of year. Yeah. So that's, those are the things you're supposed to do. So given that we are witchy women, the word that I hate, there's also crystals involved. There's other things involved. So there's some significant crystals that you can help align you with this full moon. Yep. Again, we've talked about this before. Everything has energy. Are they just rocks? Yes, they are just rocks. But each rock is made up of something different that has a different energy, that has a different vibration. And Speaker 1 00:41:42 If you also wanna go into, scientifically, if you take a tool that measures energy, which that they have tools like that crystals emit energy like way more energy than a normal rock does. Speaker 0 00:41:51 And being that we're all from the earth, we are all natural beans, we are going to pick up on that. Whether you believe it or not, you're picking up on other's energy, other things. Energy. Speaker 1 00:42:00 Energy. Yep. So, Speaker 0 00:42:01 So that's why there's certain crystals that align with different things. Yep. Is it magic? No, I don't believe that at all. No, it's Speaker 1 00:42:06 Energy. No, it's just energy. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:42:08 So there's, um, sunstone. Yep. Which is meant for dispelling fears and phobias. Okay. So that's good if you're having like a kind of, I'm not where I want to be. And then you start that negative thinking where Speaker 1 00:42:18 You start to spiral yourself. Where Speaker 0 00:42:20 You start to spiral. Which, hi, that's Speaker 1 00:42:22 Me. I, I feel like that's everybody. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:42:24 <laugh>. Um, so that's one good thing for that, which I need to go get some of that. Yeah. I don't Speaker 1 00:42:28 Think I have any, I know I don't have any stone. I don't think I have sunstone. My Speaker 0 00:42:31 Wedding ring is made out of moonstone. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:42:33 I love that. So pretty. Speaker 0 00:42:34 Mm-hmm <affirmative>. Um, the next crystal that would be good for this upcoming full moon is the golden healer quartz. And what that does is it shines light on what is holding you back. It's a crystal that has a very high vibration and it's said to have a high life force. I'm not really sure what that means, but I think just high vibration is Speaker 1 00:42:51 Interesting. Speaker 0 00:42:51 So if you're a lower vibration and you are around something that's a higher vibration, it can bring it up. Yeah. It Speaker 1 00:42:56 Will raise your vibration. Speaker 0 00:42:58 Another one is orange calcite. And it's the energy to move and amplify the good things. Okay. So to move energy through and to give the good things. All of these are very sunny colors, sunstone, golden healer, quarts orange. I Speaker 1 00:43:11 Don't think I have any of those. So I have a bunch of crystals, but I don't know if I have any of those. So now you're telling me to the star, going to going to the magical earth. Speaker 0 00:43:18 Magical earth Speaker 1 00:43:19 In enum cloth. Cause I feel like they'll have it. Speaker 0 00:43:21 So did you know I'm not a fan of shopping at Hobby Lobby? Personally. It's not. It's not something Why Speaker 2 00:43:28 <laugh> Speaker 0 00:43:30 Not brave enough to go into that. That was a joke. Speaker 2 00:43:33 <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:43:34 But I have a friend who went there and I tagged along with her Uhhuh <affirmative>. And they have stones. They have a big tub of stones for like 10 bucks. Yeah. And it's like, this one's all Jasper. This one's all like, they're real crystals. Yeah. In a tub. I actually made a reel while I was there and I put it to music and I entitled it. How many pagan things can we find at the Christian store? Yeah, because Speaker 1 00:44:00 It's a Christian face store. They're not, but on Sunday, they're Speaker 0 00:44:02 So many crystals. There was so many oils. There was, there was like the tree of life. Yeah. Like all these different things. It was, it was a pretty good rule. I, I was pretty proud of that one. But Speaker 1 00:44:12 It also is just like, if people would acknowledge that, like we've said before, it all kind of comes down to the same stuff. It doesn't, it all Speaker 0 00:44:17 Works together. It doesn't Speaker 1 00:44:18 Necessarily mean that you're woow if you believe in stuff comes from the earth. No. Which is also just like dumb that that's how they make it. Like in anything that like, oh, you're woo-hoo and witchy because you do things that align with the moon. Speaker 0 00:44:32 Yeah. Yeah. What, okay. Anyways, Uhhuh back to crystals. Citrine is the last one. I Speaker 1 00:44:39 Have a lot of, of ci love citrine. Speaker 0 00:44:40 Yeah. It's light and happiness. Abundance and it's a manifestation. Yep. So I have heard with citrine, if you hold it while you're trying to like meditate or manifest something. Yep. Just having that positivity involved in that. Yes. Do you wanna call it a ritual? You can call it a ritual. I don't care. Yeah. Like I feel like anything could be considered a ritual. I think last night when we got together around the bonfire and we're just Speaker 1 00:45:02 That Speaker 0 00:45:02 Communicating with each other and visiting with each other, that could be a ritual. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:45:05 It just depends. Depends on how you see it. Yes. But I know that, um, you also with crystals, when you are like meditating and holding in, you hold one hand means to, you're drawing in the energy of the crystal. Okay. And the other is releasing the energy of the crystal. I think it's your left hand is the one Okay. That you're drawing in with. And the right hand. I need to, I'll Speaker 0 00:45:23 Let's look that up cuz I think we should do that this weekend. Okay. Speaker 1 00:45:26 So I just did a quick Google on the, uh, looking. I went to the newspaper article, aka I went on TikTok. Um, and my favorite, like, I have a guy who teaches a lot about crystals. And so what I was saying is right, is so left hand, you're drawing in what you want from the crystals left Speaker 0 00:45:40 In, Speaker 1 00:45:40 Left in, right out. And that is, so a lot of times if you're trying to like, protect yourself or use a crystal, like a lot black crystals are really good for protection. Yeah. Like black obsidian, which I have around my neck. I wore it when we went on our ghosty tour. Speaker 0 00:45:52 I have 'em buried on each corner of my property. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:45:55 I have it too. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and but so if you're trying to protect, you would hold it in your right hand because you're then pushing that out to Yeah. Thing. But you're drawing in manifestation. So if you're holding your serine, if you're meditating, hold it in your left hand. Gotcha. Speaker 0 00:46:07 And then what you wanna get rid of, you hold in your right hand. Yes. And this was interesting in, in this article. Yeah. A k a TikTok that showed up. It said like somebody said, is this real? And he goes, I don't know, you tell me. And it lists all of the like, actual religions that believe this. So it was, so Speaker 1 00:46:24 It was, it's ancient cism Cabal is, am I saying that right? Cism Speaker 0 00:46:28 COism. Speaker 1 00:46:29 COism COism Buddhism. Yeah. Uh, TISM, Hinduism and Catholicism. Okay. Well, Speaker 0 00:46:34 The Catholic church. Speaker 1 00:46:35 The Catholic church. Which also, again, it's throughout the Bible too. This kind of stuff. They talk about it like, there's so many things. I Speaker 0 00:46:41 Don't know. Well, I mean, I know why things changed because they wanted control and, you know, to be able to really control their people. Uhhuh Speaker 1 00:46:48 <affirmative>. Speaker 0 00:46:49 But why it's so beautiful at its roots, it can be so beautiful. Right. Like women having more of an input in all of the ancient stuff, but whatever. That's, I'm outta my opinion. That's Speaker 1 00:46:59 That's, that's a, that is a discussion for another day. Another day, another day. Um, but yeah. So Crystals on this day, if you Yeah. Well now I'm gonna go get some of those crystals because I want Speaker 0 00:47:10 Agreed. Yeah, agreed. Um, another thing that is important to understand is full moons are, and seasonal changes are a really good time to change up your altar if you use one. Yes. So that's something that's really new to me. I don't know if I'd necessarily call it an altar. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But I do have a space in my home. My kids know that is my space. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I do put crystals there. I put candles there. I mean, people like candles, like in the Catholic church, you'd light a candle for a loved one. I'll light a candle for positive energy. I'll pull a card and put it there. But there are some things that you do need to do if you're gonna change out your alter. Again, this is all very personal. Yep. But this is something that I like to do in the change of seasons as well. Yes. Um, always clean and cleanse first. Yep. Take everything off of your space, wipe it down, and then cleanse it however you, you feel. I like to use incense to do so do Speaker 1 00:47:58 I those things. Yep. Incense is my favorite way to cleanse. Use the smoke of the incense around things and it clears the energy that was there. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 0 00:48:04 We're gonna, we're gonna tap into that in a minute too. Oh, okay. About cleansing versus other things. Okay. Um, some colors involved with the season. Um, pinks, reds, white greens, all those things like late spring, early summer. Um, you can do candle magic, which is not something that I am very familiar with, but I know you do a lot of, I love it. Candle magic. But like you said, I believe it was one of our episodes you said everybody does candle magic because when you sing Happy birthday and blow out a candle, you're Speaker 1 00:48:27 Doing, you make a wish. Speaker 0 00:48:28 Yeah. That's what Speaker 1 00:48:29 It's Speaker 0 00:48:30 So candles, uh, colors coincide with what your intentions are. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So if you need some financial help, green is the color to do. Yep. Like if you need some Speaker 1 00:48:40 Self-love is pink. Yeah. Or love in general is pink. Um, there's, Speaker 0 00:48:43 We're gonna do an episode on camp. I say I think you're gonna do an episode on camp. Yeah. I'll Speaker 1 00:48:46 Do. Yeah. Because I know that, I mean, I know it well. I do do it a lot. You do Speaker 0 00:48:49 It a lot. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:48:50 I actually haven't been doing any sort of my, I guess what I would call my witchy stuff with that for a while. I've taken kind of a break from it, which well, and I think Speaker 0 00:48:57 A lot because we've been so busy. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:48:59 But it's also is like killing me because I wanna get back into it. And so, um, but I'm gonna use this time and get my ultra back together cuz it, I had to move it into my closet to make room for the dog crate, um, for our puppy. But now the dog is not in the crate anymore. So. And yeah. Speaker 0 00:49:13 And maybe if that's what comes out of this episode is that we kind of regroup ourselves. Yeah. That's good. That's Speaker 1 00:49:18 What we need to do. Speaker 0 00:49:19 No, it is what we need to do. I completely agree. Um, fill the space with things from nature, flower shells, herbs. If you find a feather your moon water. Yep. Things like that. Speaker 1 00:49:28 I have oyster shells on mine that I've gotten from like Orcas Island, which is a very Yeah. Dear place to my heart. But then when I always, when you take things from nature, like thank nature. Yeah. Just like, thank it. Like, whoa mother, a mother earth God, source, whatever, whatever, whatever energy field you decide that is like aligned with it. But when you take it out, fake Speaker 0 00:49:44 It. My favorite thing on my altar is an acorn that a crow gave me. Yeah. So I did a lot of reading about training crows. Speaker 1 00:49:51 Oh my God, I really want you to do it. Freaking Speaker 0 00:49:54 Love crows. Well I started to, I started leaving little things out and then when I'd go out there, they'd all be watching me and I'd leave little treats out for them and eventually they would fly up to me. And what I read was, if you train the crows, crows will remember you negatively or positively. Speaker 1 00:50:07 Yep. They remember what you do for them. Yep. Speaker 0 00:50:09 Yeah. So now when I come home, they're usually sit on the, the, the peak of my porch. Yep. And they, they're greeting me there. And then one time I was outside cleaning up and a crow swooped down in front of me and left to make horn. Aw. And so I picked the thank you. Picked it up. And that's one of my prized possessions on my own love. That's Speaker 1 00:50:27 So cute. Speaker 0 00:50:28 I love it. I love my pros. So now we're gonna go into cleansing your home. That's something that I do like to do every full moon, just because it's a good time to really clean everything and then cleanse it out, get that energy Speaker 1 00:50:38 Out. And I just cleansed my house the other day cuz I wanted to make it, uh, real for it, like social media. And I wanted to cleanse, but I also felt the energy in my house just needed to, I needed to cleanse it. So I, I have incense that's called dragon's blood. And Speaker 0 00:50:50 You like that one or Frank Incen? Speaker 1 00:50:51 Yeah. I, and I have both. But if you're looking for like a good starter like Franken sensee or dragon's blood mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And to me dragon's blood smells the best. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> guys, it's not like dragon's blood. It's not real dragon. Speaker 0 00:51:02 No. It's a rein Speaker 1 00:51:02 To be clear. It's a resin. Um, but it smells delightful. And then you just go around to all the corners of your home. You get every room, you get every closet, you get everything in mirror Speaker 0 00:51:09 Mirrors, TVs, those Speaker 1 00:51:10 Are big ones. Yeah. And I like always tell them like, um, only the energy of love and light is allowed here. Anything else must leave any no negative energy is welcome and Speaker 0 00:51:19 You're just setting the tone for what energies you're gonna allow allow in your house. Yep. So it's good to set an intention. You can write it down. Yep. Or you can just speak it. And this just removes toxins from energies or relationships if there was a big fight, something like that. This kind of just because Speaker 1 00:51:34 When you fight, it's a Speaker 0 00:51:35 Healthy Speaker 1 00:51:36 Practice. Well when you fight, energy is in your home. Yeah. When you like different people bring other energies into your home. Yep. Like we had a birthday party here with a ton of people in it. So for me, I felt like there was a lot of energy in my house that was not mine. So I wanted to like, after we have Speaker 0 00:51:47 Guests, after, not that it was negative energy, but after we have guests, there's different energies in my house and I'd just like to kind of pull people bring Speaker 1 00:51:53 Different things. But you, I think anybody knows this when you're around like a couple who's toxic and fights all the time Yeah. Going into their house, you can feel that. Like it's, it's Speaker 0 00:52:00 Heavy. Well it's like when you walk in on an argument, you know, there was an argument cuz you can feel it, feel Speaker 1 00:52:05 The energy. Even if people are acting normal, you're like, man, I can tell. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:52:08 Yeah. So this is a good time to fully clean your home, to kind of move that energy wash your bedsheets. Yep. Every Speaker 1 00:52:14 Full moon. Speaker 0 00:52:14 Yep. Every full moon wash your bedsheets one just hygienic if you're gonna wash 'em. Right. Like, it's a good time to remember to wash your bedsheets too. It just kind of, it cleanses everything. Yep. Now this is something that we do need to, to touch on. I did not know this for a long time, but this is something that I have learned and so I've changed my practice a lot. Do not sage. Yeah. Do not talk about saging. Do not talk about smudging. Yep. This is a closed practice. Yep. That's for Native Speaker 0 00:52:38 American native communities. Yep. And it is considered cultural appropriation. Yep. Okay. Yep. So that we're just gonna, we're gonna say that. So when I talk about cleansing, I'm cleansing. Yeah. When I looked up the roots of cleansing, that really goes back to like Celtic Druidism Right. Things like that. And that's something that I'm attached to. So am I. So it's something that I'm going to, I'm just gonna be respectful. Yeah. That's all. That's that's what it is. We're being respectful. You can cleanse with, um, herbs, Cedar Bay. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Bay leaves are a good one to pro, uh, to cleanse with. Rosemary's good for purification and mug work. I need to find mug work. I, Speaker 1 00:53:12 I have a ton of it. What? I have mug board. Speaker 0 00:53:14 I wanna grow it. Oh. I wanna grow mug board. And it's said to grow around here really well, but when I went on a hike I couldn't find any of it. Well just Speaker 1 00:53:21 Go on Amazon though. I'll probably have seeds you can buy and true. Speaker 0 00:53:23 You can do that. Speaker 1 00:53:24 Amazon. Speaker 0 00:53:25 Um, my favorite way to cleanse now actually you taught me this because I would use herbs and stuff, but you taught me about incense. Speaker 1 00:53:32 Yeah. Just go around with incense. Speaker 0 00:53:33 Yeah. I think you bought me a pack of in you got me a pack of dragon blood. Yeah. And I've used that ever since. It's easy. Sometimes other things like herbs and stuff, you have to keep lighting. Yep. I can do a full stick of incensing at my whole house. Oh Speaker 1 00:53:44 I can half, half a stick for me. Yeah. Like it'll go through also like if you feel personally that you just don't feel like yourself and you this, whether you're spiritual or not and you just feel kind of off. A lot of times if you take a thing of incense and you put it around yourself like it's called you're cleansing yourself essentially. Yeah. You're resetting. You're resetting. It just helps get rid of people's energy that like mm-hmm. <affirmative> will get stuck to you. It makes, every time I cleanse I feel so much better afterwards. Like if I'm not feeling like myself, I feel so much better. And Speaker 0 00:54:12 We've done it when we've not been in the right mindset to record, we've stopped and cleansed. Or if our grounded, Speaker 1 00:54:16 If our stuff's not working Yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we'll uh, cleanse the electronics and that it works. Yeah. Immediately after every time. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:54:23 So with the incense, you just use what signif signifies your intention? Yeah. So like I said, I use mainly dragon or frankincense because I love frankincense. Yeah. Um, I have gotten other scs. I'm kind of sensitive to smells. Yeah. So some of them I just, I can't do. But frankincense and dragon's blood are solid. Sometimes I'll do a cedar one. Yep. Like around Christmas time you can find 'em just at the grocery store. Speaker 1 00:54:46 Yeah. Those are delightful. Speaker 0 00:54:47 Cinnamon stuff like that. Speaker 1 00:54:48 I have cinnamon as well. Yeah. But I stick to dragon's blood for me cuz it's protection and like, and I'm big about protection. I think I just said so many weird things happen that I like the protection and I like the smell of it. So my go-to is dragon's blood. Yep. Speaker 0 00:54:59 That's a good one. Sounds Speaker 1 00:55:00 Good guys. And it's on Amazon. Yeah. So all this you can get on Amazon. I mean Speaker 0 00:55:03 We have a grocery store here called WinCo half the time they have 'em on the end caps. Yeah. They have incense on the end caps. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:55:07 It doesn't need to be anything like blessed by or whatever. Just because Speaker 0 00:55:12 Whatever intention you put into something is what's Speaker 1 00:55:14 No, it's all about what you're putting in. So this is Speaker 0 00:55:16 Another way to cleanse that I found that. I think we should do. Okay. Maybe we'll do this on a full moon. We'll make some, it's make an an elemental elixir. Ooh. So it's got multiple uses. We're Speaker 1 00:55:25 Gonna make a potion, we're gonna make Speaker 0 00:55:26 A potion. Damn. But we have a spray that we get from one of our, um, metaphysical shops. Yeah. I love it. This smells good and kind of relaxes you. So this is basically making it yourself. It's multiple uses. You can use it personal, you can use it for your house. You can use it in the bathtub. Yep. Use any four ingredients that represent the four elements. Okay. Okay. Combine it in a pot and boil for 15 minutes. Pull it, strain it if you want. Pour it into a glass bottle. You can fill the rest with cheap vodka because that will preserve Speaker 1 00:55:53 Or um, rubbing alcohol or rubbing Speaker 0 00:55:55 Alcohol. Yeah. Yeah. And then just use it for a spray. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:55:58 You've put like crystals in it. You can put herbs, crystals, Speaker 0 00:56:00 Ins, herbs. Yeah. Any, Speaker 1 00:56:02 Anything. And I like, so I that's what you would use moon water for. You can also use your moon water in that and that a lot of people to boil mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. It to boil or, um, they don't, some people don't even boil it. They just pour it in with it and then put in the um, yeah. Whatever. Vodka or rubbing alcohol. So, and it Speaker 0 00:56:18 Makes you feel better. So use it. Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:56:20 <affirmative> essential oils. Speaker 0 00:56:21 Yep. Yep. You can put essential oils in there. I love the, the citrusy flavor. The Speaker 1 00:56:25 Scs sense. Speaker 0 00:56:26 Me too. That's what helps uplift me if I'm having a bad day. Especially in the winter when it's like seasonal depression time. Yeah. We all suffer from not, we all don't suffer from it. I suffer from it pretty bad. And sometimes just spraying some orange or some citrus or Speaker 1 00:56:38 Just lighting a citrus candle. I feel like you're sitting on a beach somewhere. Speaker 0 00:56:42 It helps. Yeah. It helps a lot. And you gotta do any little thing that just keeps, Speaker 1 00:56:46 But we don't see the sun a lot here in the Pacific Northwest. So, but Speaker 0 00:56:48 This spring's been really good. We have, Speaker 1 00:56:50 Yeah. We've had a great, we've had Speaker 0 00:56:51 A great spring. Speaker 1 00:56:51 Yeah, we have. We Speaker 0 00:56:52 Kind of just went to the summer, knock on wood. Speaker 1 00:56:54 Oh, Speaker 0 00:56:54 There's someone at the door. You think it's Speaker 1 00:56:55 Cat or a dog? Speaker 0 00:56:56 That, that is what I have for the strawberry moon. So we will be celebrating. I hope you will be celebrating again. It's June 3rd. Speaker 1 00:57:04 Yeah. So this will come out on Thursday. The Speaker 0 00:57:06 First the second. Second. Yeah. Isn't Thursday the second? Oh Speaker 1 00:57:10 Yeah, you're right. It is. Yeah. Yeah. So first is Wednesday. So this will be coming out on the second. So if you have any questions about um, like if you want to do something and you never have like feel free to DM us. Yeah. Or email us and like let us know and we'll tell you we're not experts. But at the same time, like what is an expert in this? Like you do what what feels right. But if you want Speaker 0 00:57:26 That's right to you. It's all personal and the, the energy of the full moon is typically peaks 24 hours before and after. So if you miss it on the day of, it's okay. Yeah. It's okay. Oh yeah. No, Speaker 1 00:57:37 It's within, it's within like the day before and the day after. Yeah. The day you can get the energy from it. Which we all know because that's when everyone acts a little batshit crazy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Hopefully this energy will be like, everyone's out there. I don't know. It sounds like it's a good uh, just say sexy moon. Speaker 0 00:57:52 That's what it's to get some sexy mood. Go get it. Great. Speaker 1 00:57:55 Yeah. Go, go get some two days before my husband's birthday. So good. Carlos Speaker 0 00:57:59 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:58:02 But also like it's a good time to charge your crystals if you already have crystals. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you put them out in the moonlight that charges them. I always cleanse them first, then I charge them and they're charged with the energy of that moon. That's why like sometimes you have to be cautious of what energy you're charting them under what moon it is. Cuz it's not always the energy that you want in your crystals. Right. But to me this energy sounds like one that I want in. It's a good way. Everything. I'm gonna get some good water out of it and Speaker 0 00:58:24 Yeah, Speaker 1 00:58:25 Yeah, yeah. Make it work. Speaker 0 00:58:26 So if you have any questions about that, any stories, any suggestions on how you celebrate the Full Moon, you can email us at lunatic soup podcast Speaker 1 00:58:36 Or on TikTok and Instagram Lunatic Soup podcast and YouTube as well. Yeah. YouTube lu. We're there Lunatic Speaker 0 00:58:43 Soup podcast on YouTube, right? Speaker 1 00:58:44 Yep. We're on all three of those. Um, and this was definitely much more calm than what our Yeah, well I guess not last few. We've two that we haven't released yet. That we both were dying laughing at ourselves because we were Speaker 0 00:58:55 Dying, Speaker 1 00:58:56 We were unhinged, we'll call it. Um, so this was definitely a more like chill episode. We're our vibes are chill today. Our Speaker 0 00:59:02 Vibes are chill. And I think that everybody needs that. You know, it's gonna be an ebb and flow Speaker 1 00:59:07 And this episode too is not gonna be everyone's Well, and like we said, not every episode's gonna be someone's cup tea. No. And that's okay. And this is much more spiritual than it is like listening to a haunted story or whatever. Yeah. And if so, if this isn't your jam, no worries. But Speaker 0 00:59:19 I got some good haunted stories. Speaker 1 00:59:20 I know. And I'm excited for it. I'm really excited. She has some really cool stuff that we were talking about the other night that I'm excited to record because I feel like those Speaker 0 00:59:27 Yeah. They go well. And hopefully we can get an interview with Chris from Pretty Great Horse soon. Yes. That Speaker 1 00:59:33 Would be really good. Good. And then you're talking about your lovely mother-in-law. My Speaker 0 00:59:36 Lovely mother-in-law. Hopefully Speaker 1 00:59:38 Like we can, she will maybe come and do a tour with, Speaker 0 00:59:41 With us on Ty Tours. Cause I asked him, I'm like, so can we do like an actual like investigation tour? Speaker 1 00:59:47 Yeah. He was saying how haunted Stadium high school is so most, and Speaker 0 00:59:50 That's if you don't know that, that's the high school from 10 things I Hate About You, which you were Heath Speaker 1 00:59:54 Ledger and he danced on the stairs Speaker 0 00:59:56 High Speaker 1 00:59:56 School. Well, and then they told us that where he's dancing on those stairs, how haunted that football stadium is. Yeah. And how like where there's lot of Speaker 0 01:00:04 Built Yeah. There's lots of graves Speaker 1 01:00:06 Under there. Oh my God. And when he was talking about that, I was like, damn, that is wild. Like, it's crazy. But so he does do, um, tours at Stadium and that's the one I feel like it would be really cool with, um, your mother-in-law. Speaker 0 01:00:18 Yeah. I think a lot of 'em would be really cool. Um, yeah. To go on and to do. I'm actually down for any ghost tour, any investigation. I am here for it. Uh, Raina has like a glazed overlook in her eye right now. Now there's one ice closing and one I'd pop it up. It's a great image, you know. Oh, Speaker 1 01:00:35 I look really pretty. Um, not Speaker 0 01:00:37 <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:00:38 Um, no, you, we all know how I feel about it guys. We all are aware. I'll do it. We all are. Speaker 0 01:00:42 She's gonna do it no matter what. What is that? Um, Elise Myers on social media, TikTok. Yeah. She has that, that saying like, I was born with the I can do anything. Jesus. Yes. That is literally, that's me. No. Which Speaker 1 01:00:55 I actually, I, I think I have a part of that gene. Like, if I just wanna do something, I'm like, fuck it, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I don't let a lot hold me back in life. And that is a good thing. But unless zombies and werewolves Speaker 0 01:01:06 Oh, Speaker 1 01:01:07 And Jaws, Speaker 0 01:01:08 We're gonna watch shows. I know. I'm actually really excited. Me too. Speaker 1 01:01:11 But yeah. But I guess I'll, I'll go and go hunting. I'll go with your mother-in-law because your mother-in-law is like, not that you're not legit, but like she's, Speaker 0 01:01:19 I'm sorry what? You're Speaker 1 01:01:20 Legit. But your mother-in-law's like Speaker 0 01:01:21 No, she's been doing this for like 15 years. Let's go. Speaker 1 01:01:24 I mean, I trust you too, Meg, but no Speaker 0 01:01:26 You don't. Speaker 1 01:01:27 Yes, I do. Speaker 0 01:01:29 <laugh> Speaker 1 01:01:31 Thank you for joining Speaker 0 01:01:32 Us in this episode and I hope you can see the range of episodes that we're going to have. Yeah. Um, I think we've kind of covered 'em all now with the more spiritual, the crypted Yeah. The haunted, the witchy, all of those things. Speaker 1 01:01:42 All those things. I feel like those are our categories. Yeah. Yeah. We've covered 'em all. And um, so we're just Speaker 0 01:01:46 Gonna keep rolling with it. If you have a story that you kind of want us to Yeah. Go over Speaker 1 01:01:50 Please. That's another thing. Email me. I think, uh, meeting with the grit city. Gritty city. Is that what it's Gritty city. Gritty city. Um, pretty Speaker 0 01:01:57 Gritty tourists. Speaker 1 01:01:57 Yeah. He had a lot of really good Pacific Northwest. Um, ghost stories, which we've done a lot on like New England based woods. Um, because Speaker 0 01:02:04 I'm from New England, so it's what I, there's Speaker 1 01:02:07 Also just a lot of stuff over there. Yeah. Which, you know, and we're also very aware that like a lot of stuff here is Native American based and we wanna be very respectful. Respectful and not tell stories that we are not entitled to tell and correct all the things. So we're, you know, but if you know of any haunted things that are like, not necessarily based off that, that are something else mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like we would love to hear about it. Yeah. If you have any suggestions. Like, my cousin texted me the other day and he was listening and he was like, you have to do the ch Chpa cbra. Oh, Speaker 0 01:02:33 It's coming up. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:02:34 And I was next. So protect campfire. Yes. And I was like, chpa cobras up. So if you have anything that you're like, Ooh, this is my favorite, like, you guys should do an episode on it, like sand it in. Yeah. And we actually do have some stories from listeners. Yeah. We just, uh, are, haven't gotten our lives together to read them at the end of an episode yet. We Speaker 0 01:02:51 Read one and we're kind of going out of order because we wanted this episode to come out in correspondence. Right. With the full moon. We, we have an alien one and we got an, um, close encounter story. It's actually pretty terrifying. Speaker 1 01:03:02 It is terrifying. And we have a sleep paralysis story too, which we'll do at the end of a haunted one probably. Yeah. And we're trying to correlate the stories to, um, whatever episode we're dropping. Yeah. So that kind of like, makes sense. But who knows? Maybe we won't. We'll we'll see how that goes. We'll see how it goes. Just get our lives together. But anyways, thank you guys for listening. Yeah. Thanks for Speaker 0 01:03:18 Listening. We'll see you next week. Speaker 1 01:03:19 Bathe in the energy of the moon and, uh, Speaker 0 01:03:22 Refocus. Refocus, Speaker 1 01:03:23 Refocus. Feel good. Get your, get your, Speaker 0 01:03:25 We made it through the first half of the year. We're gonna make it through the second half of the year. And the second half of the year is gonna be so much better than the first. Speaker 1 01:03:31 Yes. And harness. Harness that sexy energy and enjoy your weekend. Do it, do it. Get some soup. All right. Bye. Bye.

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